Chapter 34 I will not save you part 2

"Oh that kid Obi started a fight with her thats all" said Raga.

Lieg as he was moving closer towards Ulia, placing his right hand on your shoulder as he thought to himself.

(Obi huh figures… out of everyone in the village I would guess him and his group would be the least in favor in leaving the churches good grace).

"But still it was unnecessary for you to be getting this serious about that" Lieg asked Ulia.

"Are you truly their leader",

Raga asked, before Ulia could answer him.

"Leader?… wouldn't be the right choice of words but they do listen to me… well, sometime" Lieg reply,

"Then I shall I ask you, we understand the situation now. But we have no power to defend ourselves outside this village, If we were to rebel against the church's will, we will surely lose".

Lieg thought about it for a minute and reply "That is true".

Raga then continued in a gentle tone,

"You seem like a man of great honor you've defended us even though you've only known us for a few months".

Lieg just stared at him and replied,

"If you want to see it that way sure".

"All we ask is for your protection our hero",


"You won't fight for us",



"Seems like a lot of work".

After hearing this the crowd started to panic again,

"Please just save my children",

"What kind of righteous hero are you?",

"Are they going to abandon us",

"It's him he's the leader, then he's the one that told them to say that",

"How cold hearted can you be you would leave us here to die",

"Just please help us",

"You guys really are demons",

"Maybe it would have been better off going with the Beretta Kingdom".

With a powerful stomp on the ground,

(Sfx Tremor)

"Since when has my Village been such spineless cowards!!" Tetso shouted in rage,

"Hhmmm… I see, that explains her reaction.

"Well I'm not much, on playing the bait" said Lieg as he pats Ulia on her shoulder going over to the chief.

"It's okay chief… I got this, Old man Raga was it?",


"And the people of Rengma, You want our help right",

"Yes" They shouted in unison.

"So what's in it for me?" Lieg with a bright smile on his face,

"What… what do you mean" Raga asked.

Lieg lean his head to the side and reply "Well obviously if I'm going to risk my life in 'helping' you guys in this problem I should be compensated for my troubles".

Raga's gentle, calm persona shifted as he shouts "Do you think we can put a price on our lives?",

"I don't know, can you" Lieg reply has he shrugged his shoulder.

Raga stepped back confused by his response, Lieg then looked over to the villagers but what he saw was that no one was even attempting to answer.

"Well can you since you're clearly putting my life on a lower value than yours clearly your allies should have some decent amount of value?".

"No… that wasn't our intention, we just assumed since you've helped us before".

"I would go out of my way to attack an entire kingdom for you?, you do know that that's basically what you're asking me to do".

"But you and the chief made an-",

"Me and the chief here did not make any agreement like that" Lieg interrupts one of the villagers answer while leaning over to where he's hearing the voice coming.

"So you're just going to abandon us here to die?",

Hoku asked Lieg looked over to him and asked,

"So what do you expect me to do?, my original agreement with the chief was to supplying with a few potions, new trading routes. And in return I'll be granted a piece of land outside of the village to build my own with the insurance. If needs be I would a assisting with some of his trading prices, and if needs be hire merchants for his protection. So protecting you was not out of the kindness of my heart, just business".

"Then you are going help us then",

As the the villagers heard that they started to, "So he's going to save us",

"No didn't you hear before he's trying to rob us",

"Yeah what kind of man would try to price on a village's protection",

"When the church was protecting us didn't even ask for a cent other than offering".

After hearing the crowd murmur amongst each other, Lieg crossed his arms listening to everyone talk shaking his head.

"I see, that explains it" he said.

"Before coming here I had heard your village had the most resilient people this region to offer, so I found it odd why most of you guys would be so dotile even in these circumstances".

Lieg lean his head back and reply,

"You see you guys are misunderstanding the definition of helping out of kindness, what you had was complete dependency. You have been fed so much you have forgotten what it's like to feel hungry, but are fed just enough to leave you wanting more".

After hearing this one of the villagers replied "That's not true we can survive on our own",

Lieg then looked forward at the crowd.

"So tell me when was the last time you guys help the church",


"So you never done anything for them and they have continually helped you?",

"We didn't have to help them they just did it first if their own they had no need for anything in return".

"Ouch that's where you're wrong I mean… you did say they helped you they can't be free of cost that wouldn't be helping surely you know there was a cost for all that helping".

"No they did this out of the goodness of their",

"Heart is that what you're going to say so tell me what is their heart telling them now… oh they've done enough for you so please leave the land".

"B…but we cant just-",

"If you agree with their kindhearted gestures that kept you going why, don't you go with what their heart says now… that you should all die".

"No that's not what I meant",

"Really, what did you meant… I'm sorry I can't get what you meant just like you cant understand what the church meant. And for you old man tell me can you really survive on your own".

Striking a nerve Raga replied pridefully, "Our village was base on this plateau by my grandfather with intention of living in solidarity, away from major kingdoms and their Wars. We profit from selling our weapons I having the most unique crafts throughout the kingdoms across these lands. Our forefathers before us made the decision of staying out of the war while still playing a fundamental part".

Lieg then with a smirk on his face, "Yet you allowed to church come and make a profit off of your men taking them into their ranks bringing their own religions, teaching and mindset on your people causing them to even right now at this moment with the church showing their true intention of massacring you all. I can bet there's a glimmer of hope in each and everyone of you, that the church will come and save 'you' not your people you for being a strong believer".

With cold sweat dripping from his forehead Raga remain quiet,

"So tell me by all means what parts of that is better than what you were before, almost half of your productions have been renamed as Holy Ray Casteel. They now control almost all your trading routes, and weapon merchants so even if your village were to be destroyed today. They would still be able to reproduce, redistributes and profit off of your people's blood and sweat. So yeah they had a good heart in this".

Both Raga and Hoku were left speechless, "So like she said there's no really saving anyone in this world, you're just leaving them in a worser state than they were before".

Ulia the added "Depending on them so long has made you weak and pathetic, so they never saved you in the first place".

Lieg uncrossed his arm, has he place them in his pockets.

(Sfx Sigh)

"To help you right now, I would be your next dependency so I will not save you".