Chapter 63 The race from the west part 3

Enduring all the pain with all his fingernails being torn off bleeding out he shouted at the top of his lungs,

"Everyone lean to the opposite side of the carriage"

Has all the villagers in the carriage leaned over to the side flipping the carriage mid air. Raga with every ounce of life he had, the veins were running out of space on his small body, causing small bursts blood all over his body has he casted.

"Patalee patthar bled, rok kaaleen"

Out of the wall below him shot out a ten meter wide tile like Stone shattering the dagger in the process. Using the force of the stone tile to launch himself at the carriage still mid-air the villagers inside being thrown all around by the now spinning carriage. With everything within being thrown around, some holding onto each other some holding onto most of the provision boxes has to stop it from hitting anyone.

(Sfx Thud)

Then to they're surprised a loud bang could be heard behind the wheels, they were able to feel the force of the object hitting the wheels. That shook the carriage even more stabilizing it in the air;

"What's happening now!",

"Did the slime catch us even from here?"

They asked each other in a panic, but just when the carriage was turning up right again. In the carriage jumped Raga, bloodied up covered in mud and wounded.


"What happened?" They asked.

"No time to worry about that, everyone follow my orders exactly where ever I place you stay there",

Has he then arranged all the villagers some to the left some to right some staying in the middle, all while stabilizing the carriage free falling down the mountain.

"And what exactly is the plan now?" Obi asked over to the corner with his broken hand next to his wife,

"That's easy we'll fall straight down to the valley" Raga replied.

" But we'll all die!",

"Oh my God I don't want to die!",

"We should have stayed with the chief!",

"How is this any safer than being with Chief?!",

"You promised us that we would stay safe if we followed you!" they all started complaining moving around.

"SHUT THE HELL UP WOULD YOU PLEASE!!!" Elika scream louder than she ever talked it at the village,

Shutting everyone up in an instance. With her eyes still closed, but visibly irritated beyond belief; she took a deep breath in, silent still filled the room with everyone else with their heads down even Raga was suprise with brow raised; then… she exhaled and reverting back to her calm demeaning voice.

"I can't concentrate… unless I have silence, and I can assure you, once you have faith all things are possible within the Lord's grace period".

After hearing this everyone looked up back on each other, silence still filled the room as they slowly went back into there expected position set by Raga.

"Pfftt aha ha aha… Show nuns are something else, You've got a keeper don't you Obi" laughed Raga,

"Don't you think I know that? now get on with the plan I think we only have a few more minutes before touching ground" Obi replied.

"Oh that don't worry about it I got this, I can't very well embarrass myself in the Lord's sight. Just make sure your wife over there can cast the spell she just did, On my singal cast the spell as solid as possible" Raga asked.

"Even if I create a Holy Barrier strong enough to withstand a fall the shockwave will still kill-",

"Shush!… Let's just go with the plan, Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you"

Obi cuttings Elika whispers midway has he then hold her hands with his covered in blood. Has she turned her face towards him with her eyes still closed, He replied to her action by gazing on her beauty. Even throughout their marriage they were unable to conceive any children, Even back at the Village they were known as the perfect couple. Quiet peaceful wife and the strong dominant man, they would spend everyday together you would never hear them in an argument or any form of disagreement. As they gaze upon each other lovingly everyone else in the room get the vibe they were giving off.

"Okay okay we get it you can screw when you're done" Raga Annoyed by the scene said as he jumped out of the carriage.

"Watch your language" she replied blushing to the ears has she turned her head towards where Raga voice was coming from,

"You don't have to tell me twice" replied

Obi with a bright smile on his face surprising even Elika embarrassing her even more as she hold down her head to hide how brightly red her face had become.


Could be heard from some of the single men in the group,

"Blasphemy" From the Ladies; the couple that were together couldn't for the life of them in this situation to follow suit. But all in all they all collectively thought

(God they're annoying)

As Raga had jumped out of the carriage He was immediately raised above the carriage only holding onto the top, If not he would have been blown away.

(Shit we are going down fast, did I make the stone floor too heavy)

He thought has he slowly climb down the carriage onto the stone tile, All while bleeding profusely from the fingertips with all of his fingernails being ripped off from the last spell cast on the wall. Using his own fingernails as blades for cyclone Magic, he was able to drill inside the mountain; Upon drilling he stumbled upon what he was looking for a water stream, He knew using the force of the water to wash out the Slime off the carriage was the only way of keeping the carriage safe. When he then realize even if they were able to wash off the carriage the slime would still cover it over again eventually, So another idea came to his head. Why not take, how to find a way of not getting slimed on the pathway; all together by taking himself off of the pathway completely.

Free falling down was the only option, recollecting his thoughts as he finally made his way down to the stone tile. Pushing through the pain of sinking his fingers down into the tile, the ten holed bloody trail made its way slowly. All the way to the bottom of the tile he crawl underneath where the carriage was found. Just 5 minutes 30 seconds away from hitting the ground, Shaving off a complete 2-hour trip down the mountain.

Has Obi gazed upon his beautiful wife, holding her hands with his broken fingers which was slowly being healed within her holy mana field; He gently wiped the blood off of her mouth and nose with his other hand. And calmly stroked her face, Rubbing his hands along her Rosy cheeks to her jawline, Not even phased by this life-and-death situation they were in anymore; He was lost in her beauty. Her Pearl light skin complementing her dark purple hair, even while wearing the villiages signature one piece juniper robe of the colour golden-brown laces in between her waist, and around the collar. Everyone holding their loved ones their children, Some of the single man even holding boxes of the provisions together.

3min, 10sec left Raga facing forward with his back on the tile, Stretched out both his arms linking of the palm together to divide the strong winds that were smacking his face early on giving himself the gap of air to speak.

"By The Words Of Power, For Compensation My blood, I beseech, Mere bled kya hain, yah meree dhaal bano, mere bled ko apane khoon mein lohe ke roop mein banao; main apane dushmanon ko maarane ke lie upayog karata hoon. to kya mujhe apane sahayogiyon kee raksha ke lie khoon mein pavan lohe kee dhaal banaane ke lie istemaal kiya jaana chaahie!".