Chapter 42 This is how… Old people fight? Part2

Tetso's blood that splattered near him, started to recede back inside his wounds. Raga instinctively jumping back to get more distance has Tetso slowly got up, wounds healed, the rest of his blood started covering his body changing his skin tone from tan to crimson red. His eyebrow hair and his mustache and beard started to change color as well, becoming wild and spiky; as fire started to spark off his hands clasping has a white dragon crest appeared around his chest.

From the crest tiny thread like veins started spreading across his body, there was no sign of injury to his body. It just started to heat up as if he was a walking iron furnace, this has his hands started to glow like hot iron right up to the elbows was bright red, all facial hair catched ablaze at the ends.

"Well… damn, you've gone mad on me", Raga visibly terrified.

(Beserker mode, I didn't know he was still capable of internal smelting),

"Body foraging Garm loha: Phorj Ke Bhagavaan" as Tetso looks at Raga from the distance, eyes now bright red full of flames that drizzles across his face.

"I'm starting to figure out why you allowed them to build a house outside the village, sure it was the out of the goodness of your heart knowing that they were escaped slaves. But I always wonder why you were having such frequent private meetings at your house with him… you old dog, he's been giving you soul coal" Raga asked while charging up his fan behind his back.

Tetso just stared at him with no response has the ground beneath his feet started to scorch, he raises his right arm with his index finger out. Placed upon his lip, he went "Shhhh… Focus old friend".

Upon making that statement, Raga releases another cyclone splashing wave what is right arm long sleeve bladed at the edge.

But before the wave could even reach Tetso he whispered "Kros Peen Hathauda",

Has he single-handedly broke the magic spell in the air with one strike as if striking down cross peen hammer onto hot steel with a single downward swing gathering the intense blaze into a single funnel. With a single heated hand Tetso broke every single spiraling blades within cyclone leaving nothing but air passing by him.

"Let's get this over with, 'Garmee Ka Phorj' battle axe", Tetsos whispered has cracks started to appear on his jaws turning his right arm into a well-heated bladelike preparing for a sweeping chop.

Raga desperate for a counterattack raises his left hand holding the fan blade, releasing four separate blades from the spine of the fan. Tetso makes a ferocious swing, of his axe like hand sending massive wave of heat at Raga.

(Sfx crash)

But it was instantly dispelled before making contact, by the four blades spinning in a spiral like shield formation.

"Lomri, Kutta, Varmee, Saanp", four Blades of red, blue, brown, white all of different design.

The red Lomri: Goliya a curved single edge blade, the blue Chakram a dreaded circular throwing yin yang shape blade, the brown a round Shield with a rangoli design similar to his tunic, and finally the whites aura of a translucent blade capable of seeing light reflect off of it but not being able to see it's shape hovering over Raga's head. Now that both their trump cards are reveal,

"You crazy old fool haven't you learned your lesson, your father overused that unique ability of yours to his grave hell in the last battle you were almost close to being a melted puddle of iron. Why the hell are you risking it all for a village that is completely divided right now, the younger generation wants to have a strong backing behind them and the older generation are only following you out of loyalty. Even I wouldn't risk my life for this-",

"Will you shut up man" Tetso interrupts Raga's ranting.

"You're doing what's best for the village, you don't have enough strength to defend yourself, you still believe that the church will help, push comes to shove you would rather be under the churche's wing even if they are willing to sacrifice others?. I know you're fighting me to take my position to protect my Village my people yet you're willing to say you wouldn't sacrifice yourself for everyone, are you honestly taking your frustration out on me. Hiding behind your pretense of self preservation!" Tetsos shouted.

(Sfx Crack)

Raga unable to answer remain silent,

(Sfx Poffet)

Has Tetso spits hot iron on the ground he continued "You've change your narrative so much, it's as natural as breathing to you now. Honestly my friend when did your entire existence became such a joke?".

"A joke you say?… what would you have me do be a one-man army against an entire nation like what you're trying to do, gone were the days where heroes can rise from the boons and make a difference in this world. Unlike you I think more practical… is an old man, really capable on taking on these generations. I know we've reached and passed our prime's a long time ago, I say let them ruined, create and learn just as we have while we can sit idly by to be observers not participants" said Raga has he thoughts.

(The dragon crest… it's won us many war back in the days, the side effects are always the same… burnouts).

"Say… I'm the one pretending to be still in his prime, but you're the one manipulating the youths teaching them how to depend on others. The only way to survive is not to have close ties with the strong no matter what. Is it really too old for a man to go out and be strong on his own, without waiting on another strong person to protect him?. Are you suggesting that the days of creating heroes are over and we should only just worship the ones that exist" asked Tetso.

Now that everyone has gotten everything they had a hid off their chest, the real battle starts.