"I found you."
The water from the snow collected into a gigantic ball in front us.
"Step inside, Persephone."
I looked back at Doxa, the people protecting her scattered and she stepped out. "Why are you forcing her to come with you? If the capitol finds out about this, they will oppose the Temple."
Explosions continue to echo throughout the area.
The High Priest looked at Charles, "I see, you're here as well. Who are these people, Charles? You're now in cahoots with the President after what he did to you?"
The ball of water grew bigger as snow continued to melt on the ground.
Charles stepped in front of me, "You're not taking Persephone."
"AHHHHHH!!!" Magus screamed.
A masked man suddenly appeared and took Magus towards the High Priest side.
"Better safe than sorry, this child is a high tier user yet his official rank is a low tier. You're coming with us too. Now Persephone, what are you going to do?"
Doxa whispered to Hitagi and the other Epineans, "Take Makoto and keep him safe, he shouldn't be involved with this."
The High Priest saw Riordan's face, a laser like jet of water shot out of his finger, "HAROLD MALVADO SENT PERSEPHONE TO JAPAN SO SHE COULDN'T INHERIT THE HIGH POSITION, IS THAT IT SECRETARY OF THE UNITED FRONT?"
A glow of light appeared out of nowhere, it enveloped Riordan.
Riordan was safe because of Hitagi's power, "Oh? Someone who can block my power? Interesting."
Another explosion, it was near where we were.
Magus and Hitagi collapsed.
Charles hurried to Hitagi's side, "NOOOO! What did you do?"
"Persephone, decide now or I take another one of your friends here."
Doxa screamed and a blast of fire exploded from her mouth, The High Priest evaded and the same laser like jet of water aimed towards Doxa. We ran towards the inside of the mansion of President Makoto as the chaos ensued between Doxa and the High Priest.
Vilde held her daughter's hand, "Althaia, you have to go with Adelfo and the others. I have to stay behind and help Miss Doxa."
"Wait, Vilde! The teleport type I borrowed can only be used once and it brings us back to Epineo, I can't leave Miss Doxa here."
Vilde was crying, "That's why I'm staying, I have to bring back Miss Doxa and Magus."
Althaia looked at Vilde with worry in her eyes, I expected her to cry as well but she kept her brave face on.
Althaia took Adelfo's hand, "Let's go, Adelfo. President Makoto's safety should be prioritized."
I stepped back and joined Vilde, "I can't leave. I have to help Doxa too, she's my Grandma and Magus is my friend."
Charles was carrying Hitagi, explosions still echoed outside from Doxa and the High Priest's battle.
President Makoto's guards were still fighting off the masked power users that were trying to come inside the mansion.
"Persephone, I promised your Mom and your brother that I'd keep you safe. Doxa can handle herself, she's powerful."
"So is the High Priest." I replied.
A gust of wind encircled Adelfo, their bodies started to disappear until I could only see their silhouettes.
Vilde ran towards the guards and joined the battle.
At first, I didn't understand how Vilde was considered a threat to the capitol, but seeing her fight, its clear now.
She fought like me, dog style street fighting but she was faster, much faster that I couldn't even follow her moves. The masked power users collapsed one by one as Vilde confronted them.
With a blink of an eye, the entrance was cleared. The guards were in awe with Vilde, the masked power users groaned on the floor with blood coming out from their mouths.
One thing I learned from my high school fights back then, power users are overconfident and they always try to overwhelm you but they are slow. A fist lands first before they can manifest anything.
But, the chaos outside was on a whole different level.
Doxa and the High Priest did not fight like high school students, they weren't slow, they weren't overconfident. Just standing there and watching them fight felt heavy, like an invisible wall was pushing me towards the ground.
Vilde dashed towards the High Priest and landed a kick that sent him flying, his body burst into water has he landed.
She suddenly collapsed and dark clouds appeared above, a gurgling sound came from Vilde.
"What did you do to me?"
Doxa rushed towards Vilde, laser like power blasted from Doxa's eyes and landed on the High Priest's chest.
Doxa looked at me, "Help Vilde, that bastard is manipulating Vilde's blood."
I took Vilde, I could feel her blood rushing through her veins. I looked closely, her veins were enlarged all over her body and you could see how the blood was flowing.
She coughed out blood, "Persephone, please. Don't leave Doxa here."
I focused my power towards my hand, I grabbed Vilde and concentrated.
Please, work.
My mind went blank for a second, but I saw everything in my vision.
Tears fell from my eyes, my vision showed me this exact place.
I saw the High Priest pointing towards me, or rather Vilde as I was in her point of view.
Vilde was looking at our direction, Doxa and I were sprawled on the ground, unconscious.
"This is why powerless humans like you aren't needed in this world full of powers."
She's gonna die here.
"DOXA! PLEASE STOP!" I shouted.
A shield of ice protected the High Priest, that stopped Doxa in her tracts.
Both of them looked at me, "Stop fighting. I have to go with the High Priest."
The High Priest laughed, "What a surprise, I thought I had to kill an elite tier power user today."
Doxa ran towards me, "What are you saying, Persie? You can't. We have a plan, remember? We're going to save your brother from Harold's tyranny. Don't do this."
Her grip on my shoulders were painful, I leaned in towards Doxa's ear, "I saw a vision, Doxa. The High Priest will kill Vilde, I'll still be taken even if I resist."
Tears fell from her eyes, she was still gripping my shoulders tightly.
Doxa suddenly pushed me to the ground, "TO HELL WITH THAT!"
A huge fireball blasted from her mouth as she screamed.
The masked power users started to circle Doxa, she was out of control. Friend or foe, her fire didn't stop for no one.
The High Priest laughed again, "A MAGNIFICENT SIGHT!"
I hurried towards the ball of water that encased Magus, "NO! PERSEPHONE, NO!" Doxa shouted.
The water filled my lungs but I didn't drown, I was breathing under water.
"So, you're Doxa? Doxa Athanasios. A registered IPU, rune type user, worked at the National Library of the United Front. Died of heart failure at the age of seventy eight. Though, the woman I see in front of me is not a dead old lady."
I felt faint after a few seconds of being in that water cage.
After I woke up, I scanned my surroundings. I was alone.
My heart raced, is Doxa safe? Is Vilde alive? Was my vision wrong? Where's Magus?
I was back at the Temple again, the door swung open and a few of the priests scurried in along with the High Priest.
"The priests here will dress you with our clothing, Harold Malvado doesn't know you're back. You will be a surprise gift for him."
"Where's Magus? If you don't bring Magus here, I'll sabotage your announcement."
The High Priest slowly approached me, and held my hand.
"You saw that powerless human die, didn't you? I still have my power connected to her, and that other woman with Charles. If you don't comply, I'll make your vision come true."
So me and Hades have the same fate.
Both of us surrendered, we sacrificed ourselves to save our comrades.
One of the priests dipped his finger in something that looked like red paint, but I'm not sure. It was in a wooden pot that had inscriptions on it, I looked at it closely and it looked similar to the drawing like words that covered the walls of the Temple.
He dragged his finger on my forehead, going down to my nose up to my chin. The red line ran over my lips, and I could taste a weird herby tang from it.
Then he draw circles on each of my hand, and another one just below my neck.
They dressed me in the same white-ish robe the HIgh Priest wore, but its sleeves ran down up to my fingers, and the rest of the robe was touching the floor. It had a hood with golden fleece lined at the hem.
They pulled the hood towards my head, when you look at me from behind, I'd blend well with the other priests in the room.
One of the priests open the door, the High Priest pushed me from behind to start exiting the room.
"Comply, Persephone. Its time."