Chapter 56 Shifting Views


Right after what happened at the village on the way down the mountain. Currently on the trail to the Red Minor Forest, know has the Red patch.

(Sfx Jab)

With all five fingers stuck within his chest, Lieg couldn't help but thought.

(Is this… becoming a habit?, oh please no)

Has within one of the carriage was the scene of Rizette pointing a Dao styled ice blade right at Tetso's neck, with Hoku lying over the corner with his family's blade in hand unconscious. Tetso with his right hand, embedded into Lieg's chest.

"Ahm…mmm, Mr Tetso… ahem, what seems to be the problem here?" Lieg asked bleeding from the mouth, nose and chest.

"How far ahead did you know?" Tetso asked.

You see to understand why this was happening you have to go back to five hours prior, when they were still in the village. Just before Lieg appeared beside the chief, their were mumbling at the back of the crowd. As they all saw the slimes were slowly swirling around each and every house in the village, people were understandably in a panic.

"What the hell is happening over there?",

"Creeping fear, this high up in the mountains?",

"It's over here too",

"Where is it coming from?".

Before Ulia or Rizette could notice anything Lieg appeared in front of them out of a rapidash burst,

"Ulia you're in charge of guiding the villagers, safely out to the carriage. Release just enough mana to keep the high-ranking manabeast away. Rizette you stay back for a bit, I need you to go back to the Tetso's house, get Hoku's sword and come pick him up afterwards ok" Lieg commanded in a serious tone.

"Yes master!" They replied in unison, without question. As they've both vanish beside him, after they had left he looked around at the building to see the different colors of slime.

(I can't find her, damn she must have multiplied too much. We weren't supposed to do this until, everyone at least gotten out of the village).

He thought to himself as he sighed and vanished again. Only to reappeared beside the chief, as he realize a slime was underneath his foot.

"What the" Tetso blurted,

"Uhmmm… change of plans" Lieg said in a low volume while scratching his head with his left hand, cool sweat running down his head beside the chief.

"Is this you boy" Tetso asked,

"Yeeaaa, it seems the village is being destroyed earlier than schedule. You know, I don't want to rush you guys. But I do want you guys all to live so" Lieg replied.

"Chief what's going on?",

"Why is there so many creeping fears?"

The Villagers asked, Tetso looks towards them.

"It appears as this infestation was planned, with intention to destroyed the village. While it is earlier than expected it was the deal made" he replied while looking at Lieg menacingly.



"What do we do now?",

"You idiot isn't it obvious",

"I know that but, I'm still asking the chief what next" villagers ranted on nonchalantly.

"You guy" Tetso surprised by their reaction,

"Hmmm yes chief",

"How are you guys still calm, there's creeping fear all around us?, and what about the others" Tetso asked.

As they looked around to Raga's girl to see why they weren't taking advantage of this disorder. Only to be surprised at the scene of Ulia standing in front of the crowd separating the two, her two arms folded surrounded with a circle wave of heat where no slime could reach.

She was acting as a boundary between the two groups, as well as a slimes dividing them. "Chief it's like you said, this was part of the deal",

"We've packed it up most of our essential so there's no need to be crying over a broken house",

"Yeah we'll just make a new one where we're going" the villagers added.

" I was expecting you guys to full on panic… a little, we're losing our home our birthplace you know. There's a chance that we might not even survive to make it to the forest below, or even across the red patch, how are you guys so calm in this situation?".

After hearing the chief they all look around at each other and started to giggle a little man, woman and child.

"After all you've done for us, did you really think we were going to abandon you" Bao replied,

"I got it, he was expecting us to be wimping out at this point?, come on Chief give us more credit than that",

"Do you really think we could embarrass the name of Rengma more than we had already".

As one of the little ones in the group pushed himself through the crowd, holded Tetso still black ironed hardened arm and asked "Are we still going away, granchief?".

Then Tetso put on face of pride and with a smile on his face he gazed upon his fellow villagers and asked.

"How the hell do you think we're going to get past all of this slime", an awkward silence filled the area.


Lieg thoughts as he snapped his fingers and said "Now that, that's settled time to go, Ladies, Chief if you would!".

Has a pathway opened up heading straight to the carriages, with Ulia taking the lead and the villagers following suit. Now with the Villagers out of sight as well as Raga's group getting away as well, Lieg look around both sides stretched it out hands over his head then with fingers interlocked "Well then lets, get to work then".