Not a Demon... Yet.

"So is Yuna a demon?" Samantha asked.

"That is why I brought Max here." Peter explained. "At the very least the barrier that protects the city is causing her to become very ill."

"I will go look at the girl now." Max said. He then left Peter and Samantha and headed for Yuna's room. As he approached the door he knocked on it. "Hello? May I come in?" He said.

"Guild master?!" Elvin shouted. She rushed to the door to open it for him. "I am so glad you made it, Yuna is not doing so well."

Max looked at Yuna, who was now shallow of breath and covered in her own sweat. He rubbed her soaking wet head to check for any signs of horns. "Good. She's still human." Max sighed in relief.

"What's wrong with her?" Elvin asked.

"We feared she may have somehow became a demon." Max explained. "Tell me, what did Marl tell you while you visited him."

"Well he did his orb test thingy on Yuna." Elvin explained. "She pushed herself way too hard even draining out a bunch of her own life force. She was unconscious for three days and when she woke up she was different."

"What is Yuna's attribute?" Max asked. "Did Marl tell you that?"

"He said she was the first human void mage." Elvin explained. "He also said her being exposed to all of that void mana is what changed her. He said we don't know how much she is different now."

"Interesting." Max said. "The barrier around the city attacks void mana, so Yuna here is under siege by it. That is why she is like this."

"But if she has always had void magic why didn't the barrier affect her before?" Elvin said.

"My guess would be that sense Yuna came from a world where magic did not exist." Max explained. "Her mana was buried so deep within herself that she did not even know it was there. So deeply in fact that to the barrier it appeared as if she had none. Marl's orb forcefully pulled her mana out of her. When it recharged it was no longer buried. Instead even I can feel her mana. I can feel how it is diametrically opposed to my own being."

"That's right." Elvin answered. "You are a light mage right?"

"Yes, and I must say it is quite perplexing to see a human and yet feel a demon." Max explained. "First thing we need to do is get Yuna here out of the city." Max said as he scooped her up. "Come along Elvin I will carry her out."

"Will she ever be able to come back?" Elvin asked.

"I will work on the barrier after we get her out." Max said. "I need to find a way to make an exception for her to come in and out as she pleases. Without having the barrier attack her in such a vicious manner. I will have to be careful though, because I don't want any demons using it as an exploit to get in."

Max takes Yuna and leaves her room. Elvin follows closely behind her. As he enters the main room of the inn Peter calls out to him. "Hey! Max, is she?"

"She's still human." Max explained. "Apparently she is a void mage now though. So I need to get her out of the city for now. I will come back and give you more details later."

As Max and Elvin exited the inn, Max began to pick up the pace, sprinting with Yuna in his arms. They made excellent pace and got out of the city limits within no time. As soon as the exited the reach of the barrier Yuna inhaled a giant breath. He also stopped sweating and her breathing returned to normal. After a few moments passed Yuna was able to regain consciousness.

When she opened her eyes she saw a man of pure light holding her in his arms. "Guild Master?" She asked as she was trying to figure out who it was. "What happened? Where are we?" Yuna was confused and looked around. "Why are we outside the gates?"

Max set her down gently on her feet. "I am sorry Yuna, but you cannot be in the city for the time being." Max explained. "I know it's hard, but please hang in there and I will get you a way to come back as soon as I can."

"I guess the barrier doesn't like my void mana huh?" Yuna said. "It is a very pretty barrier, like a wall of light covered in runes."

"You can see the barrier Yuna?" Max asked.

"I can see all sort of things now." Yuna explained. "I can see auras and magic. You sir, are so bright it's hard to look at you."

"Ha!" Max laughed. "So that's what demon eyes see."

"Demon eyes?" Yuna asked.

"The highest level of demons all have purple eyes that burn exactly the way yours do." Max explained. "I always wondered if they served a purpose. Now I know that they do."

"Master, said I had an ability called magic sense." Yuna replied. "Now you are telling me I have the eyes of a demon? So, am I a demon now?"

"No, far as I can tell you are still human." Max said. "I checked you for horns and you didn't have any."

"That's good at least." Yuna sighed. "I don't think I am ready to give up my humanity just yet."

"Be careful though Yuna." Max continued. "We do not know what the effects of using void mana are on the human body. Use it at your own risk, for there is a chance you could end up losing yourself to it." Max then turned to Elvin. "Miss Elvin, please stay with Yuna and keep watch over her. Your senses in nature are unparalleled so I know you are the right person for this quest."

"I will." Elvin said.

"You two should head to the village west of the city." Max said. "There is no barrier there and the demon attacks are minimal since it is on the West side of the city."

"When will we be able to come back?" Yuna asked.

"I will send a messenger to Marl when it is safe for you to return." Max said.