Meet the Demon Lord

Meanwhile in a faraway land, far to the East of the capital city, sits a lowly castle in the middle of a grassy field. Inside the castle sits a man upon a throne. He has a tall muscular stature and long wavy black hair. His eyes a fiery purple and his skin bronzed. This man was the Demon Lord, ruler of all of the different demon species, the man that the humans considered to be the scourge of their civilization. "Report." He shouted down to one of his retainers.

The retainer stepped forward and bowed down before their king. "My lord we have news from the human lands." The retainer spoke. She was a midsized woman with fetching figures; she had her long brown hair in a ponytail. Her eyes too burned with a fiery purple hue.

"Yes, I figured as much Tyrell." The demon lord said. "I have told you time and again just to address me as Joe, sister."

"Yes, of course my lord." Tyrell said. "Back to my report. It seems that fool King Demo has summoned yet another unfortunate soul into this world."

"Another one." Joe sighed. "You know we stopped attacking them in hopes that he would stop that."

"I know my lord." Tyrell continued. "It seems the fool has rejected your kindness; how do you wish for him to be punished."

"I have dealt with this madness for far too long." Joe said. "All I wanted was a peaceful land where my subjects can live in peace. Sure, we killed a few humans along the way. Progress demanded it."

"Yes, my lord." Tyrell said.

"We had no land of our own." Joe explained. "We had to acquire it somehow, I am sorry for the blood that was split, but I must look out for my people and they need a land to call their own."

"You had no choice lord." Tyrell said.

"I hope that one day we can put this pointless war behind us." Joe explained. "Both our races would benefit from trade and cooperation. Instead they must call us monsters and judge us by our past deeds. Yet he is the one constantly kidnapping people from across the universes and forcing them here. By the way, how is the progress on the device to send the other worlders home?"

"No progress, my lord." Tyrell explained. "We still aren't sure what kind of magic that fool king is using."

"Hopefully one day we can help those souls." Joe sighed. "So, tell me about the new summoned."

"Female." Tyrell started. "Fairly young, attractive. Comes from a world completely different than any other hero."

"Anything else?" Joe asked.

"Yes, my lord." Tyrell answered. "It seems she is a Master Thief but wished to become a mage. When she tested with that fool hermit something odd happened."

"Something odd?" Joe asked. "Do go on."

"She held onto the testing device far longer than any human should." Tyrell continued. "That is not the oddest part. Her mana is that of void. When she awoke from her slumber, she had purple eyes."

"A human with eyes like us?" Joe was intrigued. "That is most interesting indeed. What of her personality? She is not a fool I hope, bent on my destruction?"

"According to the reports, no." Tyrell answered. "Seems like her current motivations are just to become a mage. We had the dream eaters investigate her thoroughly."

"Oh, those demons." Joe said. "I suppose that is how you got this intel."

"As always my lord." Tyrell said. "They are the most reliable source we have. They are completely invisible to humans, elves, and the like and can enter their minds while they sleep. While they have no combat abilities at all they are unbeatable when it comes to gathering intel. However, because of that accursed barrier they were only able to observe her while she was outside of the city."

"Honestly, those demons freak me out a little." Joe said. "I care for all my subjects, don't get me wrong. Just something about them gives me the creeps. I guess it's because they are just ghostly looking."

"Yes, it seems the woman cannot stay in the city anymore due to her void nature, as well." Tyrell continued. She was seen being carried out covered in sweat and unconscious. The barrier treats her as if she was a demon."

"And do we know where she is going next?" Joe asked. "Back to that foolish hermit I imagine."

"No, for some reason the dream eaters last reported that she was headed west." Tyrell explained. "She must be headed to that one village."

"Oh, isn't that the village where Hannibal is stationed?" Joe asked excitedly.

"It is indeed my lord." Tyrell answered. "Would you like for me to send him a messaging spell? To inform him of the woman headed his way."

"Yes, tell him to try to convince her to come willingly." Joe explained. "I would rather find out more about her by her own free will. If she will not come peacefully though. Tell Hannibal that he knows what to do."

"Will do my lord." Tyrell answered. "Oh, another thing my lord. Her world has something in it called technology. The dream eaters told me about it. Apparently in her dreams they got to witness her world. In her world there are so many humans they build toward the sky and since there is no magic, they build machines that carry them places and even fly in the air. I think if we could convince her to join us, we could use the knowledge of her world to improve the lives of everyone in the kingdom."

"Brilliantly said as always dear sister." Joe said. "It's a shame I was born first you would have made a fine demon lord."

"You flatter me, my lord." Tyrell said. "You dwarf me in power as well do not forget. In the demon realm it is the strongest of us that rules."

"Don't you think that's kind of crazy though?" Joe asked. "It should be the wisest of us, or the one with the greatest vision of the future. It's odd that our entire society is based around a culture of strength."

"My lord you are the only one that questions it." Tyrell sighed. "If that is all my lord, I have a message to send now."

"Yes, of course." Joe said. "You're free to go dear sister."