Chapter 39  The Decision

Unable to control himself,

"So that means I can fight for what's just and defend our village to the last dying breath?" Hoku shouted springing up off the floor after hearing Lieg speech.

But Lieg just looked at him as if he was looking at a crazy person and said in a slow tone,

"Uhmmm… no, you idiot, you'll die making no difference whatsoever in the outcome of the village. I said make a start, I never said try and immediately get yourself killed for no damn good reason".

The now embarrassed red face Hoku just sat back down quietly, has he heard chuckling coming from downstairs from the ladies.

"So where do I start?" He asked huddling himself more to the corner,

"I don't know, maybe something small and manageable… do you see something like that you can protect right now?.

"My family",


"My family, I can start by focusing my attention on protecting my family. My grandfather, my little sister they're the only ones I have left".

"There you go, you can go with that but first you have to decide to be the one that protects them and not wait on anyone", he stood up back proudly to said with a wide grin on his face.

"You don't have to tell me that… I know… that, I'll-".

(Sfx Thud)

But stop mid-sentence has his body falls back to the floor, right on his face with Lieg now slowly getting up.

"Ouch… that should be enough to keep you out for a while, I told you to sit back down otherwise the gas would have just had you go to sleep gently" he whispered looking over Hoku's unconscious body.

(Air magic: Aério Ýpnou, this kid is something all right only 17 years old and is willing to die for his village". He then turns towards the door while stretching his arms out followed by a big yawn, has he continued "Seems like a waste of energy for me… but it's something worth dying for, at least for him. Still I wonder if he's able to climb out of the shadow of his heroes, it's a pity he doesn't understand a lineage that green hair of his has).

"Now then"

As he took his time going down the steps to the first floor, the younger females had already, separated themselves from the elders. The cast slowly flow down, putting all the seniors to sleep, has he made this way down going over there sleeping body. He looks out on about twenty females mixed with single and married, with a smutty smile on his face has he said.


The light from the windows shines on the silhouettes, gathered in a bunch. The first to open their eyes was Lieg, apparently he was the first one to wake up out of the group after what happened last night. He wokes up to the sense of tripping sweats over his face, due to him having one of the village woman's breast on his face covering it. Realizing that she's not waking up anytime soon, the first thing that he did was to give her a gentle bite on her breast.


As she rolls over off his face, to rest her back on his chest. A boastful smile appeared on his face as he said,

"Well… I had to say my goodbyes".

But after saying that a cold chill went down his spines as a calm gentle voice whispered,

"Oh… so, you're ready to die then?", has he looks above him only to see Rizette staring down at him on top of one of the girls face, that he's was on top of.


He thought. "Hey beautiful" he said,

"Hey cheating bastard" she replied with a gentle smile,

"So I'm just wondering",

"Yeah… what's wrong",

"Why exactly should I be getting ready to die".

Then while carrying a blank childish expression on her face points her her right index finger towards the door across the room and said.

"Well, about five of the wife's husband that you're currently laying on right now, is about to enter through that door with the other group of villagers".

"Oh… ummm… I see" he murmurs, as Lieg immediately tries with no avail to wiggle his way out of the predicament he's gotten into.

As he was trying to get away, he realizes that he's completely restricted of all movements to his limbs by the deadlock position he's so happened to fell asleep on. He had two women on top of his upper-body one on his chest, another on his stomach, the one that just rolled over, had position her arm behind the head of the other lying on his abs, two on each arm, with one laying on his thigh, of the girl laying on his chest legs are interlock with the one on his right arm side, and one on sleeping on each of his leg somehow connected to the others below them. Trying to move one would be like moving three others in the group, trying to figure out how to move without waking them or alerting the other ladies who are all sleeping in different corners of the room together. He was an immediate panic mode,

"Oh and I forgot Ulia just finished her cleaning duties, so she should be coming back shortly too" said Rizette trying to hold back a smile on her face.

(Oh… ok then… Well she's definitely the last person I want to see me in this situation right now!).

Has the door slowly pushes open, his panicking immediately stopped has he took a deep breath in, exhaled and then spoke in a stern voice.

"Save me and I'll owe you" he said to Rizette,

She then points at her left hand in his face and said "You promise".

(Sfx Kikchyriikkk),

Has she immediately freezes the door, stopping it from opening completely. The chilling air in the room causes all the girls to tremble and fidget around, loosening the knots their hands and legs had form.

Lieg then whispered "Chorís város", has the girls bodies levitated from the ground for a brief seconds.

"Body art: Manier van slang",

With fluent serpent-like movements he managed to slip right through, going straight up the stairs in a rapid slithering motion.

Rizette then immediately covers the girls with a large blankets over their bodies that she had hide behind her back while talking to Lieg, and dispel the ice that was blocking the door allowing the men to enter the room.

"What the hell was that!" Obi shouted,

Has Rizette walked by him coming through the door. Before he could enter, she then whisper while passing his ears.

"Nothing much".

Her words alone caused everyone around her to step back shivering uncontrollably, has she then vanish upon leaving the group at the door.

"The hell was that",

"You felt it too",

"I have never felt that much predatorial fear, since fighting with the vulturwyms near the red patches".

Then they heard from a distance, the posh yet gentle tone.

"Don't mind her she's actually not that shy it's just that her words as tendency to leave a after effect on certain people. Really that's kind of the reason why we said she was mute".

It sound like Ulia voice, but more soft spoken across the road from the villagers at the door of the chief's home.

"And why are you outside the house I thought all the ladies are supposed to be inside the chief's home" asked Obi,

"Nothing really I had some errands to do so I'm just finishing up, speaking about the errands if you'll excuse me".

Has the dark silhouettes beside the shadow of the building disappeared,

"Damn monster, won't even show her face in broad daylight" Obi remarked.

As the rest of the men head inside to wake up their wives, some wondering why the room is so hot with ice on the door and their wife completely drenched in sweats and exhausted. Assuming they were just stress from the whole ordeal that happened yesterday, the men went to their respected wife and greeted them with hugs and conversation waking up the elders. The commotion downstair managed to wake up Hoku, who once awoken wonder when he fell asleep in the first place, his attention immediately darts to the other side of the room to see Lieg sleeping peacefully with his back turned to him and his face towards the wall.

"Sleeping like a baby, so I guess you didn't try anything last night" said Hoku with a sigh of relief,

(Nailed it)

Lieg thoughts to himself as the cold sweats dripped off his forehead.

"Hey get up… and here I was worrying I might have trouble watching you" shouted Hoku at Lieg,

But then we started to hear a commotions downstairs so I decided to fake it. By acting like I'm still half-asleep, I got up, stretching out my arms pretending that I just woke.

"My sweet dreams ruined by all these loud noises, below us".