Chapter 35 I'll be the bad guy.

"Yo, yo" Tetso turn to Lieg signaling him down and whispered,

"I don't like the way you put that boy, don't make a sound as if we've been tamed".

Lieg leaned down towards Tetso and reply,

"Just go with it for now",

Raga then said "First we were dogs too afraid to fight on our own, now we're Tamed beasts unable to defend our home?. Right now push to the corner but the only choice in mine is to run away from our home to hide in the bushes with monsters like cowards just how much more description can you give us the underline problems is. While we do have a great relationship with that Village, we have never once wanted to leave this home we fought so hard to built. But we don't have the military power to go against an entire kingdom".

(He's not going to let this topic go down easy, guess I'll play my part better),

Lieg thought has he looked towards the Village and replied in a casually calm tone.

"Then you should be able to give me something equal in value in return to help you, no".

Trying to keep out the idea of staying to protect the village out of the villagers minds. Raga then,

"Like we said before we don't have anything of worth to you, here we're just simple blacksmith selling weapons whatever is in our power we'll give it to you".

Lieg Looks at the villagers, at Raga, Hoku, Obi and the chief with a gentle smile you would see on a saints. Tetso recognizing that smile could only make a loud sigh knowing something outrageous was about to be said.

(I'm starting to get a good read on these guys, by playing with the frantic emotions of the rest of the villagers. They are able to instill their own goals on them, whatever it's to stay and get destroyed or run to the destroyer for compassion)

"Well you guys… what I want is simple for your protection and your livelihood, all I need in return is… your village I guess".

(The only way to get them to go with the chief, is to remove this dependency they have on outside power)

"The Village?",


(For that)

"Meaning the Village",

"The very land you're standing on yes",

(I can play the bad guy)

"F…for real",


Everyone looked around at each other checking to see if anyone had any more questions to ask then

"How the hell is that helping us!!" The villagers shouted in unison, as Raga and Tetso hung their head down with a cold sweat running down both.

(What the hell is wrong with this person, he won't protect us from an invading Kingdom but he wants the village for himself that's going to be invaded. He's not even making sense anymore)

The confused Raga thought but the chief understands their confusion as well as the reason why he said that remain quiet.

"Tetso what's the meaning of this, I thought you guys came to an agreement" Raga shouted.

"And how is this any different than what the Beretta Kingdom had planned for us, I told you guys we would have been better off asking the church for help" asked Rofu who was finally able to regain consciousness a while back from being drained.

Lieg unable to hold back,

"Ppffttbb, hahaha, you guys… you guys really think the church is going to help the people they're going to kill you to cover up for their misdeeds, honestly".

Elika Obi's woman one of the two holding him up irritated by him respond.

"What do you know sure they might have been some bad egg within the church, but we were always taken in with warm hearts".

"Yea that true… sure there might be a few that didn't approve of our existence, but the church in general has always been there for us they've helped us through thick and thin" said Rito.

"I still say even if they had a part in this you should be able to prove it to us, our people would have been starving and without work for years without their help. And Naga a village filled with non-human intelligent life can't even compare" said Rofu.

"Help huh…"

(Either didn't hear what I just said or... they're refusing to listen… wait, I think two of them was knocked out during my speech).

Raga then took over to add, "For generation our Village has lived in peace with the church, at the end of the day we are only by blacksmiths, as I said without their commissions we won't be able to be living on this plateau by ourselves. While I do not question that there must have been some misdoing on their part within this whole attack I still believe if we are able the contact the few priests that we know, we should be able to come to an understanding on this whole event and find those responsible for selling out to the Beretta Kingdom".

Some of the villagers started to mumble with each other in agreements with what he was saying, brought back a smile on Raga's face has he thought.

(Good you had me worried there, but then you're just a outsider you'll never understand the mind of the villagers).

But then Lieg looked at the chief then look back. The villagers and shrugged his shoulder as he said,

"Ok, so let's go with that",

"Huh" reply Raga,

"I said let's go with that".

"What" reply Raga,

"It's simple really, as you said before what I'm doing is no better than the others. I'm still taking your land with the promise of protecting you during your travel to Naga as well as negotiating as well as supporting builting a new safe home for you" Lieg reply in a condescending tone.

"But thats not what was sa-",

Raga was stop short "I know, I know that's option two" said Lieg.

"So are you telling us to choose" ask Hoku,

"Yea… what did you think I was planning on forcing you guys to live, no, no you have three options in this option one refuse my offer of protection all together and I'll leave this Village alone for your impending doom.

Option.two: You guys who still believe the church is there to protect you and to help you can go there.

Option three: You accept my offer to help until we reach our mutual destination".


Tetso, Raga, Hoku, Koki, Rito, Faki, Elika, and all of the other Villager unable to make a single complaint with his options.

"Well then" as he turns around.

"You guys can figure out amongst yourself what you're going to do, I'm going to get some rest for tomorrow" While heading back towards the direction of the Tetso homes.

"Hey boy!" Tetso shouted breaking the awkward silence,

Catching the attention of the other villagers.

"Yea old man" Lieg turns his head to reply,

"Why are you heading to my home?",


They both looked at each other with a stern expression. Lieg the first to break the awkward silence with a single cold sweat running down his forehead.

"Dude… my house is destroyed",

Tetso stroking his long beard "Did you ask if you can stay",

Another cold sweat appeared, "Chief...just saved your life",

"Did you ask if you can stay",

Another cold sweat appears "Chief... sir, I'm only staying the night",

"Did you ask if you can stay".


Another awkward silence filled the air,

"Can I please-",

"Either way you can't stay there",


"Your two girls over there happened to destroy a few building protecting the villagers from the lieutenant last attack, so I had already made arrangements for the villagers who lost their homes to stay in the Guild Hall on the first floor of my home".

"Oh I see, but what about my girls",

"Uhmmm, they can stay at my house" Tetso reply.

"Ok… so why them though?",

"While the men in the Village stock up on the necessaries for the long travel I'll task one of the younger boys to keep an eye on the ladys in one place for the night, we don't know when we may be attack again. There's a possibility of a second wave at night".

"So that's why I can't stay at your place",


"So why did you make it sound as if you were going to allow me to stay there if I had said please".

The old man then looked at him made a bright boastful smile and announce,

"Easy you were acting a bit too arrogant for a while boy, since you won't be our savior obviously you're going to be our bodyguard so get to work with the rest of the men it's almost high noon so you and guys should be able to pack up, and get everythings ready before nightfall".

(Sfx Clap)

All right man let's get a move on!",

Ulia then slowly raise her hand so wipe her face covered in dirt with the right nostril bleeding has she asked.

"Before that chief might a gets some alone time with my king over there in your house it'll only take a second?".

"Uhmmm, sure I guess",

"Well then I guess we'll take our leave" Ulia says as Rizette dustes off her head. Well covering up the back of her burned and torn dress not to reveal her panties from behind with her other hand.