Malum Forma

Age: 22

Weight: Varies

Height: Varies between 5'5" and 5'9"


Malum Forma is an form that Skyra takes when she has gone completely mad from her own power and bloodlust. The form is so dangerous it has a mind and will of its own forcing Skyra to loose her reason, judgement and sense of morality.

How this form came to be was by her witnessing countless hate,conflict and destruction happening around her. She hated the way some crimes went undone. Rapes and murders along with people's sheer intent of wanting revenge. In fact her witnessing this so much was enough to cause her to go into her goddess state. She tried to give people chances and stop the fighting but failed. As the Goddess of Space and Time. Even in her own domain her fellow guards, advisors and closest of friends began to constantly go at each others throats.Angered by this she gained a huge headache. This headache was unusual it caused time and space itself to contort and entangle all that was set before it. The guards, deities, advisors even the Neotics felt this power it was as if the very cosmos were about to explode.

Not even a day later. Word got out from Nea that the Beyonders, beings that transcends gods by millions of miles, were aware of this. To stop this madness one of the Beyonders by the name of Ecleon flew to Skyra's palace. He kicked open the door and rushed to her aid.

To his surprise. Skyra was missing. The sky darken and space it self changed from a deep black to a deadly red. Comets came down to all the realms. Chaos ensued..people were being murdered by the thousands. No one has ever faced a threat like this before. As Ecleon looked at all of this he shielded all that were still alive. Everyone was in shock or terrified immensely by Skyra's newfound power.

Out of the clouds and galaxies a rift open up in space. It was the color of trees. A shadow was birthed from it. The shadow was that of the girl once known as Skyra.  The new creature opened its eyes after raising its head. Lighting could be seen in its eyes. Jagged yellow circles were the iris and the pupils were silver like metal.

The shadow cleared and there stood a being so frightening. The whole universe was scared. The Beyonders were frighten by her appearance alone. All that saw this creature immediately bowed. As this creature was floating in the air she smiled and named herself. The Malum Empress, The Queen of Domination and Damnation and finally, Skyra the Jagged Beast of Eons.

As the world and realms gradually return back to a semi normal state. All of those that laid eyes on her were wondering what she would do. She decided to enslaved all of the Gods, Neotics, Beyonders and kill anyone including eating babies she felt that were unworthy or dared opposed her.

A decade later she had a special dress made for her, She was happy with being naked, but didn't want just anyone looking at her figure. The dress allowed her to create, destroy, manipulate and even control the very essence of things and mortals alike. Even mortals that didn't come from The Neotic Universe were victims. One technique Skyra practice and focused on daily was named SoulBend. This very technique allows the user to rip and deform the soul of any being. That or to also rip those who are soulless outer shell and devour them whole.

Personality: Evil( obviously), Seductive, Pervy, Manipulative, Calculated, Cold, Ambitious and Malevolent

Likes: Walking around naked, Torturing people even when shes bored, Mocking people, Bullying, Eating literally anything(Black holes included), Getting vengeance and justifying wrongs and what is right to her. Meeting people just as evil as her or more. And betraying those close to her while belittling them.

Dislikes: Being humiliating, Holy Knights, People who oppose her, People making false rumors about her. Incest and rebellion along with people begging for their lives before she kills them, Anything thats soft and cuddly.