I woke up after three days.
Hades surrendered himself to the government, I wanted to scream but my throat was hoarse and dry.
Magus told Doxa about what happened to me in the past, that's why they didn't panic after they found me not waking up.
"Did you see something, Persie?" Doxa asked.
Doxa came to see me after a few hours I woke up, she took me to the school where they train teenagers like me.
"Yeah, Hades surrendered himself to the government. I think its my fault, if I didn't leave him behind, he wouldn't be so scared to do anything."
"Don't belittle your brother like that, Persie. I don't know what happened but I think he has a plan. Both of you are strong, but I wish he was here with us because both of you are stronger together."
My heart fell into pieces, I know leaving him behind was wrong. But I know my brother and he would never leave, he would always follow the rules, he was never late, he never told a lie, didn��t fight back and just let the bullies hurt him.
Whenever he was down, I always there to cheer him up. I was always there to fight his wars, but not anymore.
"Why is Mom with the President?" I asked.
"Harold is obsessed with our family because of our blood, I think that's why he has Hera with him but I don't really know to be honest, the original plan was, Charles taking you to the base and train you for a couple of weeks since we thought the government would never try to take you by force, with so many soldiers to witness and both of you, famous as celebrities, it was a gamble for them, with their reputation at stake. The citizens would go against the government if they knew you both were forced to join them."
"After that, what?"
"Charles will bring you to the United Japan Front, Adelfo would be waiting near the Bullet Express tracks in case if anything happened, the current president of Japan is an Epinean, since that fact cannot be exposed, we have to make it seem that both of you had made an alliance with Japan, in a sense that, you two are the grandchildren of Takeo Athanasios."
I knew that Grandpa was born Japanese, and that he was a soldier there.
"Your grandpa was the former president's right hand, before he stepped down, he decreed that your Grandpa's family, that's us, will be forever favored by the United Japan Front. They were practically best friends well also because both of them were from Epineo and he was my husband." She giggled.
That look on her face when she mentioned grandpa, she really loved him dearly. The vision I saw was indeed of love, I had doubts about myself before but now I'm sure my power is real.
"Magus called the Blue House and asked your Mom for help, that was when Hera called Adelfo. Harold discovered that you were unconscious and that you needed help, he took the opportunity to send you away since he didn't want you to inherit the High position at the Temple, but Hera stepped in and suggested to bring you to Japan."
She sighed, and grasped my hands tightly.
"I don't know if there's still a plan, but everything has changed. We have to start your training today, you can't go on like this if you want to fight Harold."
"School, hmm? This place doesn't look like a school."
Calling it a school was an understatement. It looked more like a lab facility, there were a bunch of machines, a gym, a pool and all sorts of other things that I don't recognize.
"The first generation of Epineans were powerless, Persie. The knowledge I had throughout the years were the only thing I held while building this place, I gave the people a safe place to live, food, water and security, in return they helped me. Everything you see here are some of the inventions our Epineans made to compensate the lack of powers, to extract the innate power within and push it to the surface. Think of the soldiers back at the capitol, the rigorous training they do is similar to the machines we have here though the machines make it easier for the power to come forward."
Doxa introduced me to the person who was going to help me here in Epineo, she was about the same height as me, had dark hair and thin cat like eyes that could pierce anyone with just a stare.
"This is Hitagi, she's a soldier stationed in Japan but she's back for other reasons. I know that Adelfo has told you about how some of the people here decided to leave Epineo, and we had to remove their memories and plant new ones so they could live a normal life. But Epineans that choose to work for their home are different, like your Grandpa, Hitagi here and a lot more. They work outside to help Epineo to continue growing for the benefit of the future generation."
Hitagi reached out her hand, "Nice to meet you, I saw your coming of age ceremony. It was scary but bemusing to say the least. You're awesome."
"What's your power…powers?" I asked.
"I'm a defense type, I could manifest a shield that envelopes a small area, or multiple areas, I could also use it as an offensive attack but I trained to focus more to protect . But that's not why I'm helping you train, I'm one of the engineers here too."
Hitagi instructed me to change into a hospital gown with nothing underneath, she pointed towards a chamber, "Step inside, we have to find out why you collapse when you have visions. Then, you have to focus your powers into one part of your body so we could measure your power output."
I stepped inside the chamber, the door slowly closed and a gush of cold air flowed through one of the vents.
I grasped my hands together, and focused my energy there.
"When I heard that you were here, I really wanted to check out your powers. I'm gonna be perfectly honest here, I want to know who my destined one is, so use me!!"
I laughed, "Now I thought Epineans are selfless, how manipula--"
My mind went blank, here we go again.
Hitagi was in the capitol, she was walking by the road going somewhere familiar.
I know this place, the cherry blossom trees that lined the road, I could hear the train revving from afar too, its University of the United Front! Only the smartest and most elite students could attend this school, why is Hitagi here?
She entered the campus, and a lot of other students were walking by along with her.
Hitagi was whispering something to herself, "Can't believe I'm at the capitol!"
Mom and Dad attended this university too, though they didn't pressure us to follow them but instead just to live life everyday. That's contradicting now since Mom already knew that something was gonna happen.
"Psst hey! Wait, Hitagi? That's you right?"
She turned around and a fresh looking Charles appeared, wait… WHOA! WAIT A FREAKING MINUTE?
"Who are you?" Her tone was serious.
"I'm Charles Lee, Doxa told me about you. I'm going to be one of your professors here, so you are in my care."
My eyes opened and I was back at the chamber, "Sooooooooo! Who was it, is he or she from here? What do they look like ?" She exclaimed.
"I guess what you saw with my powers aren't that exciting huh." I joked.
"No! No! I'm sorry, Persephone. I was just excited, you know? I'm not that young anymore, and well… I'm still single?" She laughed awkwardly.
The door swung open, "So what did you see with my results?" I asked.
She looked disappointed and went back looking at the monitor, "Well, you were out for more than an hour. See this center line here? This is the ceiling point. When you release power, you can either level the ceiling point, or be below it. From past results, no one has ever gone above it. We programmed it to have an extra gauge if someone like you was born. This line above this center line I previously mentioned, is the second ceiling point and you leveled that. You probably gone above that too if we had a third gauge."
My eyes widened, "Wait? Hold on a sec, so what you're saying is… My powers are that strong?"
She nodded.
"So, I presume that's why you always collapse, faint or your mind goes blank when you use your powers, because your body can't with take the amount of power you manifest. Now we can start somewere, sooooo Persephone? Who did you see?"
I laughed, I never imagined my nerdy teacher who looked so serious all the time, will be one of the people I see in my visions.
"What university did you go to?" I asked.
"University of the United Front, why? Wait, you saw my past? Was it one of my classmates? I'm going to marry someone from the capitol? Nooooo!" She was panicking.
"Calm down, Hitagi! Did you see anyone there that might've been someone you fancy? Or any of that sort?"
"Well, yeah. I have one person in mind, but he was out of my-- Wait? No, you're joking right?"
She turned to face me, and held my hands tight.
Hitagi squealed like a teenage girl, I joined her. We were jumping and screaming , "AHHHHH!!!! OMG, ARE YOU FOR CERTAIN PERSEPHONE?"
I nodded aggressively.
"Oh my gods, Charles Lee. You sexy glasses wearing fool!" She screamed.