The Beginning of our End

I remember it quite clearly the day when everything went wrong. It was August 5, 2053, Sunday Morning right after Church. UniHealth Announced to the World their Product, Remedium. A miracle drug that was supposed to end disease once and for all and that's not even the best part they also announced that they were giving it away for free. They explained that once it was administered to the body all current disease that you have will be cured, including cancer. Even if you are healthy, no disease will ever enter your body again. The whole world rejoiced because finally, our days of Misery are finally over or so we thought. Questions were raised about the legitimacy of the drug. A lot of skeptics from the Government and the science community ordered that the drug have an independent research, just to make sure it's safe. In the Public, a Minority of skeptics started to rally against it and some even made a Conspiracy about it. They argued that Remedium is just a ploy by World Governments to control the Population. I wish I could say they were crazy or wrong but sadly, no.

It also didn't help that Doctors and Health Workers all around the Globe protested against it. They got concerned about losing their Jobs to Remedium. Some were even successful in storming UniHealth Facilities and Destroying vials of Remedium, but they were then stopped and everyone who participated was charged with Destruction of Property and Illegally Assembling. Their Leaders were charged with Inciting Riots all around the world. Despite the challenges they faced, Remedium was still successful. Every Independent research has proven that Remedium is safe and even though many vials were destroyed they were still able to mass produce it in no time. Since there were a lot of reassurances given to the Public, 80% of the world's Population administered the drug into their Bodies, including world leaders.

At first everything was fine, nothing happened and the whole world resumed into normality, and then tragedy happened. At first it was just one person and soon after it became global. The public then started to question the drug they were promised. They were told that disease will be a thing of the past and that suffering will be no more, but it wasn't long until it was found that Remedium was the one causing the disease. Unihealth, the Company who created Remedium was being fined and sued by Governments all around the world and the Public, but all Charges were dropped when they announced that they will focus all their resources to finding out the cause of the disease and possibly a cure for it. They were joined by several Health Organizations, including the W.H.O.

It was then found out that Remedium attacked parts of the DNA responsible for creating Hemogoblin a vital part of the Human Blood and Body. Since they were still finding a permanent cure for Remedium, a temporary solution was given. They said that everyone's suffering can be alleviated by temporary Administering Healthy Blood into their body, so Hemogoblin from that Blood would temporarily act as Hemogoblin for the body and carry out the task that it's indigenous counterpart was supposed to do. But a Problem did arose, Healthy blood was becoming scarce. Blood Banks had a lot, but it wasn't enough. The Hunger for Blood grew more each day. A lot of Countries couldn't keep up with the Demand so it wasn't long until they decided to capture and enslave their Non-infected Population. Several World Leaders and UniHealth themselves, condemned their actions and called it unnecessary. But it only took them months to change their minds. Soon then, every Government issued that all remaining non-infected Individuals be Quarantined and Put into Facilities, were their Blood can be harvested and be given to Infected Individuals. They assured us that it will be Temporary and when a cure is found, we will be released. A lot of non-infected Individuals didn't like this Idea, including me and fled elsewhere to avoid being put into one of those facilities. Eventually our Decision was was right. It wasn't long until everyone who was infected realized that there was no need for a cure. They had a steady supply of Blood and with enough blood, they can live througout their lives. So facilities that was supposed to be a temporary solution became the solution. They became known as blood farms, were all non-infected were gathered and extracted of their blood.

As time passed by, the infected started to view themselves differently. Day by day their Humanity slowly slipped away from them, until Nothing was left. And with just one small difference from us, they viewed themselves Different and Superior to us, and thus the Vampire kind was born. They weren't pleased with just a few of us in their blood farms they want every single one of us, so by this, the U.N. created a Special Task Force to capture all remaining Humans. They called this new task force as the Human Detection Unit or the H.D.U. and on October 5, 2055 they started their Hunt.

My Mom, my sister and I, while fleeing to the Provinces stumbled upon a camp that was built by a group folks for other people seeking sanctuary and refuge from the Vampires, but it wasn't long until we had to flee from the camp. Reports came in that a bunch H.D.U. soldiers were coming to the camp and as soon as we heard the news we immediately started to get our things ready and leave, but what we didn't know was that the news came in too late. Just 5 Minutes after they told everyone the News H.D.U. soldiers immediately stormed in the Place and began capturing humans. I immediately grabbed my Sister and my Mother and made our way through the chaos and into the car. We drove off and left the camp, but H.D.U. soldiers soon followed us. They then started to ram us out of the road, our car was small compared to them so it wasn't long until they completely ram us out of the road. I lost control of our car and we crashed into a tree on the side of the road. We were stuck and with the H.D.U. just behind us we knew that all hope is lost. Just when they were close, a struck of luck happened. From a Distance I heard someone shout, "OPEN FIRE!". Then all I could hear outside was nothing but Gunfire, it continued for a good two Minutes and then it stopped. I quickly checked outside the Window to see what happened and I saw about 5 men with Guns and In Black Army-like Uniform Outside, then two of them started to approach the car. At this point I didn't know who they are, so I immediately started to help my Sister and Mother break free from the wreckage, I looked outside and saw them get nearer to the car. I rushed to get them free but by the time I was close to freeing them they already reached the car, but thankfully they were the Good Guys, they explained that they are part of the Human Resistance and that they came to help our camp. They freed us from our car and put us on one of their armored trucks and ordered it to return to their base.

In a few hours we reached their Base it wasn't big and was mostly quiet. Most of the structures are made of wood, like a Cabin. Medical Personnel then greeted us and guided us to their Clinic. They checked on us, and thankfully we didn't suffer any Major Injuries. We were then notified that in about 2 days we are gonna move to a different base, one that is more hidden and secure. The day did come and It was indeed bigger, better and looked more like a Military base. After 2 days, Soldiers went around and asked if any of the rescued would be interested in Joining the Army. I didn't say it at first but I was supposed to be an F.B.I. agent. I was only days away from officially joining the Bureau and then all this happened. At first I was hesitant to join, knowing I have my Sister and my Mother to take care off. But the other side of me has this growing feeling, that I can help the Movement if I join them, since I learned a lot in the Bureau. I battled my own thoughts for days and finally made a decision. I first went and talked with my Mother, at first she didn't like the idea of me Joining the army since she doesn't fully trust them. But seeing the situation were in and always longing for us to come back home, she agreed. I then went to my sister, who was also hesitant at first and didn't want to lose me, the same way we lost our Dad. But I assured her that's not going to happen and she agreed to let me join, and so I did.

After Months of training I passed and with my F.B.I. Background I was assigned as a Spy, together with a Team we Infiltrated several H.D.U facilities and gain lost of Information. It was also easy enough that we have the Rich on our side. Several rich humans have given their allegiance and Loyalty to us. They helped fund our Facilities and Army. They also bribed certain Officials in most countries to help hide the Resistance's bases and Identities. Plus there was an Unknown Country that has pledge their Allegiance with us and also helped us supply our Military and Facilities. But we weren't Perfect there were times when certain bribed officials broke their silence and gave our Location up. There were also numerous failed attempts at freeing people from blood farms, that ended up putting more people in it. But despite our Mishaps, we were still a threat to be reckoned, we are still a threat to the New World Order that they established, we are still a threat to their kind and we are still a threat, that they are more than willing to crush.