Chapter 71 Please don't make this a habit

A few minutes pass and the awkward silence still filled the room, now becoming unbearable with them both darting eye gazes from each other.

(Okay I got to think of something to bring back the conversation, or we'll never leave here) Lieg thought scratching his head when all of a sudden he stopped.

"From the head block to the Prop nut, just the distance alone is so long it would be way too draining for both the axel chip and nut. So how was the carriage able to move under such a burden in the first place, I thought you had even one single person would enough Mana to support this entire trip?"

Lieg commented after remembering what he observed from the outside the carriage, the design of the carriage itself left more questions than answer to him. Tetso looked at him suprise by him understanding some of the mechanics at just a simple look, at the design and smile a bit.

"That would be the case if you're thinking of a one-person powered carriage, these are specifically designed by me for a long distance trip improved upon by my forefathers. I doubt there's even one person outside of the village who has thought of using the passenger has the mana pool, separate from just one holding off the front. Upon every Spring Bar beneath the body, we converted the Mana crystals into around 6 discs making up the base of each carriage; we were also able to forge that said Mana crystals into four separate reach connecting to the shaft coupling on to the front and back axles, this allows Mana to flow from the very floor of the carriage going into every wheel equally so there is no burden on any one person.

The lead Rider in every Carriage just as to steer by the leaver, and that's it the mana are consumed by everyone in each carriage is just as much as using common normal spell; if anything you'll keep them groggy at worst and docile best. And for extra measure we added 12 inches wide magic gems, has Mana storing device under each carriage so even if we're resting; we can easily switch over and give everyone inside time the restore their natural Mana" Tetso went on and on visibly showing a boastful pride in his creation.

Lieg glad at first for breaking the awkward silence, not realizing he's unable to get even a chip of a word in as Tetso talked about more of the mechanics of the carriage from the: iron rub, rear axle bed, steel bow sockets, hub, quarter of top colour etc.

Until he had came back from his whole rant noticing, Lieg's face was even more blank then it's ever been since meeting him; his expression was that out been lost so long didn't even know when it started.

"Ahem… well it's honestly been a while since we had to grease our elbows and put out effort, so I suppose I was a bit zealous of our village hard work boy" Tetso commented.

"Well… I was honestly curious about two things about it, I wasn't expecting to get the whole design feature" Lieg added,

Tetso looked at him and asked "And what was those two things", "What's the name?" Lieg replied realizing a few things while he was it this entire monologue, he didn't even call its name or if it even had one.

"Well we did decided that the colors should fit the flag of our village, and at the meeting we did try to come up with names; some opinions were… interesting, Bao wanted to call it a mobile home, but in the end I decided that it would be called Tiryva Tongan".

"Interesting name choice… that's pretty unique, now about those Wheels. Those are not your everyday felloes and spoke Wheels" Lieg asked.

The Wheels on all the Carriages as a whole were unique by them self, they had the design of a ribbed tire; instead of your convectional wooden wheel they were made out of wires interlocking between each other, while each wire works a lot between each other creating a thick circular pattern they were ripped apart having a thicker area on each rim breaking in in the small rectangle ribs of gray color.

"Oh that, it was one of the youngsters design for more speedier ride on Rocky terrain… such as up and down a mountain. They were incredibly hard to make from the prototypes that he had, but their durability and depth control has been unmatched so far. Honestly if we didn't have the ladies to help us we wouldn't have been able to produce so many of them, Bao alone help tremendously with the years of school sewing skill to show. Does iron wires are able to connect with the axles, allowing the rider to control the flexibility of the wheels and even reduce their size when setting up camp".

As Tetso was explaining a nervous grin started appearing on Lieg's face, has he listens attentively to the chief while in deep thoughts.

(Yup… this is bad, I'm starting to understand why it they wanted their people so badly. These advanced creations aren't meant for this region, Non Wooden wheelcarriages are found only in the the dark regions where technology has fully League flip this region. Internally corrupting them was a good move, if you want them under your control without them losing this gift; too bad for them they had a chief like this even with his ingenuity is still old minded on his ways, knowing this they went for the Youth. If these carriages were mass-produced, the royalties would have a field day going around from Kingdom to Kingdom in the most smoothest ride possible at the cost of slaves as power banks in the floor. If left unchecked millions will be at risk, what's worse it's been made without any of the major kingdoms having a hold on fund for them. This Village have created the world's greatest blacksmiths the first generation knowing this they probably they all decided it would be best to have lefted them alone. In fear of holding any of the them in captivity would reduce their productivity, best keep them in a sense of freedom while still taking away their work using Wars an excuse. Raga's side is starting to make more sense now, unfortunately for the cons outweighing the pros) Lieg broke his chain of thought.

"Listen Chief going to have to be frank with you, this is truly an amazing creation but when we reach Naga I want you to destroy the blueprints and never tell anyone how to recreate these outside of your main group", Tetso was about to comment but looking at how serious Lieg was he didn't. Then after a brief moment "Is that one of those promises I have to do for you",

"If you want to think of it as the final one… sure, for now" Lieg replied.

Tetso shook his head in understanding, Lieg respond to that gesture with a smile but right after that.

"Oh yeah I forgot speaking about promises" Tetso said, "What about-".

(Sfx Stap!!!)

"Ack… Oh man… please, please don't make this a habit" as within that brief second of them having just a calm, nice conversation, Tetso arm was wrist deep within Lieg's chest coated pitch black iron; collapsing one of Lieg's lungs causing him to cough up blood with a almost surreal calm expression on his face.

"Every time I think back to that promise I'm left with one question in mind, why did you tell me to Let Her Go?" Tetso asked Lieg has the iron had to reach and coated half of his face, changing his eyes bright red, with silver fangs.