Chapter 38 Be a leader or the tail


Later that evening while the men finished preparing all the necessaries, for the long trip ahead. As soon as it got dark they found themselves at Raga's house to have a private meeting while all the females stayed at the chief's house with a few men at the outskirts of each corner of the village as well as Rizette keeping an eye out on those said man for their protection.

"Uhmmm So… why are you watching me exactly Hoku?" Lieg asked,

"I've been told to keep an eye on you so you won't hear what's going on in the meeting" Hoku reply sitting on the opposite side of the room on the second floor next to the char remains of the Chief's bedroom.

Holding one of the village's greatest creation, a weapon passed down from generations before the Khanda Zhali. A slightly curved double edge blade, getting broader to the end, basket shaped cloth wrap gray hilt, a round tip with an interlocking gray and black spiral layered damascus design meeting in the fuller. Legends says that it's been able to slay dozens of common dragon, that used to inhabited this plateau which was key in creating this Village.

"You didn't even try to hide that fact did you… well don't care either way so I'll act according to our deal. So you guys are perfectly sa-",

"Also the men told me I'm charge of keeping an eye on you and their wives" Hoku interrupting by continuing.

"W…what, me, I would never do such a thing, you guys know me long enough right" As cold sweat started to drip from his forehead has he replied turning his face away from Hoku.

They stay on both sides of the room in an awkward silence, for a while.

"Also where is the fire one" Hoku asked,

"Oh she went to the river to the west down the plateau to wash off" said Lieg has he does a satisfied smirk.

Going over to where Ulia is,

(Sfx Splash)

"God dammit!, wait till I get my hands on him I'm going to roast him" has she vigorously scrubbing off her body in the river hitting the water repeatedly in fits of rage.

Unbenounced to her was that she was in a group of Bandits territory down to plateau,

"Look boss what did I tell you this bitch has been screaming all evening, I don't even think she was trying to hide her presence on our turf" said one of the bandits.

"Well that's not going to fly, not being able to take care of that bastard of a iron chief up there. If the plan failed, we can certainly use this chick over here as a hostage… after we had our fun with her that is".

The crew of over thirty men hiding in the bushes started to chuckle, at the idea has a gazed upon her body glistening from the moonlight dripping wet. Flipping her hair out of the water, head of the band it says "You beautiful sinner".

(Well she is helping with cleanup duty, so I let her off) Lieg thoughts as he smiled.

Hoku wonder why he was so gleeful about it, but immediately shift his thoughts elsewhere has he asked.

"Be honest with me is there really no way of us protecting this Village?".

Lieg reading the atmosphere immediately switched into serious mode as he reply,

"Hmmmm... and what would you have your people do, the children, females, seniors fight to the bitter end as they're slaughtered in minutes".

Hoku remain silent, "I'm honestly not stopping you really, it's your choice".

Hoku on the opposing side of the wall staring, right in front of Lieg. Clenching his fists with frustration unable to give a self satisfactory answer,

"I know, I'm just a blacksmith son… and I know there must be something bigger at foot here. But… its just not right, calling me out being unable to give an answer to my own choice was a good move?. Thats what hurts the most, thats your actually in the right. While it may be mine firmest belief, that the land I grew up on must be protected by our own hands, is so limited of choices right now that I have to hope it's really mine to choose?. I can't even defend my own house, much less The Village… and now you're telling me choose. All I've ever done is listen to the chief, the Church, Raga and Obi. Now even though they are powerless against this, should I just do what everyone else is doing and just comply".

"So what do you want?" Asked Lieg,

"Didn't you hear me that was never in consideration, we're are at the end of the food chain no matter what decision is made" said Hoku.

"Then change that" Lieg added.

"Ha, I wouldn't know where to start" reply Hoku.

"Then you can start from here" said Lieg,

"What" reply Hoku,

"Like you said you've been listening to way too many people, clearly by now you're seeing some flaws in there views, but it was so much easier to listen to them than to do something on your own wasn't it" said Lieg.

(Even I who haven't been here very long could see how he and the other youths idolizes Obi, always following him around he believes he'll guide him, and possibly protect the village someday just like everyone else in this Village being the nephew of the chief. Even so) Lieg thought.

"Decisions were already made without us even being in the house" Hoku added,

" Are you going to just accept it then?".

" Well complaining about it certainly doesn't make it any better" added Hoku,

"So then why complain just go with the status quo" said Lieg.

"...Not sure if that's the right way to go anymore, but I've been going with it for so long, how could I just get up and change. I wouldn't even know where to start".

"But here is a chance to make a new start, like you said before you couldn't even defend your own home that's somewhere to start, no one is born a soldier even a blacksmith can become one. You have to push yourself cuz no one else will do it for you, but to do that you must have a goal, something that will drive you keep you from fading on the battlefield while burning in your chest to drive you forward. All it takes is this moments, come out of the shadows of your great forge your own path".