Chapter 53 Appearance

Before the blade could reach Hoku, it was clashed with Raga's dagger thrown by Tetso in midair when Hoku pushed him aside.

"Tsk… so close, do it" Elika whispered, has Obi made a Rapid dash at Hoku.

Launching himself from behind her, Hoku still clinging onto his sister. Before he could realize what was going on, Obi had already made it to him. "Coup de poing béni" Obi throws a mean right hook right at Hoku's face coated in holy mana, but while in the same motion of getting hit Hoku use his right hand to claw Obi's right bicep causing his blood to splatter on his face on reflex alone.

(His claws pierced through my holy armor cloak, like it wasn't there) Obi thought has he took a another rapid back step.

This time with Raga appearing between Obi and Hoku grabbing Pai from him with a sweeping kick. But before Raga's feet could even land on the ground, he was immediately sent flying by Tetso who had clear the distance between them sending a heated left uppercut at Raga's ribs. But before he could take damaged he threw Pai into Obi's arms, while he was still back-stepping. Tetso was planning on landing another blow to, Raga before he was ganged up on by Koki, Rito, Faki all now coated in holy armor appearing behind Raga.

Sending a flurry of punches and kicks from all directions at Tetso while in a now semi heated form, he was unable to strike back worrying that he might severely injure anyone of them. Looks across to see where Pai went, saw that Obi had sprinted back to where he was beside Elika glowing brightly in the Holy aura with blood coming from her nose and mouth, with her arms stretched out.

(So she was a emitter, thats why they were using all the potion that we have left. While it does recover vitality, and not really Mana reserves for Holy Kingdom magic users its perfect has they can sacrifice vitality to convert into Mana) Tetso thought has he's being pushed away by there assault from Raga.

But right has his feet was about to touch the ground, Koki, Rito and Faki were sended flying individually in three different directions getting hit in the face by three different persons. Koki was hit with a walking stick by Bao, and the other two we're hit by two of the other villagers on the Chiefs side.

The chief was shocked on the ground seeing the three of them standing in front of him and asked "What exactly are you guys doing?".

"Ain't that obvious we're saving your kind ass, there's no way you would have hit one of us back even if we were attacking you" Bao replied,

"But that's not to say that we can't do it",

"Didn't we promise you that we wouldn't allow you to take all the burden up on yourself" the two other villagers replied.

"Aha ha ha honestly!" both Tetso and Lieg laughed at the same time.

(Honestly you humans never cease to surprise me even when I've given up on you, you guys always do something to surprise me again. Then again) Lieg thought to himself leaning forward watching this whole thing happening from a distance.

As a few member from Raga fraction went to Koki, Rito, Faki aid some others were starting to approach Tetso slowly and the rest then having enough.

"What the hell do you think you're going?" one of the villagers on the Chiefs side asked.

Has the whole group started to move forward over to cover the chief. Now standing face-to-face with each other, was the Raga's faction and the Chiefs faction with the ratio of 25:65 looked at each other.

Giving The vibes of 'who jumps up first gets knocked down first'.

"Enough!" Shouted behind them.

Stopping the tension looking to see who it was. It was Elika healing Pai's wounds shut "We're not here to start a internal war, we'll take our leave and you'll go your way".

"And what about my granddaughter?" Bao asked,

"She has been requested by our archbishop, therefore she's coming with us" Elika replied.

"Then you honestly think, we were going let you do that, just because you got orders from the church?" Tetso back on his feet questioned.

Slowly cooling down, visible by the smoke from his mouth going down.

"Sure just like we're not going to tell the church about you hiding a monster in your ranks, I would hate for you guys to be 'crusaded' on your travels to find another place to survive. Where were you going again I believe Naga" Elika in the same gentle tone that she had talked with the Villagers with for years now showing a hint cockiness to its.

(Yep by the end of the day, Kindness can just be an appearance) Lieg Thoughts to himself.