Chapter 41 This is how, old people fight?

The two faced each other in a standoff, each trying to read the next person's. Standing only a small walking distance from each other. Raga wearing his old battle robe a white long Kurta tunic, with long broad sleeves completely hiding his hands, with silver steel plating embroidery in the fabric in a blooming wind pattern, around the edge of the sleeves are semi- bladed like Bagh Nakha.

Tetsos wearing a solid black Babandi, a long tunic like jacket that covers his entire body, completely unscathed from Raga's surprise attack. Its tightly fitted on him showing his rippling muscles underneath made from a blackshark skin fabric from the Mangrove swamp, strong enough to take swords slash head on while still flexible enough to counter-attack effortlessly. The two just glared at each other, wearing their old battle suits, the ultimate dwarf titans pinned against each other for the position of the chief.

"Well since you struck first" said Tetso has he nonchalantly walk slowly towards Raga,

Raga responds by stretching out his right arm for another attack.

(Sfx Bam!!)

But before Raga could swing his arm Tetso immediately gives him spartan front kick to the chest sending him flying across the plains, and said in a booming voice.

"That should make us even" so that Raga could hear.

After taking that hit deadcenter in his chest, Raga laid flat on the ground with a light grin.

"So are you warming up, or are you dead" asked Tetso.

Then moments later stretching up to his left arm out of the dust came Raga, does senile expression and reply

"Can't you give an old guy… a minutes, I'm not as limber as you are old boy" while dusting off himself as he then stretches out both his arms wide while leaning back.

Cracking noise followed, once he'd finished stretching he immediately starts cracking his neck,

He said "Woo-hoo now that's good stuff" has he then crouched down in a running position.

Tetso trying to look across the plain to keep a clear sight him, but was barely able to see anything with his eyesight blurred from the blowing dust he wondered

(Is he done yet).

(Sfx Shau!)

But imediately has that thought crossed his mind Raga managed to close the distance between him and Tetso in an instant,

Placing his long sleeves on Tetso's chest.

"Cyclone Palm Style: Zor Se Maarana" as a wave of slashes erupt from Raga's arm, slashing everything in a straight line the air the ground sparks flying off Tetso's entire body sending him flying across the other side of the plains.

"Hey what do y'all know, think I'm getting back into the groove of this" said Raga then a loud crack erupt from his lower back,

Causing him to crouch down a bit "Ouch,ouch,ouch,ouch, my back… guess running around isn't suited for these old muscles".

"I told you should have joined me for those yoga practices in morning" said Tetsos,

"You and I both know that I'm the only older one in this. I can't move around like you" reply Raga but then he realize that the voice he just replied to was coming way too close to home.

(No way)

Raga then looked up only to see that Tetsos was standing right in front of them.

"We are not about to play, who can throw the farthest right now let's just get on with this" said Tetso,

Has he forms his stands with his legs spread out and his right arm stretched out towards Raga. Raga understanding the situation follow suits doing the same stretching out his left arm to link with Tetsos right,

"Lohe Ka Aadamee" Tetsos,

"Bled Kee Lahar" Raga shouted.

They both proceeded to pelt each other with rapid gatling punches, Raga Cyclone blade Magic versus Tetso Iron body hardening Magic hitting each other at close range, blood spraying from each direction, nonstop to see which one will fall first.

(Sfx Bam, Jab! x10)

But as the blood sprayed across the land, without realizing it was mostly coming from one person. While they both exchange intense blows at each other, Raga was striking the Chiefs joints at every turn. All while every blow given by Tetso was immediately absorbed by Raga's Cyclone barrier cast before hand, all impact was being absorb by suits swirling within the weaves steel on his tunic and being channeled back to sleeves. Unable to realize beforehand as sparks was flying off his body, he was at a complete disadvantage by Raga, and within realizing it.

(Shit, he was preparing for this),

Raga then spun around the left arm long sleeves, revealing a fan like dagger.

As he shouted "You forget who you're dealing with my old friend, we know each other's greatest strength".

Has he proceeded to spread out the fan launching two blades, right at the elbow joints, which he was already slashing to open a small wound, and then Raga hiding a grin,

With sleeves covering his face immediately upon showing it added "As well as our greatest weaknesses".

(Sfx Stab!)

The two blade pierce right through the chief's arms, Raga then revealed his bladed fan completely shouting out one of his strongest spell.

"Now it's time that we old dogs retire!, Bled Hava: Piyarsing Chakravaat!",

Has three bright green focus wave of swirling slashes started hitting Tetsos dead center in his chest, well the other two each hitting his elbow joint tearing his suit open sending him flying across the battlefield. Grasping for air, after sending the chief flying Raga pause for a second,

And said "Uh oh".

(Sfx Bloody cough)

As Raga covered his face wiping the blood off his lips, while he was protected from taking serious damage from the blows; the shockwaves still did affect his weak body.

"Never thought… I had it in me to use that move again, I always thought it was best to conserve energy at my old age. Now look what you made me do. After your father died in battle for an unneeded war, we both swore we would never let the generation after suffer through what we experienced. But you forget one thing… what about us, haven't we suffered enough I deserve my rest.

I honestly could care less about the village in general but to go out into a, tug of war match for a land. I deserve better than that if I were to choose between you know hiding in a forest or having the backing of major Kingdom I don't care how my methods my seem dishonest to you I deserve my peace of mind and I will get it. Even if its over your dead body" Raga proclaimed.

Has he looks over at the chief lying flat on the ground covered in his own blood, the arms of the shirt ripped apart and a big hole in the center.

"That being said I can't allow you to die right now, I'll bring your beaten body, back to the Village to show them that I won my seat as a representative".

He slowly walks over to Tetsos, then he heard mumbling he then comments,

"Hope you're not whining over there that you lost, even though I did give you the seat you did know you couldn't beat me in a straight fight when we were younger" bragged Raga.

But has he was about to grab Tetsos he heard,

"My blood… is the steel I use to slay my enemy, my soul is the hilt that keeps me together",

(Sfx Shua)

And immediate sprang back Raga, looking forward with cold sweats coming from his forehead.

"My body is the ultimate weapon, now do your job and strike my enemy down: Agni Shikha".