Chapter 40  The Decision part 2

As we made our way downstairs to see what was causing all this commotion, we stumble upon the older ladies from the village arguing with both raga and the chief nowhere to be found. We took notice at Obi who was being bombarded by the group of ladies, while the others had taken their wives and children outside in different direction.

(So that's the decision they made huh)

Lieg thoughts as he watched old lady Bao, whacking Obi upside his head shouting,

"If you think you can take away my granddaughter you have another thing coming you little shit!".

"Grandma what's wrong" asked Hoku rushing towards them standing between her and Obi,

"Standback boy, I'll never allow him to take her away, we are going with the chief".

"Grandma what are you talkin about?"

Hoku then looked around and saw that everyone in the village had separated themselves as if they were forming a group,

"Huh?" realizing this he asked.

"Wh… what's going on here".

He didn't notice that the weapon cart that Obi had built, was all the way on the other side of the village pointing towards the Holy Kingdom until he started looking around.

(What's with everyone, why is the cart pointing towards the kingdom?).

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on here!" Hoku shouted.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch Hoku… be quiet for a sec and help me up".

Obi demand in a stern voice while he was on the floor with a few lumps on his head from being beaten by the old ladies walking stick. Hoku then helped him up, patted off any dust off his robe and then Obi smiles at him said.

"Good news my friend, we've decided that we're going straight to the Holy Kingdom and I'm taking most of the men with us. The women and children can go hide in the forest until everything is settled, our goal is to get the Holy Kingdom to help us take back our land".

"Huh?" As Hoku looks around.

(As expected this again)

Lieg thought has he facepalm himself.

"Huh… didn't we get over this already, we're going with the chi-",

"We're going with Raga to be our Village representative" Obi interrupted Bao,

Then shifted more over to Hoku when he saw her angrily gripping her stick. Obi then place his hands on Hoku shoulder and said.

"We've already packed up your stuff. You two must be so happy you were specifically asked for, so we're taking you and your sister, we leave before noon the schedule time of these guys leaving".

(Specifically asked for?)

Lieg thought to himself as he watches. Hoku looked Obi in the face in a quavering voice.

"But… I've already decided that we're going with the chief's decision, Obi we've always gone with the-",

"That's why we're following Raga as the Village representative, the chief can go and hide once we get the support from the church. We don't need them anymore we'll just make raga our new chief, my chief can't be a coward that runs away from a fight" said Obi.

(But we… if you were to fight we would lose, not to mention if we can actually trust the church anymore I can't let my),

"But if we are separating why does my sister?"

As Hoku was questioning Obi he tried shifting his shoulder out of Obi's grip. Obi sensing defiance from him grabs on to Hoku shoulder harder, sinking his fingers into his flesh.

"I said be quiet and get in the carriage, we're leaving" he demanded,

"Okay that's enough" said Lieg, Obi turn to see who spoke with an intimidating glare and veins pulsing on his head.


Only to look straight at Lieg just as his eyes started to glow golden yellow again,

"Care now?",

Immediately releases his grip has another one of his crew jumped in "This is a private Village matter you have nothing to". "Shut up!" Obi shouted at Rito while trembling, "Well I guess you are right this is a village matter I'm just an escorts at this point, it's up to you guys to decide whatever you want to do" said Lieg has his golden eyes got dimmer being covered over by his hair again.

Away from all of this has storm clouds started to cover the skies, The Chief and Raga could be found rights where Kari had died.

"So in the end, you would choose the church over me… after all the years we fought together, I would say I'm surprised. But I'm not, ha… always did like to find easier routes" said Tetso.

"Spare me the lecture I'm not one of your young kids, anytime old friend; while I do respect you, and you are a good village leader you have gotten weak and old just as I am. We need some insurance to know that we might have a chance of surviving this whole ordeal, and if that disappoints I am sorry, but I believe the church is a safer bet than you. There's nothing coward about wanting to survive old friend" said Raga.

"Safest bet, you're actually trying to sound like a saint trying to use my people as a bargaining chip for your own survival, you know if you and a small group were to head to the church and you were wrong they would be easily silenced you. But if you were a bring everyone or even a majority of our people there, it'll be harder for them to silence us. Did you really think I'd allow you to gamble with my people's life" said Tetso,

"Whether you see that way or not means nothing to me. You're a delusional old man still fantasizing about your youth, you are not strong enough to protect us anymore. I have no choice but to preserve the survival of our entire Village, I must do whatever need be necessary… so naturally let's go back to the topic at hand… I'll ask you again are to you going to keep your word on what you said the meeting last night Ie Tetsos the Hot Iron Blood Juggernaut" asked Raga has the air pressure around them started to sink the ground slowly vibrating.

(Sfx Clash!)

Then without missing a beat Raga swings left-hand across the air, sparks started to fly off of Tetso's right arm has he hardened it to block.

(Sfx Clang, clang)

With his arm covering his face, he started to smile as he said.

"That's right, I'll keep my promise. Like I said before the only way you can tell my people what to do, is if you take my position from me and I'm not giving it up without a fight… so what will you do Ghaav Raga the Cyclone Bladed Beast".