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Truth and Lies

Chapter 16

"I have to leave, Kore. You of all people should know why I can't be here."

"Stay for me, Magus. Is that not enough?"

I held his hand, my heart beats fast as he stared back into my eyes with intent.

"My heart aches with the thought of you leaving. I don't want you to protect me, Magus. I don't want to be protected. It was wrong for me to say I wanted you beside me, I don't just want you Magus. I need you."

Magus looked away, he took his bag and turned towards the direction of the entrance.

I pulled his hand towards me, "No. Please. I don't want you to die."

"I can't be with you, Persephone. I am Harold Malvado's son, seeing you hurt because of that person drives me crazy and I don't know what to do. I can't accept your love."

I was drowning.

Harold Malvado took my mother away, my twin brother and now the person I long for.

My knees buckled and I fell to the floor.

Is this what numbness feels like?

I pressed down the tips of my fingers on my skin, I scratched and scratched but there was no pain.

Charles appeared into view, he rushed towards me and held me up.

I was wide awake but my eyes saw something else.

"David, listen to me. You have to leave now. I am risking my life to help yours, there are people after you and they want you dead."

"They can try."

Dad laughed as Charles paced in front of him.

"I am begging you, David. Do this for you family, leave right now."

Dad looked at Charles, "Hera wouldn't like this if she knew you were involved with something fishy and don't even bother, tampering with my memories, your powers don't work on me."

Charles suddenly held my Dad's hand, Dad fell to the floor.

"Wh-what's happening?" He could barely speak.

Charles moved away, the look on his face, like he didn't mean what happened.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY, DAVID!" He was crying.

My head turned towards Charles face, I stared at his eyes and searched for the person who killed my Dad. I only saw concern, concern for the daughter of the person he killed.

"Charles." My voice was hoarse.

"Were you at my Dad's funeral?"

I swatted away his hand, I stood my ground.

"Yes." He answered.

"You're an IPU too, right?" I asked again.

He was taken aback, "Yeah, what's with these questions?"

"You're a manipulator type. You can tamper with memories."

Those times I fought with people twice my size, my body moved on its own.

I ran towards Charles and pinned him against the wall.

"YOU KILLED MY DAD!!!!" I screamed.

Charles was stunned, he couldn't do a thing.

I pulled his arm towards me and thrusted my knee upwards, he fell and writhed in agony.

"AHHHHHHHHH!! P-P-Persepho…"

I felt his bones break against the skin of my knee.

I stepped on his broken arm and focused all my weight there, "NO! PERSEPHONE, PLEASE!"


Doxa ran towards me and pulled me away from Charles.

"KYAAAAAAAH!" Hitagi screamed as she saw Charles sprawled on the floor.

I scanned around the room, Nikolai was grinning behind some priests.

He knew what Charles did.

My eyes widened.

I remembered what Nikolai told Charles back in Japan, "I see, you're here as well. Who are these people, Charles? You're now in cahoots with the President after what he did to you?"

The root of all of these.

The person who destroyed my life.

Harold Malvado.

"Its broken and not just in half, he'll lose his arm." Doxa whispered as she went to check Charles' arm.

Hitagi sobbed as she looked at him.

"Don't pity that piece of shit." I growled while tears flooded my face.

"D-Dox…��� Charles moaned in pain.

"What's wrong with you!" Doxa screamed.

Vilde ran towards me and held my hands behind my back.

"Hold her tight, she can fight as good as you, Vilde." Doxa added.

I only wanted to inflict pain, killing him would be mercy.

"Charles, what happened between you and Persephone?" Hitagi whispered.


Charles curled into a ball while holding his broken arm near his body.

"I'm sorry, Persephone. I'm so sorry." He cried.


My scream resonated all over the Temple, it felt like time stopped as the sound disappeared.

I was locked in my room, Vilde was standing outside the door.

"Let me out, am I a prisoner here?"

"You're not a prisoner, Persephone. I am locking you up for your own good. I know that the people here are important to you, if you hurt anyone again, the remorse afterwards would be the one to kill you."

"He killed my Dad, Vilde. He admitted it himself. I saw him in my vision, I saw my Dad die like I was there."

Malvado will broadcast his appointing of presidency today, after Hades is president, he will immediately declare the war against Japan.

There was no TV here but I could hear Malvado's voice echo throughout the Capitol.

"As of this day, I will no longer be your president. Hades Athanasios, I pass on this key and pen as your initiation to presidency. The key symbolizes the locked doors of leadership, and only the worthy may enter. The pen as a mark of authorization, with one sign of this pen, you can conquer the world."

"I, Hades Athanasios, accept this key and pen. I solemnly swear to the gods, that I will dedicate my life of leadership to the citizens of the United Front, to further bring my land to a fruitful future."

The door opened, Vilde appeared.

She reached out her hand, "Come on, its time."

The Japanese evacuated to a part of Epineo outside the main city where the Epineans reside.

President Makoto had every single of his people leave the country to avoid losing the lives of innocents.

"Soldiers and normal Japanese citizens who are prepared to die stayed behind, Makoto urged them to evacuate but they decided to fight for their loved home." Doxa mentioned as we travelled back to Japan.

"I am honored to fight alongside them." Vilde commented.

The reality of everything had just sink in.

The war is happening, and everyone will be in danger.


When I think about him, all I see is Malvado's face.

He was suspicious from the start, but I trusted him way too fast.

After the thing with Charles, everyone avoided me for a bit.

They felt guilty for siding with Charles, but I couldn't blame them.

I still want him to suffer, though seeing Hitagi, I remember the vision I saw back at Epineo.

Charles is her destined person, hurting him is like hurting the both of them.

"The people are panicking, they couldn't understand Hades' speech of why he declared war against Japan as soon as he got the position."

Althaia was on her phone monitoring the news.

I could see her wary eyes as she scrolled through her phone.

I don't know what happened between her and Hades, but I know she's concerned.

"Riordan and the others are already there, plus the Japanese we probably have 300-500 troops on our side." Doxa spoke.

Vilde was nervous, "500 troops versus the United Front's army? That's not even a battalion, gods… Please help us."

"Don't ask the gods for help! They're the ones who caused this mess." I snapped.

All of them looked at me.

"LOOK!" Hitagi pointed outside the window.

Adelfo had borrowed one of the priest's powers back at the Temple, it was a manipulator type that could make certain objects have no presence.

Good thing he was here, Hades' army was on the way.

Probably fifty military cargo aircrafts occupied the sky, and by the sea, a few battleships pushed through the waves like they were nothing.

"They're up there, Hades and Magus." I whispered.

Doxa held my hand and gave me a worried smile.