Chapter 64 The ride from the east part 3

Bearing the pain by grinding his teeth, the blood running off of his hands stopped splashing across his face, But instead started to cover his hands like a glove. Has he then opened his hands with the blood-forming web across the fingers, all the force of the wind pushed him deeper within the stone tile.

He Shouted out the signal to Elika,


The strong winds alone smashing his hands side by side, has he tried pulling them back forward.


1min 30 sec left Elika after hearing the signal started to cast clasping her hands in prayer,

"Sois mon bouclier ta grâce" opening her black eyes.

Turning both his hand into a makeshift fan Raga shouted, almost every single vein reopen previous wounds.

"Khoonee toophaan chakravaat!"

Has he pushed back with all the strength he had and clap his hands together against the wind force, Has just seconds away from smashing to the ground Raga Releases a huge blast, of Red and green bladed winds slashing The ground all over In a broad massive updraft of force.

"Barrière sacrée!"

Elika cast as Obi jumped out of the carriage upon Being blown back into the air, Landing on the stone tile going underneath The carriage in a slide. Holding his unbroken arms on the stone and chants "Open the door: Maila taalaab"

As he softened the stone creating a muddy pool, grabbing Ragga from the other side. Pulling him out before the shield could cover the entire Carriage Landing back onto the ground,

(Sfx Crash).

A few minor injuries But nothing serious, They had made it off of the mountain; Obi and Raga to the side laying in a rubble of rocks as they had jumped from underneath the carriage upon landing on the ground in a rush without aiming where they would land.

"Aha ha ouch Aha ha... I told you all according to plan" Raga boasted barely able to speak has he panted in pain.

"This is how you plan things?… I want no part of this next time" Obi replied panting in exhaustion.

"I think your expecting too much of this old man, I don't think we're going on another road trip anytime soon" said Raga;

"Aha ha, sweetheart are you okay?" Obi asked as Elika replied holding up a thumbs-up in the carriage to the curtain lying on the floor of the carriage, bleeding from the nose and the mouth looking pale but with a smile on her face even showing a few bloody teeth to the left side upper molar.

As everyone's else crawled out of the carriage sore all over, but still alive fell down on the ground as well outside and made the loudest sigh of relief any one of them had have ever made.

"I hope those bastards on the other side had twice the hell that we had?" Shouted one of the villagers,

"Yeah right, they should be dead by now, knowing that they went to Cave getting flooded by slime is all but assured" Elika commented still in the carriage leaning at the back opening, taking herself off the floor.

"Pffftt… to think it was the actions of their savior that would have caused their own demise, aha ah goodbye old friend".

As they all joined in with witty comments a few laugh quietly, But as time went on the laugh of spite became more sombre in tone; a few even started to cry. As slowly but surely reality settled in, a while they were grateful for surviving their ordeal; it still didn't hide the fact that they literally betrayed their own people for selfish gains and fear of death. Haven't been made to post clarity, they all realize that the pride of their land was tarnish by their own actions; but there weren't foolish enough to regret their decision, even they knew how much that would tarnish the will of the others that stayed with Tetso.

"So what now?" They asked,

"Now our only goal is to head straight to the Holy Kingdom, report this incident and survive. Now it's going to be a 3-day trip with a carriage on full speed, now let's not waste time once you gotten your bearings we'll head out before it gets dark".

So while they all looked it up on the mountain say their goodbyes, over to the east less than an hour hours later.


All the carriage were slowly reaching down to the valley out of the last cave, the first to covered in soot as Tetso remained extremely quiet in the seat at the front in complete disbelief at what he just saw occurred a few hours ago. To understand this we go back to the abyss serpent incident, as Tetso was visibly shaken with fear at the abomination that stood before them.

Ulia realizing this as well as a few villagers in the other Carriages tried to take a peek to see why they had stop, She jumped down off the top of the carriage landing on the ground beside Tetso and said

"You don't have to worry about this, Your duty is to your people; our order is to protect you so we'll do just that" as She slowly walked in front of the carriages.

"Well, you over growth snake… seeing how you're disobeying my orders by stepping into my presence, I'm guessing you're not having full control of your body in a while and have gone berserk" Ulia observed.

(What does she mean by being in her presence… wait) as Tetso, scan the area surprise, just noticing there were no docile animals inhabiting the cave anywhere near them.

Even the simple critters or even bats not affected by the crystals even lower than F class we're nowhere in sight,

(But that makes things even worse, the best familiars and a clever hunter to begin with, they're always the Apex predator in their domain when in there area and if it's out of control its own senses)

Tetso worried clenching his fists trying to concentrate his mana which was all over place, due to the abyss serpents unique ability.

But still on unfazed in a whole "Rizette freeze it" Ulia command has the serpent had been a slowly trying to sneak release it's vile poison gas at the carriage.

"Now it's just being rude… it's about to get a little hot, bear with it for a second" Ulia within a snap of a finger released a shock wave of heat in front of her.

Causing the small streams of water on the floor and on the wall, to evaporating into steam sending the vile breath of poison gas back at it. And in the seconds of the gas covering the Serpent's Eyes Rizette appeared beside Ulia and asked

"And why exactly am I doing this" has within in the backswing of her left arm, the mists that was in the air create a thin layer of ice crystals and serpent itself was frozen solid skin deep.

"Do you have to ask if I were to release any high flamed attacks strong enough to kill it, there wouldn't be any oxygen left in this cave… Now then".

Ulia replied as she throws a fast jab of her right arm across Rizette's shoulder in front of her, the force alone cause her hair to raise glistening bright silver even in the middle of the dimmly lid cave flowing from the force.

(Sfx Smash).

Slamming a shadow into the ceiling of the cave behind Rizette shattering the abyss serpent small fragments of frozen scales falling off, as if it shed its skin to escaped the attack.

"This one seems pretty young it's unable to vibrate it's scales but shooting it seems to be no problem" Rizette commented,

As Ulia slide past her jumping up to the Serpent falling back down.

"What do you expect this one seems to be a teenager, that explains why it wasn't following my orders clearly never met something more fearful outside its own species Apex doesn't take orders from an anonymous apex" said Ulia heading straight for its head.

Serpent regaining its control mid-air saw Ulia approach and opens jar for poison Breath, but immediately upon seeing Ulia bright blood red aura which she was secretly releasing to avoid encountering any high-level monsters.

"Too bad... it doesn't know an Omega from an apex"

It was completely taken aback, with a calm collected exhale combine with a gaze that could tears the animal's natural instinct and cower in fear giving Ulia opportune time to clinch her right arm; and with a single Upper Cuts to the jaw with a bland expression. She nonchalantly sends the abyss serpent flying through the ceiling out of the cave, through layers underneath the mountain straight into the air, clearing the path clean and leaving behind a huge hole in the ceiling of the cave shining light down.

Having small bursts of flames coming from the soles of her feet, she slowly descended back onto the ground and a dead look at Rizette. Rizette replied to the gaze with a cold sweat running down her forehead,

"Okay I'm a monster control when we go into the next cave tunnel, with that be alright princess".

As they slowly walked back together going to their respective carriage, having this whole thing transpire in his presence; stare Tetso remained jaw drop the entire trip out of the caves, literally nothing else impeding their travels. At one point they got so bored of the slow travel, Rizette froze the pathway and they skied down most of the remaining cave until they finally made it out of the last cave Ulia decelerated them by shooting out flames in front of the carriage to reduce its speed.

(I'm beginning to think the world is getting way too big for the likes of me, Never through out my existence have I ever met an entity such as these two. And that sarcastic, perverted, Two-Face alchemist is their master?)