Chapter 20
We could hear screams from the United Front's army base.
They've heard the news too.
A priest came running towards Doxa, "YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE NO CASUALTIES!!!"
"It was naive of me to say that." Doxa whimpered.
The UF's military cargo planes took off one by one.
The other priests swarmed the infirmary tent, "BRING THAT TYRANT OUT!"
Hitagi appeared and surrounded the tent with her shield.
Doxa ran inside, I followed.
"Was this one of your plans, Mr. President?!!!!" Doxa shouted.
Althaia held Doxa back, one wrong answer and she'll roast Hades alive.
"No, the retreat was not planned. I don't know what Malvado's thinking."
"The people out there had families back at the Temple, Hades. Their blood is on your and Malvado's hands." Doxa was ready to manifest her laser type power.
I intervened, "Let's hurry back to the Capitol."
The explosion was caught on camera by the CCTVs that surround the main roads along the Temple.
That was the broadcast we saw back at Japan.
The Temple was in ruins but the Origin stood tall, with no cracks except for the one Hades left on his coming of age.
We saw people rallying in front of the Blue House.
People were crowding the streets in front of the Temple.
We couldn't do a thing, we only watched as the Temple burned down along with priests that didn't come to the war.
The priests that came with us ran towards the Temple and tried to douse the fire.
Some of the citizens came to help, but no one from the government appeared.
I took a step but Althaia held me back, "No, its not safe. Malvado is probably watching us."
The crowd disguised us from the prying eyes of the government.
Malvado has gone crazy, my mom's death took a toll on him.
At first, I didn't want to believe it.
He was in love with her.
Killing my father was the fire that ignited Malvado's plan.
I looked at Doxa, she was crying.
"This is all my fault, my curse. I have involved everyone."
News of what the Blue House did echoed throughout the Capitol.
Althaia checked the internet earlier, and the whole world was tuning in.
"Still no word from President Hades, we've received some rumors that he was captured as a prisoner of war, but the Blue House has not confirmed anything yet."
"I will play a recording of one of the concerned citizens that called the station earlier just right after the bombing.---"
"We also received tons of voice messages similar to this from the citizens of the capitol, all concerned for the well being of the priests and the High Priestess. Why has the Blue House done this? What could be the reason of this feud while we're still at war with Japan?"
"Oh wait-- There's a call--."
"We've just received a call from Sir Riordan, the Secretary of Defense of the United Front, he has confirmed that President Hades has indeed been captured as a prisoner of war, but due to the bombing of the Temple, Japan has not give their statement regarding the president's release."
I looked at Doxa, "What's your plan?"
She was still crying, "I sent Riordan to confirm Hades' capture, this is to give speculation that Hades is not involved in the bombing."
My guilt has slowly eaten me alive.
I really want to tell her about mom, but this is not the time for it.
I keep thinking that its my fault that Malvado had chosen this path.
But I know Doxa would tell me otherwise.
Adelfo arrived along with Nikolai.
After coming back from Japan, Adelfo left and went to Epineo to get some gears and to borrow more powers for us to use.
Hitagi asked if she could leave to be with Charles, Doxa approved.
But now that's one less power user that could protect us from offensive types.
"Can you hear me?" I could hear Vilde from the earpiece.
"Yes." All of us answered together.
"Good, I'm here at a vantage point near the Blue House. The people are forcing their way in, I've already seen people get hurt from resisting the capitol police. If this continues, casualties may happen."
"Althaia here in the military base, the soldiers are panicking, they've been put on standby. Malvado called in after they arrived earlier today. He hasn't mentioned anything about Hades yet."
"Doxa with Persephone, The Temple has been doused, there has been five casualties. All priests, ages from 21-45."
All of us are nervous, Doxa was right.
It was naive of us to say, no casualties.
We we're deep into our little fantasies of saving the world with no sacrifices.
We have been slapped back into reality.
"Nikolai here, I could sense foreign vehicles arriving at the docks, we may have to deal with other countries as well."
"Persephone, remove the suppression on my powers." Hades interrupted through the earpiece.
"So you could go back to your master, while wagging your tail between your legs like a lost puppy?"
"I can't remove the suppression if I'm not with you, Hades." Adelfo mentioned.
"Hades, if you intended to sacrifice thousands of people for the purpose of reviving the Primordial Ancestry, I had planned to stop you with no bloodshed, but the root of this was never you, I should've planned everything to directly affect Harold. The prophecy will still happen, the only solution I could think of now, is for you to die."
"Doxa, stop. Why are you even considering this? There should be another way?!" Vilde panicked.
Surprisingly, Doxa's words didn't shock me.
Like how I was so numb after seeing mom die.
"Persie, please talk to Doxa. Stop her, please." Althaia begged through the earpiece.
"That's why you and Persie should be kept separated, I don't know what the trigger is but if it occurs, there's no stopping the both of you." Doxa continued.
Light coming from the Blue House could be seen from a far.
"It's headed to Japan, he can't bomb another location here in the capitol while the people are in chaos." Doxa whispered.
"Japan has been vacated right? That's good news right?" I asked.
"The world doesn't know that."