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You are last

Chapter 22

I came to and Angel was in front of me.

"You fainted."

We were inside the Blue House, an area of the Blue House which was safe enough to stay in.

I heard coughing somewhere near us, I scanned around and the President of the Savannahs was sitting at the sofa chair next to me.

"I wonder why your friends ran away when Angel approached, you were the Seer who can see fated ones and death." President Ibru commented.

"She saw something, I grabbed her earlier and she fainted."

The coughing was getting intense, and I could her groans coming from the same person. He was being tortured.

"Who's that? The person being punched to death." I asked.

"That's Harold, I guess he went insane after he killed Hera." Angel answered.

"Why are you torturing him?"

"He launched an attack on Japan's capital, we couldn't let him do that to the other countries." He added

I stood and walked towards the other room, I opened the door and Malvado was hanging by his hand, a power user must been manifesting a bind type power unto him.

At the corner, Magus was sitting and looking at his father.

He didn't looked surprised when I entered the room.

Angel joined me in the other room, "So Harold sent his only son to the Military because he didn't like his powers."

"W-w-where is Hades?" Malvado uttered.

"Wow, his son is right in front of him but he's still looking for his successor." President Ibru snickered.

"The attack on the Temple, no one ever thought of wrecking havoc like that. Only Harold Malvado could think of that. I guess, Magus being sent away is a blessing. I wouldn't bother with having a father like that." He added.

"We don't know what happens next though, Ivan. The news of the President's mother being killed by his mentor hasn't reached him yet. Who knows, Hades might be worse than Harold."

I looked at Magus, "Malvado kept her body in a cryo chamber underground, you can ask Adelfo to bring her to that place so you can give her a proper burial."

I gave out a wary smile.

He meant Epineo.

"Doxa doesn't know yet, Magus. After the battle, when UF sounded the retreat, the chaos ensued afterwards messed the timing. I couldn't...."

No, it's happening again. I'm being sucked into Hades consciousness again.

I opened my eyes and I was at the school.

This is where the rest of the priest made base, oh gods no... Doxa is destroying the surroundings with her powers, she probably heard of what happened to Mom, and the fact that I got left behind when we were trying to flee from Petrovich.

Vilde and the others were trying to stop her, I could see Hitagi shielding Althaia so she could temporarily paralyze Doxa with her poison type.

Hades was just looking at them, not doing anything. I couldn't feel his emotions.

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" She screamed.

He's on his way there though, I thought.

Hades' heartbeat suddenly raced, he ran towards the window where the Temple could be seen.

This light, I've seen this before.

This was the same aura that emanated from the Origin when Regina died.

Me being in Hades' body was not a coincidence.

The ground trembled, and the skies turned dark.

I tried to pull myself out from Hades like I did with Regina, but I couldn't.

Hades jumped out of the window and into the field where Doxa and the others was.

"Hades!" Doxa shouted.

The skies darkened until it was pitch black.

This is Hades' power.

He was running towards the direction of the Blue House.


Hades reached the Blue House, he manifested his earth powers and the barricade that separated the Blue House from the outside was destroyed to pieces.

The only light in the darkness was the aura from the Origin and from him.

I could sense Angel and Ibru, Angel was manifesting his mind control, but Hades was stronger.

I saw my body through Hades' eyes, and he approached it.

As soon as his hand touched my skin...

I was back inside my body.

I opened my eyes, and both of us were emanating the same aura.

His earth powers helped him run at speeds I can't even imagine.

"Aidoneus, please wake up. I don't know what's happening to us."

He kept running, we were already near the origin.

"Persephone, can you hear me"



I forgot I still had the earpiece from before.

"Nikolai, help. You're the High Priest before, do you know the portrait in the temple that resembled me?"

"Yes, that was the first power user. She was deemed a witch, or a female magic user. It was taboo to have unearthly powers that can destroy others, she was scorned for having that advantage, her image was plastered all over the country. But a few hundred years after, her death was found out by our scientists to be connected to the first manifestation powers through the Origin."

"Please help us, stop Hades from reaching the Origin."


The surroundings of the Origin was distinguishable due to the light, and I could see people trying to escape the darkness.

I looked behind us, and the concrete ground was breaking under Hades' feet.

A subtle rumble could be heard, roots started to spew out of the concrete, it was Magus!

"Hades, stop!!!!"

Magus was already near our tail, his roots were about to wrap Hades' foot but he probably sensed Magus before I did.

Hades stopped, "Magus, run away!"

Hades manifested fire, and the roots started to disintegrate through the cracks.

"Let Persephone go, Hades."

Magus was holding his seeds in his hand, I realized that both of them were natural enemies. His plant type power and Hades' fire and dark type power.

"Kore, the crack I made during the Coming of Age ceremony. That's was the start of everything, if we go back we can stop all of this, you are last."