Chapter 72 Okay, hear me out… I can explain

Loud panting can be heard the across stone pathway towards the Holy Kingdom outer borders, kicking up the dust on the path completely covering its body leaving only the silhouette of a rippling muscled beast running on all four. Low humming electrical sound could be heard across the path, while eyes glowing bright yellow with sparks gassing out looks straightforward towards the gates. But we'll be with that soon let's go back to the carriage, to see we were left in the same situation from before you know the chief hand skewering Lieg right in the chest the right lung to be precise.

"Umm… Chief I'm sensing a bit of tension between us?" Lieg asked,

"How do you expect me to react I got betrayed by my people, by my best friend… if that didn't make it worse I had to break one promise to fulfill another".

"I see so he left you in charge of protecting his two kids, while having Raga officially take them in?" Lieg asked.

Tetso iron tooth started to grind together, has he then.

"So can you explain to me why not only did you knew that they wanted them, that before this whole thing transpired you asked me to promise you that if she was to be taken away… I would not resist, if it was of her own free will?" Tetso demanded.

"If I didn't make you make that promise with me earlier you would have definitely fought them back, and that in itself would have endanger both their lives so at the sacrifice of one of them; you are able to keep the other alive. Now if you don't mind could you just ease up on the lungs, it's messing with my voice just a bit" Lieg replied.

Lieg face showing some levels of discomfort, but it was visible to the chief that this expression did not hit this scenario his face had shown me slight irritation scenes of some pains; but altogether this was visible enough to any veterans, that's not how a normal person would react taking this level of damage. Even the most cold-hearted as killers wouldn't have been left with this bland reaction to being stabbed in a vital organ.

We look back on the beast making it's way in the increasingly rising dust cloud, barely visible through the dust were rippling muscles giving off low humming noises as well as visible electrical currents sparking all over with each step it took. The gate guards while on his Patrol on the outer layer of the Holy Kingdom,

(Sfx Whistling)

"Hey what's that"

One of them asked the other who was whistling, but was meant with silenced has the other guard wasn't paying attention to his duty. But was more focus on the fact that a special guest had made their way down to the outer layer all the way from the holy capital, has he turned his back from the outside wall grinning from teeth to teeth has he stared at the barracks where guests usually stay.

"I wonder if she's going to show herself today, would it be so lucky to be graced by her beauty".

He mumbles to himself lost in fantasy echoing out, the plea from the other guard to get his attention.

"Dude, dude, dude",

"Shut up it's probably just a dust storm on the horizon it'll be over soon".

He finally replies back to him angered of being cut short in the middle of his fantasy.


"But what?!",

"But… sandstorms doesn't cause actual thunderstorms, does it?"

"Huh… say what now" as he finally turns around to see that a huge sand devil was being formed, touching the sky what electrical charges all over.

"What?" He asked himself dumbfoundead at the sight.

But to understand the gravity of what was about to happen, we go back to the chief and Lieg as they were in the same position where we left them.

"Honestly boy… if this was another time or maybe another situation, you might have been able to get a chuckle out of me. But as a chief as a man I'm at my wit's end with everything that has happened so far, I just can't take anymore hidden agendas".

Tetso commented in a somber tone almost unrecognizable to others to have left his lip. It was at this point Lieg was unable to keep up this facade, and with his mouth covered in blood dripping down to his chin. His chest being open up bleeding covering his shirt, his plan expression got a bit serious as he inhales.

"Stand Down, I'll let him speak Rizette" As unbenounced to the chief his life was almost taken in an instant, with her eyes glowing cold and had a small crystal like ice hook machete at Tetso's throat. With it piercing through his iron skin like butter, cutting a bit of flesh on his neck.

He holded his composure but inside was shivering at the thought, he had neither saw sense or felt her presence at all right up to the point of his blood slowly dripping down his throat.

"She's a jumpy one I apologize, I should have spoke earlier but I honestly didn't expect you to pierce the lungs so I was coughing up too much blood".

Tetso looked at Lieg shock that he did not see a single ounce of care for his own well-being while he spoke, he was genuinely worried about her killing him then for his own body being stabbed.

"So you're telling me this scare tactic wouldn't have work on you in the first place?",

"For what it's worth, I believe I deserved it so I allowed it. Now you wanted to know why?" Lieg replied as Rizette remove the machete from the Chiefs, pulling out a handkerchief from her dress pocket to wipe the blood off of his face.

"Now then, chief… but to be honest I'm a little disappointed in you" Lieg commented,

"What?" Tetso asked.

"You actually thought that the Astra, the Hot Blooded iron Titan a man of your pride, was going to live in peace with no resistance due to all that accomplishment on the battlefield you believe they were going to allow you to just move on with your life in peace, you are so full of yourself that you allowed that sense of pride the blind you from what was really going on in this Village, so many years you are the figurehead someone to be able to look up to well you allowed your best friend to control the trades not even questioning his methods has he slowly played you like a marionette string, knowing that strength alone couldn't keep the village safe Raga had dealings with multiple Kingdoms on the side separately from the normal weaponry shipment" Lieg explained.

"How do you know-" Tetso asked but stopped mid-way upon seeing the look in Lieg's eyes,

"…The blind figurehead of the village, completely oblivious to the shady deals going on behind his back all the while being a strong pillar for everyone in the village to lean on. While people suffer at the hands of your inventions without even knowing, how long do you think that story is going to keep up how blind is your ego for you to ignore the signs and stick with everything that you've been with all this time.

To make it up and say you did not know because you're dumb to everyone else in the village, but I advise you if you're tired of secret agendas do not place one on me" as Lieg then grabbed Tetso by the robe and draws him closer, Basically pushing his hand deeper inside of his chest has he looks him dead in his face and asked.

"Don't you believe a blind man should still be responsible if he goes out of his way and steps in a ditch?"