Chapter 73 Trust me we have bigger issues looming ahead

"What does that mean" Tetso asked,

"It's easy, even though you were aware of some shady dealings; you played it down since it didn't have any serious effect on the village in your eyes, unbeknownst to you Raga was slowly building up a following within as well as influence throughout the kingdoms; right under your nose. The major kingdoms allowed you this open space of freedom so you could create things of value to them while giving you a sense of independents you slowly but surely became dependent on their resources, yet when they were tired of this parasitic relationship with you… you're angry and want to fight for your land. Now you're pretending as if I don't know what that kid parents bloodline means to the Holy Kingdom, and why they might want him. Twisting it around me and asking me if I have a secret agenda, like I said you're disappointing me" Lieg replied dead serious to the Chief's face.

Who did nothing but remain silent, unable to chip a single word of disagreement from his mouth; his eyebrow crunching up has the metal coating on his body slowly reverted down only remaining on his arm.

"…Just…just how much do you know about us" Tetso asked, Lieg release his grip off of his robe "The shady trading I heard on my way here, that's what gave me the idea to give you the coal that you requested within those shady deals. Around that time I didn't know who was the supplier I honestly thought it was you your until we met who'da thought it would be your second hand. About this village being used as a free new weapons factory by all the kingdoms, I got from Stupi as well as from Kari even if he himself didn't know; he was completely clueless not knowing the material of where his broadsword cobolt even came from. And about Hoku… I did have my suspicions earlier on but after meeting his younger sister and seeing her hair my suspicions were quelled, that was until I was left in a room with the kid that's when I realize who is parents was and what she meant to the Holy Kingdom alone" Lieg explained.

(So all these events following up to now, are you telling me that he did all of this without knowing most of the details until on the spot; only coming to a clear conclusion now. All this planning and methods seem so meticulous yet they were… on the spot decisions) Tetso remained shock at the realization.

"Now that that's settled".

(Sfx Clenched)

Right after releasing is group from Tetso's robe, his hands when immediately at the Chief's wrist hand still in his chest.

"That wasn't the only thing that you wanted to ask was it?" Lieg called him out, Tetso stared down at him and asked.

"How are you able to break it… how are you able to break the seal on his body given to him by his mother, he's lived his life as a normal human because of that seal hiding is bloodline all this time. So how are you able to break it and why?".

"I honestly don't know what the church had planned with the boy, I originally assumed they wanted to use them as an example ask for the ungodly sin of fornication with a non-human. But hearing the name of the specific person that wanted him now I'm not even sure… I can say one thing for sure it was better to have him go berserk from now, so they can only take the girl who's barely shown any signs of revealing her bloodline magic anytime soon. And about breaking the seal, it's kind of my forte in away" Lieg answered.

Tetso raise his left eyebrow and wondered what he meant by that, has Lieg then grabbed his wrist even tighter and slowly took himself up off the ground as he continued.

"Well I suppose that's all the questions that I can answer for now, if you have any doubt on my intentions could you keep it to yourself for a bit right now. Trust me when I say we have bigger issues looming ahead, this invasion was deeper than I anticipated and now we're involved with someone that I really didn't want to be involved with".

Then while this conversation was going on let's go back to the holy border, the warning drum started beating across the walls. Catching the attention of visitor at the barracks, as a female silhouette was standing by the window looking across the wall.


The gate guards were on full alert, scattering all over into their formation. The holy archers stood by the gaps in the wall pointing their arrows down, while some man the cannons on the edges of the wall. Within the steps of the wall the holy Kingdom Mages, place there hands together and the small Crystal orbs set strategically all over the stone walls. By pouring their Mana into each Crystal, they were able to create a hexagon like net feel that could cover every inch of the stone wall border. Everyone was on full alert weapons ready defense up, as blood-curdling howling could finally be heard within the large expanding sand dust devil lightning storm. The silhouette of the inside four-legged Beast inside was becoming brighter and brighter being covered in electrical charges, giving off a dimly pulsing Light within the dust storm.

"I can see something there?",

"Ready your aim",


The different Holy Guards commanded their soldiers flawlessly, is all the arrows cannons were pointed towards the dimly blinking light with all of the head guards arms up signaling when to fire. But moments before they could even fire, a large crackling sound what followed was Lightnings to hit down on the ground from the clouds touching the Dust below shaking the very lightning stroke. And with that blinking light disappeared,


"What the",

"Where the hell did it go".

They questioned each other after the lightning has struck the ground completely imploding the Dust storm from within, scattering all of the dirt back onto the ground. But just a few minutes of everyone being dumbfounded about what they just saw, has small particles of the dust that was raising up slowly went over the wall passing by all the armored guards some even getting dust in their eyes unable to wipe it off due to the armor. They shouted it in annoyance,

"Pttfff, Pttfff… dammit some of it got in my mouth",

"Ouch my eyes… the hell was that anyway",

"We've been having some freaky weather lately, but that takes the cake".

Has a two soldiers from the very beginning looked at each other,

"So… I told you was a regular dust storm" the daydreaming one replied.

(Sfx Crackling).