Chapter 79 Now here's what we're going to do

"This is a two week trip, we have no time for any delays!" Tetso shouted,

"I get that but what about the others, can they keep up?" Lieg asked, "That's why I took the lead" Tetso commented,

Lieg wondered what he meant then he looked to the carriage's side to see that all the carriage were in a back to back order.

"You're the wind breaker?",

Has he noticed Tetso being hit with wind burn he then whispered "Windskerm seën" touching the lever creating an air bubble around the front of the carriage.

"Ohoh?" Tetso slowly examines the air bubble's effects,

"Now that's better… I see their more improvements needed, but are you sure about using so much mana from them so soon",

With less wind hitting him in the face he broke his focus by clearing out his throat

"We're too close to the forest below the mountain, the warding crystals can only do so much. I originally wanted to go to the Red Reservoir three days from here to camp. But by then Raga's side would have reached outside the holy Kingdom walls, so we'll have to reach there within a day and a half that's way we can be further along the way" Tetso explained.

"I do get that, still I hope you're considering the villagers mana reserves inside?" Lieg commented.

"Aha, boy you're underestimating us a bit too much, even our nine month old mother over there can run circles around any normal person down the mountain. Generally speaking all our lives we have been on that mountain, what would take months of experience to live in we had down since birth. The conditions for survival on top are what normal people call extreme, going this fast for a day or two won't hurt anyone in their old or young".

"…I see…" Lieg replied,

"This also helps the people who are a bit restless about abandoning our Village, the slow draining of their mana would bring them to a more docile level".

Lieg replied realizing what the chief meant with a smile "Smooth… huh, I guess you can surprise me".

As the hour passed by the people in the carriage slowly started getting sleepy, all the carriages were starting to slow down to a calm 60mps to 30mps as the day turn to night. Tetso looked at the sky and relaxed his grip,


He whispered left hand wave in front of him raising a stone from the ground along the pathway, hitting the wheels of the carriages signaling to stop.

"Wow… I can barely see the mountain range in the distance, in half a day no less" Ulia observed looking out behind them, on top of the chief's carriage.

(Rizette is no longer visible, most likely on reconnaissance, their's a few stone pillars all over the place… like something rampaged through here, a long time ago) Lieg thought has each carriage made a circular stop around each other.

"We'll camp out here for to night!",

"Everyone out, reach out stretch your arms and legs",

"Lady get the beds ready, in the middle",

"We'll be on the ground as lookout",

"We're going to get the fire started",

"Also get the ingredients from the carriage for Bao, to make us something nice",

"… And why can't we cook, for our men?",


"Carefully answer… or it's not going to be you alone, who suffers" The villagers talked among themselves.

"Cause we don't have the time to waste our ingredients making dinner for eachother taste, Bao's in charge of our food boxes so do well to listen to her" Tetso commanded, A breath of relief from the men,

"Tsk" from the ladies, and most importantly.

"Ahaha… well, now ladies… I've been feeding you all from the moment you were born, hell I've even feeded most of your mom's" From a boastful Bao.

Cold sweat appeared on all their faces "Ummm… grand mama, we meant no disrespect" they mumbled.


Asked Bao her presence alone eclipsing the housewives, with fear, giving them instant flashbacks of her 'Cooking Lessons' and the scars to prove it they're tone completely changed; they replied with an alpha talking military style.


She smiled in approval has she said.

"Lucky for you kids, we're not on the mountain hunting for tonight dinner, but make no mistake I still want to taste the same delicious food from those boxes, as I would taste from a freshly cooked Hunt. ARE WE CLEAR!",

"YES MASTER!" As all the ladies dispersed to their work station, like worker bees in the presence of the Queen.

While all the men were quickly moving around away from their wives as to not meet their eyes sending multiple Help Me Signal.

"Wow" Lieg whispered in amazement,

"Wow Is Right" Tetso commented beside him.

"She been given the title grandmother from she was 14, a warrior, a nursery for all the children, an incomprehensible old bat whose older than me" Lieg relating to his description until he went another route with the complement,


"But she was the vote that kept Hoku's mother in the Village. "Which led to her teaching you how to make theses carriage, from what you thought was her imagination", Tetso suprise turned to him.

"How did",

"Because the carriage's are unbelievable different from the original version… but they followed the same direction as something from the demon continent. Oh and I've been here for months the young I've meant are all close to Obi in inherited craftsmanship".

(Sfx Ppppffffftttt) As the wheels of the carriage slowly deflated going down onto the ground, the extra Mana from them coated the carriage forming a mass made from dirt and mana into a fence.

"I see… same direction huh" Tetso asked,


"Tsk!… really was sure I could get originally from it" Tetso commented.

"Let me freefall an idea for you on the helm" as Lieg whispered into the chief's ear,

"Oh… and this is some you just thought of?" The chief asked,

"…Yeah… anyway I'll give Hoku some helpful advice on what comes next" Lieg explained as he raised the carriage curtains to go in,

"For a man who once told me, all he wanted was some please and quiet in his lazy life; you're going through a great deal of effort to help us no?" Tetso asked.

Lieg turned his head showing his eyes barely through his hair glowing gold, "I'm just helping you so I don't have to do anything else".

Has he then made his way into the carriage only to see Hoku's condition hadn't changed since he was knocked out,

"Hmmm, interesting" Lieg commented at what he saw upon getting into the carriage.

A tan skin female silhouette, no more than 5ft tall with a petite figure in her full body robe of white and gold laces hugging the unconscious Hoku around his waist has a way of comforting him.

(Gold laces… she bonded to someone, definitely not him with his family).

Lieg thought as he continued to stare at them,

"… Ok getting jealous" Lieg mumbled as he softened his inhale, then released his bloodlust for a brief second.

Within seconds apart from him releasing a drip of bloodlust, Hoku awoke tore his restraints released enough mana to light the carriage by himself back stepping all the way to the carriage back; all while hold the girl in his arms, baring his fangs eyes glowing fury.

(Coming in and out faster I see, he may be able to learn) Lieg thought with his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"Yo was the nap" Lieg asked,

But Hoku's face was slowly changing; his mind was on full alert mode.

"Wait… are you really awake?" Lieg asked, As the girl stared up at Hoku panting like a wild animal; she slowly became enveloped with fear shaking while still being it his arms while he hissed at Lieg.

Lieg shook his head in disappointment, "I hate overestimating" But just before he could finish his sentence,

The girl slowly touched Hoku on the right cheek suprising both Lieg and Hoku. Hoku eyes still bloodshot turned his head to her, as she stared back at him poking a his cheek lips visibly shivering with fear. As she slowly started rubbing her hand on his lower left jaw, Hoku looked at her surprised, Confused as his eyes were slowly coming out of his animal mode.

"Wow… that's new" Lieg commented, bringing back Hoku to his mind state has he panted louder digging into her shoulder with his claws by accident upon getting her out of his way, as he made a mad dash at Lieg standing in front of him unfazed.

"Well guess, it's a fifty fifty" Has he then planted his left foot right in Hoku's face, lining it up perfectly from toe to his forehead, ankle to his jaw, leading down with his elbow on his knee, the other leg firmly on the floor knocking him out cold.