Chapter 78 Now here's what we're going to do

"Now then… let's go back to the mission at hand, going to Naga… how long will it take us, to reach there in these carriages" Lieg asked.

Tetso as Lieg slowly pulled the chief's hand out of his chest, barely showing any resistance has the Chiefs hand remain blood-soaked pulling along the muscles on the way out making the most uncomfortable sounds. A bloody pop, could be heard once the hand had reached outside… Tetso looked at his forearm covered in blood and a few flesh matter, then look back at Lieg standing up, well and ok dusting himself off from being on the floor of the carriage.

"So you're going to be okay?" Hoku asked,

"Yea, yea you'll be surprised how it often that happens to me… today, yea, yeah actually don't ask, can we go" Lieg trying to push off the fact that he has an open wound, that has surprisingly stop bleeding.

"Well this is a mess" Tetso commented looking around at the bloody floor walls, and blood stained curtains,

"Yea… you never did plan what you were going to do if that had, killed me huh" Lieg asked

"Ahem anyway let's hurry and clean this up before-",

(Sfx Whipping slam)

"Chief Bao is farting up the carriage can we come-".

A few of the Villagers barged in, complaining about Bao before stopping in place staring at the chief. Tetso staring at them frightful has if they were able to see something that he didn't want them to see; for example… oh I don't know, maybe a bloody up crime scene in the middle of the carriage. Tetso looking at the back opening at the villagers, immediately after, turned his head to see Hoku's condition; alone to see his unconscious body over to side were he was originally knocked out.

(What the… wait that strong wind that came in when they opened the carriage, he was able to knock, move and place him back where they lefted him while I was distracted on them. This boy's a fast thinker) Tetso thought followed by a sigh of relief, but has the kids were slowly being lifted by the villagers in to the carriage.

Tetso's earlier face returned when he saw the ground everywhere covered in blood with Lieg to the side he got stabbed in,

(FAST THINKER OR NOT HOW AM I GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS!) Screamed his face from his thoughts.

All within the same motion of one of the children running towards Tetso, stepping on some of the blood making a small splash unnoticeable to the same child was hear from one of the Villagers.

"What's that's" a curious villager asked, slowly began opening the curtains more; Tetso made a mad dash, towards the curtains slipping pass the children. And just inches away from it, Lieg said beside the curtains.

"I think he hit one of the carriage food boxes. Moving the curtains himself,


Tetso thought as within the motion of opening up the carriage, all the shadow and the blood merged following along the curtains opening up all the blood was absorbed into the moving shadow. Leaving only one of the food box damage and leaking beside one of the child, making a small puddle of juice from some mountain fruit.

"See juice" Lieg explained,

"Oh, kids watch your step", as the child looked down at his sandals and replied

"Yes mom",

"Chefs… you, you ok" one of them asked. As Tetso was lefted hand stretching out his right arm in the air, frozen solid unable to process what just happened. He stared at his arm that was covered with blood literally a second ago,

"Chief… chief… chief",


"Hello… Chief!", they called out trying to get the chief attention.

He looked down at the villager holding her hand out, thinking that he was going all this way to take her hand cause she was pregnant. She looked at him, he looked at her, twitching at action coming back to his senses.

"Ahemm… Yes, Yes here you are, my child" playing it off smoothly as Lieg smile to the side as the blood and expanded shadow slowly started swirling around Lieg's feet. Closing the wound in his chest, his necklace started glowing visible through the open hole in his chest.

The slimes that made his robe, started swirling around the hole fixing his robe in an instant.

"And on the way we go" Lieg declared, as Tetso gave up on figuring out how, or what just happened and went to the helm of the carriage once everyone was seated.

"So a nice smooth ride from here on?" Lieg asked Tetso pushing his head through the front curtains,

Tetso stared at him with a smile "Smooth… you think we'll be able to make it, before Raga's group to the holy Kingdom, before Raga can plan another incident… hold on tight" As he grips the lever at the front the gem at the hilt glowed brown.

Ulia who was whistling at the top of the carriage, looked down to see if they were ready. Rizette sense something and jumped on to Bao's Carriage and brace.

"What are you doin-" Ulia asked her before,

"Alright then men we have a long, road ahead of us let's not waste any more time!" As they all put their carriage on full throttle, from zero to a hundred real quick sending Lieg back in to the carriage; and Ulia flying off the top both shouted a the same time.

"Oh Shit!".

But as Lieg was send onto the carriage floor, he noticed that… the room was fine, the air inside was shield by the curtains blocking out the strong wind. While everyone seated leaned on their respected ones, children playing with each other in the middle, boxes underneath seats were firmly in place each carriage was hitting 60mph easily on rough terrain unbenounced to the villagers inside. Lieg slowly got up and went to the carriage front again, Ulia was able to land herself on top of the carriage again by stopping her fall mid-air by blasting Hollow fire from her feet.

"Uhhmm… is going this fast really safe" Lieg asked slipping through the curtains, to the helm beside Tetso the wind hitting his face.

He looked down wondering how is he not affected by these speed, only to see Tetso had geared up, with small glasses, a small mask, while holding on to the lever he was strapped into the helm seat, already wearing a sleeveless robe the strong wind drowning out their voices.