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Chapter 15

"The asteroid that fell, it was the symbol of destruction, it reminded the world of how insignificant humans are compared to the heavens. But for me and Regina, its the fear we instilled on our people. It reminded us of all the people we killed, for empowerment. For whatever reason we have as the Dunamis Family at the time."

She continued on as she was staring into Regina's painting.

"I left her to die, Persephone. Up until now, I regretted my decision. We grew old together but I slowly turned back to my younger self. We were being hunted by our own people, for being different. Regina stayed behind so I could run, she thought she would be a burden, that I might get killed if I brought her with me."

She sobbed under her words, my heart ached as I recalled that scene in my memory.

I wanted to tell her I was there, but I have to let her speak for now.

"As I ran, time seemed to went by with a blur. I suddenly fell to my knees, and I saw a blinding light coming from the direction where I left Reigna. I wanted to go back but the people around me stared with suspicious eyes so I couldn't."

Doxa turned towards the direction of the entrance, where a part of the Origin can be seen. That place where the coming of age ceremony was being held.

"Follow me." She muttered.

We arrived and all sorts of memories came rushing back.

This is where everything began.

Doxa approached the Origin, she was reaching out her hand, "Wait! Don't touch that!" I exclaimed.

Unexplainable events happen here when people touch the Origin, I don't want anything to happen to Doxa if she touches it.

"Persephone, meet Regina."

As Doxa's hand touched the Origin, darkness enveloped me.

"Hello, we meet again."

The voice I heard back from my coming of age, its her. Its Regina.

"How?" I asked.

"I am the first."

A cold breeze brushed the back of my neck, its as if she was right behind me.

"I am last? What does it mean?"

"My death was the catalyst, Persephone. My curse, my punishment. The powers, the unworldly abilities the human civilization has possessed for the past hundreds of years, was possible because of my death."

I couldn't move, I felt numb. Atlas, the titan who was condemned to hold up the celestial heavens on his shoulders, that's how I feel right now. I wanted to fall but the darkness made my body light.

"Do you understand now, Persephone. All of what has been possible through me will be taken away by you. The one who has been chosen by the heavens. The last."

I woke up with Magus on my bed side, yet again.

"It's dangerous for you to go somewhere without an offensive type, Kore."

I sat and rested my back on the headboard of the bed.

"I'm still mad at you for not coming to the dinner."

He looked away, "You know I can't use my powers at full strength here at the Capitol."

"Excuses." I rebutted.

Awkward silence.

I could hear his heavy breathing with the eerie silence between us.

"Don't be so nervous, Magus. I just trust you way too much, I always want you with me. I feel safer when you're around."

I don't know if I should be embarrassed, but that came out weirder that I expected.

"I can't protect you, Kore. I'm not like Hades, or Vilde, or Doxa. Adelfo is more dependable than me."

My chest tightened, it hurts to hear him say all of these excuses when I only want him by my side.

I couldn't respond.

"Don't be like that, Kore. Please, say something?"

"What should I say? Your mind is already close. No words could sway you at this point."

He leaned towards me and took my hand, "I just want you to be safe, I can't give you that."

"Why can't you understand, Magus? I just want you to be by my side."

Our eyes locked, he looked at me warily but I kept my composure. I was serious.

He stood, "I can't give you what you want, Kore. I am burdened by my past. I will ask Doxa to let Adelfo or Charles accompany you."

"Wait? Is this about your family? How your dad basically forced you to join the military?"

Magus left without responding.

I could hear a commotion ensuing on the streets.

I ran towards the viewing deck where I broadcasted my message two days ago, which I never actually remembered happening.

Charles approached, "The military has been summoned. The capitol police will join them in the war."

"They really don't like the military." I whispered.

I abruptly remembered what Nikolai mentioned about Charles back at Japan, what did Harold Malvado do to Charles?

I wanted to ask so bad.

"Back at Japan, Nikolai seemed to know a lot about you, Charles."

"I grew up in the military, the High Pr-- I mean, Nikolai Abrevi, would visit every couple of years to recruit people to join the Temple as priests. He had asked for me personally when I was 14, when I was 16 and after my coming of age."

"That's how you two got acquainted."

"You're curious why he said those things to me, right Persephone?"

I can't keep secrets from Charles Lee, can I?

"Did you read my mind?" I joked.

"I'm a low tier, mind readers are mid to high tiers."

I actually don't know what power or powers Charles possesses.

He had a build like a soldier, now its understandable why he was so at ease back at the military and why the other soldiers looked up to him.

At school, it wasn't unusual for students to know what tiers that teachers were, so we always knew Charles was a low tier, but tiers don't really matter. The Epineans are the best example.

"Persephone, there are things that should be left unsaid. There are things that should be left untouched. It is best for us to think what is now than griping on what has already been done."

I imagined rolling my eyes with that bullcrap, you're hiding something.

I could hear voices being raised near the entrance of the Temple, I ran towards them and Doxa was scolding Magus.

I felt uneasy, Magus was wearing his fatigue uniform.

"Its my duty as a soldier, I have to report."

"If I wanted to do my duty, I would've stayed at Epineo with my people. But here I am, because I can make a difference, and so can you!"

"Miss Doxa, please let me go."

I don't even know why I'm hiding.

Magus plans to join Hades' army?

"That army out there will engage war on an innocent country, with millions of innocent lives. I need you here so we can stop needless bloodshed."

"I'm useless, I can't even protect, Persephone. More so the lives of those millions."

"So you'll just follow blindly to the governments commands?!!!!!" Doxa was already shouting.

"I grew up in the military, Miss Doxa. Those soldiers out there are my family. I want to die doing what I have been trained for, along with them."

"Dying means leaving Persephone alone." Doxa rebutted.

My heart raced, "Magus!" I called out.

My body just moved on its own.

"How long have you been there?" He asked.

Doxa smiled, "She heard enough."

Doxa left, me and Magus were alone.

I approached him, "So you're leaving?"

"I have to." He replied.

My chest tightened again, "You're prepared to die?"

He couldn't answer, he was avoiding my gaze.

I stood in front of him and looked up to his face.

Magus was a bit taller than me, but it was enough to…

I leaned forward, I reached my hands towards his face and…

His eyes widened.

"A kiss?" He whispered.

"Don't leave me, Magus."

____END OF VOLUME 1____