WebNovelI AM LAST13.64%

I am the first

"I am the first, you are last."

Now I know why the voice I heard in the temple was so familiar, because it was mine.

My hands were trembling, I couldn't feel my feet.

The world knew about my powers, and they're out to get me.

For the past century, a handful of psychic/seer types have been born and half of them were either killed, or have been taken or 'recruited' by the government as a secret weapon against enemy countries.

"Don't worry, Persie. Mom has a plan. She probably knew you were a seer type, and even the government did too that's why the President was there."

"I'm scared, Hades. A three power wielder like you, and me? I don't want any of this. I just wanted to live a normal life, that's why I dreaded the thought of the coming of age ceremony. I didn't want all of you to know."

Hades wrapped me around a tight hug, his warmth was enough to calm me down.

A couple of minutes passed, Mr. Lee came back to school.

"Thank the gods both of you are here."

Mr. Lee was our class adviser, he was a colleague of our parents but he left the lab to become a teacher instead.

"What's happening, Mr. Lee? What will happen to me and my brother?" I asked anxiously.

"I've been talking with Hera for the past few weeks, don't worry."

Mom has already planned everything, because I was born a seer, I've brought problems to the people I care about. I shouldn't be protected like this.

Remembering the video I saw earlier, the girl in it was a stranger to me. Seeing other people under the mysterious power of the Origin, they seemed to project the personality of their abilities but ours, looked different.

Hades would never be violent, and yet his powers called to perish others.

I felt a tremble coming from Hades as I held his hand, he was shaking too.

"I'm hopeful we're getting through this safely." He whispered under his breath.

Mr. Lee lead us at the basement of the school, I felt a subtle vibration on the floor and a door appeared when a machine I didn't recognize confirmed Mr. Lee's identity.

"Charles Lee" said the machine.

We ran through a dark tunnel with flickering lights, and my sense of time disappeared, as if we were there way too long than we really were.

"Mr. Lee wait, where are we going?" I asked.

He didn't stopped and just kept running, I wondered why the school had an escape tunnel like this? Why did the adults purposely omitted simple details like having an escape tunnel under the school?

After a few right and left turns, we stopped.

There was another one of those unfamiliar machines we saw earlier, and it again confirmed Mr. Lee's identity.

We went up, and arrived at a similar door like what we saw at school.

The door swung open and the light coming from the other side was blinding since we were underground for quite some time.

"Hey, you three."

MOM! It was mom!

A sigh of relief came through me, and I just couldn't wait to hug mom.

I ran to her and took her in an embrace, "Mom, what happened between you and the president? Why did you stay behind?"

Mr. Lee brought us to the facility where mom worked.

We went inside in one of the secluded rooms, and Mom had it locked down.

Metal gates slowly descended in each side of the room, and another door leading to the escape tunnel appeared.

"I'm so proud of you both, Persie and Hades. I never imagined that both of you would be so powerful. I wish your dad was here to see you two."

My heart was racing so fast, the thought of mom being proud of us because we were powerful? WE JUST BROUGHT MORE PROBLEMS INTO YOUR LIFE MOM!

"Mom, I didn't want to be powerful. I didn't even know I was a dark type user too. I never felt it, it never manifested. But after touching the Origin, I don't even know anymore." Hades said while holding back his tears.

Mom grabbed both our hands and held us in a hug.

"Promise me you two, that you will never treat yourselves as a burden. You are my blessings, a gift from the gods. My angels."

"Why does it seem like you're saying goodbye?" I asked.

"Because, I am. I can't come with you, Persie. I have to stay behind, but Charles will be with you. He knows everything and…"

My mind went blank again, I was having one of my visions.

"Hera was stubborn, if only she just kept quiet and surrendered her kids to the government."

NO! NO! NO!!!

Not mom, no. Please, gods. Please, not my mom.

I opened my eyes, and I could feel we were riding a vehicle of some sort.

"Hades no, please tell me mom came with us."

I saw the worry in his eyes, he's been crying while I was unconscious.


I looked at Hades and he wasn't panicking like I was.

"Why are you so calm, Aidoneus? Do you know something? Did mom tell you something while I was out?"

"I'm sorry, Persie. Mom knew something bad was gonna happen after you collapsed. She knew you were having a vision, and she knew it wasn't a vision about love."

Was this the punishment I meant on my coming of age?

Was me having this powers, my punishment?

Me having to see how people die, my punishment?

What did I do to deserve this, gods? Why me?

I laid back down, and couldn't muster another word towards Hades.

He didn't even try talking Mom to come with us.

The vehicle stopped, and Mr. Lee opened the door for us.

We arrived at the United Front Military Base, this is where Mom and Dad met.

"Ok, first a few things, call me Charles. Persephone, Hades, we have to change your names. Everyone knows who you are by now, but the government will never release your photos like some wanted criminals. They will try to hide your presence from the public to lure you back to the capitol and take you for themselves. A lot of countries will try to fight for your powers, and they wont back down without a fight. Your mom has made a plan to fight the government without violence and I hope it works. I'll explain everything to you later tonight, settle yourselves here first. The President wouldn't dare touch you while we're here in the base."

We decided to call me Kore, and Hades still as Aidoneus.

I didn't want to sway far from our real names because these are names our mom gave us, I didn't want us to feel like we're turning into somebody else.

The soldiers inside the military base didn't know who we are, but they've heard about what happened back at the capitol.

The government treats the military as scapegoats, or as bait since most of the soldiers here are powerless or are in the low tier of the power scale.

They've been forced to join the military, but the government denies it.

Guilt tripping them to join? Bullsh*t.

"'President Malvado went to the Military base once, it was at the time I joined. He told us newbies that we were doing the country a favor for joining the military, for the fact they've been forcing powerless and low tier users so they could be useful."

"But mom, you're a defensive type. Defensive types are automatically high tiers. Why did you join the military? Dad was an Earth type user too." I asked.

"I was useless in the society with my defensive powers and because I was a woman, they didn't take me seriously, and joining the military was the best decision I made. Your dad was a smartass and he wanted to become a scientist, so when he left, I left too and studied my brains out so I could be with him all day long."

I thought I was ok, but I thought wrong.

Tears fell from my eyes again, I cried till I sobbed.

I ran towards the bunkers where Charles brought us earlier, but I felt someone grabbed my shoulders and stopped.

I didn't want to look back, I don't want anyone to see me crying.

"Excuse me, but are you Persephone?"

He slowly walked in front of me, but I was looking down to avoid his gaze.

"You are Persephone, aren't you?" He asked again.

"Please, can you just let me go?" I requested.

I steadily moved my head to his direction, and opened my eyes.

My mind went blank again, another vision.

The man in front of me was the same man I saw at the Temple while me and Hades were running away.

He was enveloped by a dark aura similar to my dad's murderer.