Chapter 36 One Man Pillar

Has all three were out of sight on their way to the chief's house,

"How could you?!".

Shouted the half conscious Obi being hold arm by arm by Hoku and Rofu at Tetso.

"What now are we just going to follow his orders, are we just going to take his word for it that the church is bad" asked Obi.

Tetso then looked straight in Obi's face and asked.

"Then are you able to call me a liar, we weren't just randomly attacks boy".

"But the church",

"Was in on it all along I heard it from the general's mouth, and he had no reason nor care to lie to a man he was about to kill".

"I can speak for everyone when I ask, are we really going to choose a village of somewhat intelligent monsters over a human capital" Elika asked.

Obi added "That's right, sure they are somewhat of a branch family of this village with some relatives still there which allows us to trade even with the Monster Republic. Even so at the end of the day there are monsters, I rather be with people of my kind",

"Then are you willing to risk the life of every single person here, just to suit your comfort to be with one of your kind that is willing to kill every single person here just to save face" asked Tetso.

Obi was silence as Tetso continued.

"Now listen to me every last one of you, I have already made my decision we are going Naga".

"But chief",

"Our home",

"Our business",

"How will we survive",

"Can't you just ask them to stay and protect us here?".

The crowd started to ramble.

"Surely I'm hearing things!, you would ask me to beg stranger for our protection, how long has it been… how long ago have my people's spines been rusted away!".

The chief shouted absolutely pissed off with veins on his forehead pulsing. The villagers was silenced,

"Do you honestly think I want this abandoning my home, do you honestly think that if I believe that I had even a fighting chance of surviving a squadrons from either side while protecting every last one of you in this Village that I would have made such a rash decision. Even my pride as limits I know now… I'm too weak to protect this Village. I know that I was wrong to believe I could be the only protector of this Village, believing that I alone could keep you out of harm's way was just".


All the villagers were left speechless, this strong stoic take no BS attitude leader they've known for years. Standing in front of them half most of their size still earn their honor, while still spoke in the stern crowd resonating voice he always has what's visibly trembling gripping his fist out of the frustration of how powerless he was. The man who didn't even shed a tear when his son abandoned his home, the same old man who fought fiercely to take back his daughters from savages only to lose her again, was holding in the visible tears around the rim of his eyelid.

Due to his Feats of Strength, his words of wisdom and his overall prideful attitude They all forgot he was just a man, anchoring all the burden of his villagers on his shoulder willingly taking the role of their savior. Realizing all the pressure they have put on this small old man, some of the older villagers could not help but turn their faces in shame all except Raga.

Tetso "But that still doesn't change the fact that they had their eyes on this land for sometimes and we just played along with them until they were ready to take it from us at a moment's notice. My poor children I have truly spoil you, you don't know the horrors of war, if you never learn how to fight for something how can you protect the things that you have… I've always tried I keep my Village, my family safe… have I not?. Now there's a battle coming and it's a battle that I can't win right now, so we may give up our land but I will never give up my people for those who will follow me I welcome you for those who question me, I accept your decision".

After hearing the chief speech right then and there, almost all villagers had made their decisions,

"Where are we supposed to start" asked one of the villagers.

"It's simple take what we can, leave what we must, we can't focus on anything else, our people come first food and supplies come second".

The men shook their head in agreement, and proceeded the split up into different duties.

"Now I want all the female listen up the food and clothing, I'll leave that up to you the men we're going to need a bigger speedmana wagon than the one we use to travel to the kingdom with went selling weapons, get to work on making a bigger one. We move out at sunrise tomorrow that means you boys all have plenty of time to do what's necessary now get to work".

Tetso looks at them with a boastful smile,

"Ha, ha, damn! same old Chief I guess, what a Spartan it's almost noon that means we only have half a day to get all this ready"said one of the villagers has they started to scatter to do their assigned jobs.


Even though they're more docile when it comes to fighting, when it comes to their bread and butter blacksmithing no one can compare. Within hours they managed to make half a dozen upgraded steeled speed Mana wagons capable of carrying ten each, while some were stacking their weaponry, some getting the carts ready, the female were stocking up the food and clothing, even Obi who retain consciousness decided to customize his own wagon to manage more people combining two older models together, some manning the outside Gates to the west and to the east of the village to notify the villagers.