Chapter 55  Appearances part 3

"What the hell was that?… if that is what you wish, what the fuc",

And before he could even finish another sentence realizing that his mana pressure was rising rapidly them again.

"She just a nine year old little girl, how could sh-",

They knew he was about to go berserk again. Ulia gave him another sweeping kick knocking him out cold,

"As You Wish?, what kind of bullshit is this",

"Chief are you really going to let them take her?",

"Come on we outnumber them" Bao and the rest of the argued.

(Sfx Stomp)

Sending all of his own frustration straight to the ground with a single step shakeing the area around him cracking the ground in multiple places silencing everyone, but Tetso remained extremely quiet as he knew he couldn't even say a word. Elika with a plastered smiles,

"Now that you've heard it from her we should really be thinking about heading out now",

(Guys over 70 are scary, I've been here for so many years and I've never seen him this scary. We have to get out of here now, one wrong move and we could be killed in an instant).

The thought kept running through her mind. Trying to put on a front she started to go on, "Honestly if we could, we would loved to have taken all of you with us but-",

"Doesn't matter, you can shut up now" Elika was immediately silence by one of the other villagers.

"Who the hell do you think you are?",

"Spineless bastards!",

"Do you really think we would have been on our knees begging you to bring us, have you forgotten the stunt you pulled on our chief".

Then without realizing one of the females from Raga's group slowly walked it back over, hurrying to Hoku unconscious body her husband Roku stretching out to her but was immediately stopped by another villager holding his hands back down.

(I remember her, she's young, but was completely knocked it out when I fill the room with the sleeping aphrodisiac gas last night. Interesting Anyone with the slightest bit of lust by my presence is enhanced x 2 from the gas but those without are immediately put to sleep) Lieg thought to himself.

*The gas also works better for those who he had already had contact with.

"I guess I shouldn't dwell on it then" Lieg whispered to himself.

But then Tetso noticed something beneath his feet a weird slimy sensation, Only to look down in between the cracks from the previous stomp to the ground were slimes bubbling up.

(Oh that time already?) Lieg thought has a shouted out, "Now that, that's settled Time to go, Ladies, Chief if you would!".

The ground all over the village started to get damp and muddy,

"You demon what have you done?" Raga asked has he noticed Rizette taking up Hoku's unconscious body and jumping towards the edge of the village where the Carriages are.

Where do you think you're going with him, As he sprints towards her but has he was jumping off the platform he was on.

(Sfx Splurge)

A huge bubble of slime erupted from the ground in front of him, moments from landing right into it he was caught by the legs by Obi who dragged him back.

"Forget about him we know where they're going we'll send somebody after him later right now we need to get off this plateau. Look!".

Has he shows Raga the dry pathway going straight to their carriage, As well as another pathway going over to the other side of the village blocked by a huge flow of translucent slime on the ground twisting and turning.

Has everyone had already took everything that they need it, All they could do was walk in an orderly fashion while their house was being engulfed by slime. The kids cried, the elders tried not to look, as what was called their home was being destroy behind them as they made their way to the outside of there Village everyone slowly taking their spots in the carriages.

Having the strongest Blacksmiths in the village at the front holding on to the Mana Crystal lever, To pour their Mana into it to start its engine they drove down the pathway toward the open planes.