Bringer of Death


I remember Hades' voice like he was screaming it to my ear.

We were fighting over how he was such a wuss and he didn't like that I fought the other kids with violence.

I once asked mom why I was named Persephone.

"Your grandmother loved books, she was a librarian and after retiring she always went to the library and the people treated her like she was still working there. One of her favorite books was a book about mythology, that's why my name is Hera. Mom felt like it was a blessing to name me the goddess of Women, Marriage, Family and Childbirth, to prepare me for a future full of love and happiness, like what we have now Persie…from both you and Hades, and of course Daddy."

Mom should've named me Athena or even Aphrodite.

"Now, Persephone. Extend your hand towards the Origin." the High Priest commanded.

I reached out and the room suddenly became empty.

I looked at the massive asteroid, and brushed my palms against its rough surface.


A voice echoed throughout the Temple, "Persephone, I am the first."

My skin crawled throughout my body, I know this voice.

"You are last."

Light appeared out of nowhere, blinding everyone present in the Temple. As my eyes adjusted, I could see the silhouette of the people gawking at what I've unknowingly done.

All eyes were on me, Mom was standing at the Temple entrance still in her lab gown. She wasn't supposed to be here.

I wanted to speak, but my throat was hoarse like I just finished screaming my lungs out.

"STOP CAMERA!" The President shouted.

The media people scurried away while being escorted by the President's guards.

The students and other people were also lead outside, the only people inside the temple were the school, Temple priests, the President, the guards, me, Mom and Hades.

"President Harold Malvado, you do not own my children." I ran towards Hades and took his hand, I dragged him along to Mom's side.

"Hera, listen. Your daughter just showed the world her powers. Do you think they wouldn't chase her for that? Love is the ultimate goal in life. Everyone yearns to be loved. Only death awaits for people who rejects it. Persephone is the embodiment of both love and death."

"Mom, what does he mean? After I touched the Origin, I blacked out."

The dean of our school stepped out and stood in between my Mom and the President, "Mr. President sir, with all due respect. The coming of age ceremony must continue. We cannot postpone a momentous occasion like this."

My mom held my hand so tight, she didn't look away from the President's gaze and just stood there.

I sensed a deeper connection from the both of them.

"Persie, we have to go." Mom urged me.

"But mom, I don't know what's going on."

"Hades, leave with your sister. Drag her if you have to."

Hades took my hand and ran towards the entrance.

The crowd suddenly hushed to a stop when they saw us, Hades didn't stop running and just rammed through the people and didn't care.

As we were running, my eyes caught a glimpse of someone from the mob of people.

My body felt heavy, its as if fear itself was pushing me down with his bare hands.

I discovered the truth behind my powers when I was 9 years old.

That was the time when our father died. The trauma triggered something in me, it felt like it awoken a sleeping beast inside my body.

Our dad was found dead inside the laboratory where he and Mom worked.

Mom was in a different area of the facility, and she wondered why dad didn't come to pick her up as their shift was about to end.

She went back to the lab and found dad, he was cold to the touch and wasn't breathing.

The authorities announced the death of our father as cardiac arrest, everyone accepted it but not me.

It was the day of his burial, and a lot of people went to see him off.

I didn't see my dad off as he was slowly swallowed by the Earth, I couldn't bare the thought of him gone, so I just stood behind the crowd of people and watched from afar.

That's when I saw him.

The day I discovered the truth about my powers, was the day I discovered my dad's murderer.

I read in one of Mom's mythology books about the Oracle, Delphi.

In my understanding, Delphi was a liaison between the gods and the other realms.

Individuals would seek Delphi and ask what the future holds for them, or should I say, speak prophecies.

That was when I believed everyone had their own prophecy, they're purpose in life, the roles they have to work upon in order to fulfill their lives.

The reason why the Oracle caught my attention, because I saw how our parents met like it was my own memory, I didn't know what class of power it was, but I saw their past.

It was one of my earliest memories, and it wasn't even mine.

I saw a woman with bloodied fists, she was dirty, her face was smothered with mud and her hair looked like a disgruntled mess but under all of that, she looked beautiful.

Her eyes showed bravery, she was determined to fight the people provoking her, it didn't matter that they outnumbered her.

I approached her and shielded her from her attackers, "Can't you see she already won? You lost even with your numbers. Pathetic."

That voice belonged to a man, was it dad?

These scenes came back to me as I grew older when mom showed us photos of her when she was in the military, the captain of their platoon was Dad and that was where their love started.

I suddenly spoke the words I heard from my memory, Mom was shocked and asked, "Did your Dad tell you that?"

"No, I just remember it. Why? Did Dad say something similar?"

"That's impossible, Persie. Those were the exact words your dad told me when…"

"You fought with the other soldiers." I continued.

Her eyes widened, and at that time, I couldn't understand why mom was so startled.

She ran off and took her phone, she called dad and I heard her say, "Your daughter saw our past, that time when the other soldiers were fighting me in the military and you stepped in. SHE SAW IT! I can't believe it, David. She has powers! She must be an IPU. I thought she was powerless, I don't know what's the extent of her powers yet, I'm so happy for them, David."

I couldn't hear what dad replied, but that made mom quiet.

As time flew by, I slowly unfolded the details of my powers.

I realized it wasn't the past I saw, but it was how their love started.

I did it to Hades once out of sheer curiosity, I was lying in a bed in a room that looked like a cabin.

The door suddenly swung open, and a girl with short hair appeared, "Oops, sorry. Wrong room."

My heart raced, and realized it wasn't my heart, but Hades'.

He probably fell in love at first sight, I thought.

But then, at Dad's burial another discovery regarding my powers resurfaced.

I didn't need to touch the person I want to use my power upon, and love wasn't the only thing my visions see.

The man was shrouded in a dark aura, he was the only one among the crowd of people with it, and my body went into the state where my visions appear.

"I personally conducted the autopsy, murdering him twice was fun."

Hades shook me back to normal, The man I saw had the same dark aura like before. But I couldn't get into my visions.

Hades dragged me all the way to school, and I didn't even realized it.

"Why are we here? We should go back home." I said.

"We are like criminals now, Persie. The people will look for us, not only them, but the government, and probably other countries as well."

"What did I even say back there, Aidoneus? I blacked out."

He was breathing heavily, its a sign he was getting nervous and almost getting into hyperventilating.

"Breathe, Aidoneus. I'm shaking right now, I'm about to collapse any minute."

"Don't freak out, let me brace myself first, Persie."

He inhaled, and exhaled loudly. He took out his phone, and showed a news article about me and what happened during my coming of age.

A video was attached below, I reached towards his phone and touched the play icon.

The video started, it was the same with Hades. A flash of blinding light came from my eyes and mouth, though I stood still in my place, my hand was still resting on the Origin.

Then, I started to speak.