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Primordial Ancestry

"Mom? Why are you here?"

She laughed and finger combed her hair.

"Honey, you already forgot about your own grandmother?"

I was left in awe, she doesn't even look like a grandma! She looks like my mom!??

Though looking at her, I could really tell the difference between the both of them.

From a strangers point of view, they could even sell as being twins.

"Grandma? How are you even alive? Why are you so young? Last thing we spent together was you telling us stories about the gods, then Mom told us you passed away from old age. We couldn't even see you since they told us your body got cremated!!?"

She grabbed me by my shoulders and lead me towards the trees.

We walked for a couple of minutes until we reached a clearing, there was nothing there but grass and some flowers.

Magus held my hand and, "There's something underneath here. I can feel it through the roots of the plants."

A familiar looking machine rose up from the ground, it looked similar to the identification machine that Charles used… Wait a sec?

"This looks familiar, Maam." I spoke.

"What the hell, Persie? Don't call me that, I'm your Grandma!"

The unknown man was trailing from behind, "This is the body scanner we placed all over the capitol, that's why it looked familiar to you.

I looked behind, and the violent unknown man I saw back at the ship turned into a glasses wearing handsome cinnamon roll.

"Are you the same person?" I unknowingly spoke out my mind.

I saw him smile, "That's not the first I've heard of that."

"Doxa Dunamis"

My eyes widened, it was really her!!!

She turned to face me and said, "See, this machine never lies."

Something flickered on the ground, and Grandma suddenly vanished as she took a step.

The man behind us went ahead, and he too disappeared as soon as he stepped forward.

I took a step, and I instantly appeared in what looked like a suburban area, but it felt different than what I got used to back at the capitol. There were trees everywhere, there were kids playing on the streets, there were even dogs.

Though I promptly remember Magus mentioning that he felt something underneath earlier, how could all of these be somewhere underneath?

Then again, Grandma was freaking here beside me looking like my mom.

Grandma took my hand, "Let's go for a walk, Persie."

"I know you're dying to ask questions. But first, why did you leave your brother behind?" She sounded serious, it felt weird calling her Grandma when she's not even that old.

"He stayed behind to follow through Mom's plan, which I didn't had the chance to even know about. Charles is training him."

She sighed, "Persie, oh gods. You just couldn't sit still, can you? I don't know what Hera is planning but I'm glad you decided to leave. I can't let you inherit the High position at the Temple. This is the only thing both me and Harold would agree on."

"Wait, what? Both him and the High Priest announced their retirement together, why would the President not want me to become the High Priest?"

"Harold wants Hades to succeed, and knowing Hades, he'd probably listen to you more than some dumb advisers, or even that stupid Harold Malvado. But, that's not the only reason, you… are powerul. Even more powerful than any three wielder."

"I'm an IPU, Grandma. I'm more suited behind offensive users like Hades."

"But you have the blood of a Dunamis, we belong to the Primordial Ancestry. That's why Harold Malvado has a sick adoration for our family. He knows."

The Primordial Ancestry, five families ruled the world. It was said, the Earth was divided into five major continents, and each continent was governed by one family. Even without powers, the five families showed unworldly abilities that even a power user of today, could never win from. But when the asteroid came, three of the five families wiped out, and the remaining two lost most of their members and along with their authority. Years passed and humans started to evolve into species that could manifest powers, and with this, a mysterious occurrence happened. Not a single person could recall who were the families that belonged to the Primordial Ancestry.

"Pfft, stop lying Grandma. How can we be a family from that powerful lineage, that happened thousands of yea--"


I just freaking blinked, and I just lost again to my visions!

"Help me! Help, please somebody? My family, they're dying."

Everywhere I looked, fire engulfed everything in its path.

I saw someone coming, my heart beat raced.

"Help! Help! I'm here, help!"

The man stopped and held the debris that pinned me down, he threw it away like a piece of crumpled up paper.

I couldn't see his face, but I guess he was this lady's destined one.

"You…are…Regina D-d-d-dunamis, a-a-aren't you?"

He suddenly kicked the lady in the stomach and I felt the body smash on what looked like ruins of a house.

I take it back, it wasn't her destined one, and a Dunamis? I've never heard someone from Mom's side named Regina though.

Regina felt like she was stabbed at the gut, she winced as she slowly moved.

The man went and crept towards her, "You killed my sister."

"I've killed a lot of sisters in the past, that's--"

The man kicked her again, this time he kicked straight at her face.

"You were begging me to help you, but now it seems like you're not scared to die." He added

She started humming inside her head, she was remembering something in the past. "You really like my brother, don't you Regina? But you've never even met him, you just love him because of all the stories you've heard!"

I sensed her smile, the man didn't looked happy. He looked down at Regina, "You think this is some laughing matter, Head of the Dunamis Family?"


"I curse you, and all who will come after you. Curse the Primordial Ancestry! She sacrificed herself so you could become Head. Curse you and all the other families!"

When I opened my eyes, "years ago, would our blood be like diluted as hell by now?"

Wait what?

I just had a vision, and not even a second has passed in real life. I literally blinked, had a vision, opened my eyes and I was back.

"That's something connected to why I'm young again."

"Regina Dunamis." I mentioned.

"How do you know that name?" She looked surprised.

I shrugged.

"Even your mother doesn't know who that person is, did you see her using your powers? Did you, Persie?" She added.

"I didn't do it on purpose, after you told me about the Primordial Ancestry, I immediately had a vision about her."

I found Magus with the unknown man.

"My power is useless at the capitol, I always have to bring my stuff around so I could use them."

He was showing his bag of goodies, it contained dried seeds, roots, dried fruit and few others things that could be helpful to him.

"Though here, you're unstoppable. There are plants everywhere. Your power is really amazing, Magus. We have the technology here that could increase the rate of produce production, but it tastes different than with the freshly grown ones. I would love to try the ones you'd grow."

The unknown man looked impressed.

"You're putting me on a pedestal, Adelfo. I'm not that great. Though I do love letting my vegetables grow naturally back at the Military Base, and I think it doesn't taste any different."

"Me on the other hand, I'm pretty useless myself. My power is a mimic type, mine is kinda sad since I can't use it without touching the other user, and when I borrow multiple powers, I have like minutes sometimes an hour just to use one of them. If I borrow one power and use it fully, it stays for half a day sometimes up to one whole day if I don't use it continually. After twenty four hours, they completely disappear."

"So that's why you had a lot of powers when you rescued us."

"I had a water type, and two fire types, one was laser and the other one was explosion though using three like this together at a short period of time, the strength dropped 50%."

"Whoa, really? Though that laser type power pulverized the side of the ship like it was paper and you say that was just 50%? The owner of that one is scary."

"She owns both the laser and explosion types, it was Doxa's"

"I'm not surprised, Kore really came from a powerful bloodline huh."

Literally, Magus. Literally.

Wow, just hearing both of them talk like this just gave me a headache.

So he's named Adelfo.

"Come out, Persephone. Stop eavesdropping." Adeflo called out.

I smiled, "Listening to you two was fun."