After the coming of age ceremony, I asked Mom why she stayed behind. Why did she look at the President with anger in front of all those people?
Now, why is she with the person who has my brother at his neck?
I felt faint, "Magus, I'm about to--"
I didn't know what happened next.
My powers have caused me to collapse a couple of times and this needs to stop. I have to learn how to control it, I can't keep on depending on everyone to catch me when I have my visions.
What if I was at the hands of the wrong people when I collapsed?
The loud noise from outside woke me up, Magus was no where to be found, and the place I'm at looked familiar.
The sunshine coming from the windows peered through the curtain, it almost felt like I was lying on my own bed back home.
My head felt heavy, I stood and went to look around.
The door swung open, "Oops, sorry. Wrong room."
My eyes widened, this should be Hades', not mine.
The girl was the same person I saw at my vision, the short her, lean but strong build, like a…soldier.
I'm back at the base? That's why this place looked familiar? Did Magus brought me back?
I opened the door, and Charles was training with the other soldiers in front of the main building of the Military Base.
He looked at my direction, we locked eyes.
Charles turned and walked towards me.
"You woke up late, I guess its fine. You trained hard last night, Aidoneus."
Wait? Aidoneus? Hades? "My hands hurt--"
That voice? Its Hades' voice.
I'm inside his body?
Hades went to train his earth powers first, his hands were full of blisters from using his fire abilities. He's the same as me, we still can't control our powers.
I didn't know what was happening, I tried screaming but there was no sound.
Earlier, I couldn't even tell myself apart from my brother.
I was so at ease that I didn't realize the signs that I was inside of him.
Is this because we're twins? Is this some kind of telepathy between us? But why doesn't he know I'm here?
The girl was really here at the base, I can't believe my vision came true.
She was resting underneath a tree with a few other soldiers.
Hades was distracted, his focus was towards the girl and not on his training.
But no response, he really doesn't know I'm here.
The ground shook, It felt like an earthquake. The soldiers at the training grounds started to ran away from the quake, I felt Hades' heartbeat and it was racing as hell.
"Stop, Hades. Stop! You're gonna have a heart attack at this point." I tried.
But his heartbeat was still crazy.
He was still looking at the direction of the girl, the girl looked back at Hades and he started to calm down.
I kinda felt jealous in a way, I didn't know Hades could be calmed down by another person apart from his twin sister.
"What are you doing Aidoneus? Are you trying to wreck the whole base?" Charles scolded.
"I'm sorry, Charles. I'm just worried, I haven't heard from Kore. Magus ' phone couldn't be reached too."
"I already checked with some of my friends back at the capitol, Kore wasn't captured either was Magus. If the government or the temple went after them, they obviously got away."
"Its my fault, I didn't force her to stay. I even let Magus chase her."
"You know personally how strong your sister is, she won't back down. She'll find a way. Oh? Hades, you're crying? Sorry, I didn't mean--"
That wasn't Hades crying, it was me. My heart was full of pain, me and Hades we're inseparable, and I knew something like this would happen.
The surroundings started to darken, and my body felt like I was being sucked into a void.
My eyes suddenly opened, my head was turned to the side and a familiar face welcomed me back.
"Kore, its me Magus."
My throat was dry, I opened my mouth and I couldn't muster a word.
"I was so worried, you didn't wake up for almost two weeks! I thought you were in a coma or something. I didn't know what to do, so--"
I was again being shipped to somewhere far from the capitol.
Magus was looking down, "I'm sorry, Kore. I just didn't know what to do, I brought you to your school, the teachers there were on your side. They kept us hidden for five days, but they couldn't get you a doctor, and I started to get scared because you were shaking, like having convulsions and your body temperature even shoot up to 40 degrees, I thought you were dying of something the High Priest did to you and the only person I thought of that could help you was your mom."
I was at my limit, if I had Hades' power, I would've burn a hole through Magus' head by now.
"Where are we even headed?" I asked.
I felt nauseous from the waves crashing against the ship.
A knock at the door and it swung open, "Excuse me, Miss Kore? I have to examine your power attributes now, since you're awake. I hate to admit it, but as your doctor, we tried everything and couldn't find what caused you to go into shock. We didn't see any infections in your blood, but the symptoms of shock were certainly there even with the technology we have, your diagnosis is still unknown."
I looked up at the corner, and a camera was there.
That's how they knew I was awake.
The door didn't have a lock inside, and the window isn't an option since we don't know where we were and swimming across the ocean isn't a tempting an idea.
"Is this a hospital ship? If this was an ordinary ship, this room wouldn't look like this and if Hera meant to ship me away somewhere far, the Bullet Express is faster compared to a slow ass ship like this."
The Bullet Express is an interconnection between nearby countries, a train specifically designed to be faster than a plane.
Another reason why to hate the government, the places outside the capitol have always been neglected, they've always focused on developing the capitol only and never took into consideration the citizens living outside. The worst part of it all, even the people themselves have lead to believe that they are not worthy of progress and believing that the life at the capitol is the only chance to live happily.
"Yes, Miss Kore. This is a hospital ship. Miss Hera has instructed us to bring you to the United Japan Front, we have been anchored here for a couple of days waiting for you to wake up."
"I don't know Kore, your mom didn't tell me anything."
Magus was emitting the dark aura again, dark mist enveloping his entire presence.
I grabbed Magus' hand, and focused all my power to this point.
Inside my head, "Please vision, work. Work, work, work. Why aren't you working when I want you to?"
Nothing again.
"Did you see something?" He asked.
I nodded, "I saw you with a girl, but I won't tell you the details. That's gonna spoil the fun."
I lied.
"I kinda feel that you wanted to see how I die though. Tell me I'm wrong."
The ship shook, there was a loud explosion above. It came from the deck.
I stood and ran towards the window of the room, "PERSEPHONE!!!!"
A face suddenly appeared outside the window, he pointed his hand at the glass and a deafening laser like sound waved throughout.
The power of the unknown man pulverized the entirety of the wall, "COME ON KIDDO!" He called out.
Magus grabbed my hand, and dragged me towards the person.
My eyes widened as I saw he was standing on water, I scrambled and fell into the ocean.
I knew how to swim, but my body wouldn't move an inch. I continued sinking until I reached the bottom. I looked up, Magus was with the unknown person, the water didn't touch their bodies, and it seemed like they were floating in mid air.
The man reached out his hand towards me, I didn't reached back and he yanked me by my clothes. I realized I could breathe, and I let out a huge exhale of breath.
"WHAT WAS THAT!" I exclaimed.
I didn't notice but we were moving, the feeling of like riding a train, outside the train is moving at speeds you can never keep up but inside, its as if you're at a stand still.
We suddenly burst out of the water and landed onto an island.
I nudged my eyes a couple of times, I couldn't believe it.
"My dear, Persie!"