Chapter 52  Humans nature part 3

"Ouch!… Raga I think I broke something, where's Elika?".

Obi asks just coming out of the rubble. Only to see his wife bleeding from the mouth next to Raga, across from him, the chief standing in the middle beside Hoku and Rizette.

"You are an absolute piece of shit!" Shouted Hoku has he tried walking forward towards Raga, but was stopped in his path by Tetso with his arms stretched out.

"Why are you stopping me chief, this piece of shit was willing to sacrifice his entire Village, his family all for his own self-gain".

Then he looked over to his so called friends,

"Koki, Rito, Faki how can you guys still be standing near that bastard",

As he broaden his sight to the others villagers that stood behind them still. "How can you all, also stand there and listen to all of this. Knowing his true intention still standing there beside him".

But then he heard someone murmured within the crowd, "Sh, shut up you monster" the villager hide his face.

"Huh?" The confuse Hoku.

"That's right you have no right to question us",

"The church just wants to save us, the few that could still be saved in this Village",

"That's right if we follow Raga, we won't have to be afraid anymore under the protection of the church".

(In the end you humans always show your colors) Lieg thought while leaning on his right hand on the window of the building.

Hearing all this cause an intense painful twist within Hoku's gut, his eyes started to fog, leaving nothing on his face but absolute despair.

"Now l see… the roots of fear have been so deeply rooted, I'm beginning to get a better picture of what's going on behind my back. So these are all your true feelings" asked Tetso,

Absolutely disappointed and ashamed at the sight of every single person who spoke, bad of Hoku. While some posture their mouths open as if to give an apology, excuse or any other word from from their lips were silent at the sights of his expression. The prideful too ashamed to say anything, the cowards hiding their face out of sight, the villagers to the chief's side could only look at their family members, best friends, and even children with pure disappointments.

"I'm sorry Chief those words don't go for us… but!" Koki excluding himself from the group,

"If we were to go with you, who's to say that the Beretta Kingdom won't find us before we could reach another unsafe Village?" followed up Rito,

"I'm sorry we have to think about our main family's safety and I believe we have a better chance within in the Holy Kingdom" Faki trying to give reasons to his betrayal.

But after hearing all this Hoku despair change, into pure immense rage,

"You ungrateful, spiteful, spineless, disgrace of our blood, an absolute waste of flesh and bones!" Shouted Hoku.

Tetso trying to hold him back arm stretched around him giving him a bear hug, "Calm down boy!" He shouted pressing his head on Hoku's chest.

As his fingernails started to protruding out into claws, his teeth was slowly growing into fangs.

(His mother's blood is acting up, this is bad) Tetso thought,

Has Pai saw her brother screaming she signal to Ulia to put her down but as she went down and ran towards her brother passing by Stupi.

(Sfx Twitch, Snatch)

Seeing this as his one and only golden opportunity to hold a hostage, squeezed out what little Mana he had left and pounce at her before she could reach her brother.

"Ahh!!!" Pai screamed,

Hearing this took his focus off the villagers he turns to see his sister "Pai!" Hoku shouted has both Ulia and Rizette was ready for an insta kill at Stupi. But they look towards Lieg and saw his eyes signaling them to stand down.

"N…no, no nobody moves… i…if you do, you, want comes near me, I'll pierce her heart through" holding her with his right arm around her little neck, pressing down on her throat with his big muscular hand, and just right up against her second rib his left hand was pointed glowing in holy aura right at the fingers like a white spear.

(When pushed in a corner you'll do anything to survive) Lieg continues his thoughts from before as he looks at the scene from a distance.

"Boy!… if you love your life, I would advise you to, let, her, go" demanded Tetso still holding on to Hoku.

Has his eyes went white, repeating "Pai, pai, let me go, Pai, Get Your Filthy Hands off her!!!!".

As Raga from behind was moving rapidly towards Stupi he was stop by Elika and Obi who managed to slip behind them while everyone was focused on Pai.

"What are you doing!" Raga shouted,

As Elika drank two of their last three potion given to her by Obi as she said "Leave him be, this'll gives us an opportunity".

"Pai, Pai!" Hoku shouted,

Tetso barely able to hold him back surprising even him as he thought (Is this really that Wimpy Kid that used to hide behind Obi?). Has some of the men from the village on both sides slowly trying to creep up behind, Stupi to see if they could tackle him down.

(Sfx Twitch, Pierce)

"I SAID NOBODY MOVE!!" Has he sink his hands into her side, going rights in hitting the top of the pinky finger, blood became visible spreading fast all over the side of her lovely colourful dress.

Raga was about act up on impulse when he was halted by Obi by the command of Elika,

"Wait for it…".

No one made a single step forward after taking a good look into Stupi's eyes, his pupil size of a needle his eyes bloodshot red it was clear he was not in the right state of mind to be reasoned with. A deadly mixture of absolute terror and confusion, filled his very soul. But as they all were stopped in their tracks, after seeing the blood Lieg looked out with a smile on his face.

At the first sign of blood dripping down Pai's dress became visible to Hoku, his eyes then glowed bright white, his short green hair started to discharge white electric current, has he then moved Tetso's to the side like a rag doll with a focus but immense burst of energy from his palms. And in that brief second of pushing the chief to the side,

"Now!" Elika whispered.

Signaling Obi "Poignard Silencieux" as he sneak threw a flying daggers,

That he had hidden within his robe charge and enhance by her straight at Stupi. Till within the second Stupi body reacts to the chief being pushed out of the way, and started to move his fingers deeper. But within this single second, Hoku instinctively causing the electric bright aura to flow down to his feet. Rippling the distance in a flash, ripping off Stupi's right arm from her neck, like it was nothing. Then grabbing him by the face. And throwing him to Raga side while covering his sister, as Obi's dagger went right through Stupi back coming out his chest, still heading towards Hoku.

(Sfx Clash).