Azou Hrotha

Age: 14 to 16 years old. (Presumably in her immature state.

Once she reaches her mature state her age is unknown

Weight:Varies. Her body weight fluctuates.


As a by product of Skyra's creation. She is the first Ojoo. A anomalous race. When she was born she immediately came into the world fully grown. Mentally she is the age of a small child. She walked into the unnamed land and was greeted by Skyra. Throughout the time she was taught many things. Leading was the most important.

As for her later years Azou began to slowly become able to speak. She learns how to even write and many other things.She sees her self as a normal being instead of a anomaly.

Personality: Shes a free spirit and just follows her instincts. Obedient, Respectful and Hard working.

Likes: Eating, Drinking, Skyra, Meeting new people and learning

Dislikes: Cruelty,Anything scary,clowns and bananas