The Calm Hand of Misfortune

It's been five years since the Vampires took over and ever since then we've been hiding. Everyday, fear grew in our hearts. We always fear that one day, the H.D.U. will storm in the Place and it will all be over. But we have no time for fear, we have to be strong, wether we like it or not. I'm currently in England, Liverpool to be exact. We were sent on a mission to infiltrate a party and find the Daughter of the Head of the Biggest Blood Farm in England. Camp Mcintosh, the Human base here in Britain, believes that she holds critical information regarding that Blood Farm. At first they sent in their own agents, but they were either killed, captured or detected. So they called us in, and asked for our help. It was a big Gamble travelling this far, but thanks to our rich allies we can travel safe and undetected. I came in to a party at about 8 in the Evening, and it's a party you would expect in Britain. Formal, Elegant and has that Classical Music filling up the Air. Together with my team we infiltrated the party and tracked down our Target. After about 20 minutes of searching we couldn't find our target. We got suspicious and doubted if the infromation given to us was accurate. We attempted to bail out, thinking it might be trap to get us, but then, we found her. My mission is to act as a Bachelor looking for some "love" in Britain, seduce her, find a way to extract information from her and leave. Going near her was a hard task since she was surrounded by different armed body guards. I studied how she and her Guards move, and I noticed that she easily flirts with everybody and her Guards just mostly stood there.

At first I didn't buy it, it looks too easy, but then I saw that it only works one way. She's allowed to approach you, but you aren't. Then I noticed that she was heading to a door on the corner of the room. I grabbed a cocktail and paced my way through to get in front of her and made sure I was Noticable, luckily she was too easy to Impress.

"Now who this fine man right in front of me", she said while looking head to toe at me.

"Names Ethan, Ethan Smith", I replied.

"Ethan? Now that's a Nice Name. What brings you here in England", She asked.

"I heard there was a Party with a very Beautiful Guest", I replied.

"Well aren't you a Romantic?", She said as she bit her lips.

"No Ma'am, Just being Honest." I replied.

"Say Ethan, are you busy Tonight?" She asked.

"Well not really, but we can change that huh?" I flirtingly said.

"Yes we can, so how about you join us in our "Private Lounge" and maybe we could talk a bit more".

But before I can Reply one of her Guard Spoke and Told her she can't do that. She insisted and told them it would be fine. They still didn't want to and after much convincing they agreed. I then found myself sandwiched between her and her bodyguards standing left and right. We then made it to the door in the corner of the room, there wasn't much difference except that it's a lot more quiet and it had these private rooms similar to what you'll see in a strip club. We then walked towards her own private room and invited me to get inside, she ordered her Guards to stay outside, which they declined and she once again reasoned with them and eventually, they agreed to stay outside. We had the room all to ourselves, it was perfect, finally I can get Information from her. She offered me Champagne and I gladly Obliged. She then started to ask me Questions, most where too direct.

"Have you ever been alone with a women before? You look Nervous."

"Well I'm not gonna lie your guards are kind of Intimidating"

"Don't worry about them, they're not gonna do anything, so tell me something about yourself, Ethan."

'Where should I start?"

"Anywhere, you can tell me anything"

"Well I have been working as a Real Estate Agent for the Past five years, selling houses pretending to be nice with people"

"Well, I can relate to that."

"Oh really, how so?"

"Well for starters, my Father always like to Introduce me to different people, most of which are awful. To be honest, I didn't really want to go to this party, I only went because it's either this or another boring club."

"From what I heard, Clubs in England are great"

"That's what you'd think, back then, you know before all this, at least some clubs are just clubs. Now you can't even dance without someone on the floor fucking someone's guts out. They're more of sex club now, and when I go to a club I expect to dance not to get fucked, but here in this room I expect something different."

She might be an enemy, but atleast she knows how much of a Borderline Degenerate her "kind" has become. Their own Government even had to step in because it was getting out of hand. After talking for a while she seems to be happy, well too happy if you ask me. This is great it means she trusts me and all I have to do is find a way to get her to talk about her father.

" Forgive me for Noticing, but you sound too American for someone living in Britain"

"Well I actually grew up in America with my Mother, who was also an American. My dad is the British one. Busy guy, always not at home, always at work."

"Can I ask what your father's job is?"

"Before all this nonsense, He ran the biggest prison here in the U.K. and after all this happened he was promoted to guarding the Country's Biggest Blood Farm."

"A blood farm? Must've been one hell of a Promotion"

"Yeah it was, Our Luxurious house became more Luxurious and so is the rest of our stuff. You know what Enough talk, we have a lot of Alcohol here, I say let's enjoy it"

" I don't see why not"

Just when I have her talking about her father, she stopped. And now it's time to find another way to get Information. I was given what they call a "Truth Serum", Camp Mcintosh gave it to me and said to use it on her. I can ask anything and she'll tell the truth, the best part according to them, is that she wouldn't even know and after about 2 minutes she'll slowly go to sleep. I didn't use it at first because I had doubts it would even work, but seeing the circumstances, I was left with no choice.

She grabbed another champagne and while she was grabbing it, I took the chance to drop an ounce of the "Truth Serum" in her Glass and changed back to my Position. She looked at me with a smile, as if she was infatuated. She then offered a toast and we started to sip our wine. She finished it off completely, every last drop. I then noticed she started to act drunk already I didn't know if the wine was strong or if it's one of the side effects of the "Truth Serum" that Camp Mcintosh failed to tell me. I had to bet, it's either she pass out or gamble to see if I can atleast get something.

"So about your father and his work, have you ever been there?"

"You really like to talk, don't you? The Blood Farm? Yeah, about 5 to 6 times, why?"

"Nothing, It's just I dreamed of seeing one in real life and never really got the chance to."

"You're curious on what's inside?"

"Well I heard they really show the Humans who's boss"

"Yeah, between you and me, I pity those people, but at the same time I don't. It's necessary to show them who's boss otherwise the resistance would have more Troops at their Disposal."

At this point I was willing to risk it, I had to ask it directly otherwise I wouldn't get anything.

"So umm how well guarded is this Blood Farm?", I said and at first she looked at me with a face that was about to Laugh, but to my shock she actually told me.

"You know, you ask the silliest questions, but actually it was very well Guarded. When me and my Father went there, they gave us a tour and showed us how well protected the farm is. I couldn't remember everything but I remember that they showed us what they call "Heatcams". They also showed us the Effectiveness of their Roof turrets and boy believe me, they can shoot far, and that's actually about it. No wait, I also remember them telling us that Incase they were attacked they're gonna exterminate every human in that farm, poor little suckers. You know what, you ask to many questions, so how about we shut up for a while and have fun", she then went on top of me and started to slowly kiss me on the lips. I had to interrupt it. I got what I wan't and it's time to leave.

"Would you mind if I freshen up a little?", I said.

"No not at all", she responded.

I proceeded to go to the door and got out, I was then met by her guards waiting outside. They asked me where I was Going, I simply answered that I was going to the Restroom. But as soon as I started to walk away I noticed that two of her Guards started to follow me. I made it to the Restroom and went inside. I sincerely thought they would follow me inside but thankfully, they didn't. The Restroom had maybe five or more people in it chatting and washing their hands. I waited for them to leave and in about a Minute they did. I tried contacting Camp Mcintosh but there was no signal inside the restroom. There was no other choice but to escape. I quickly tried to find a way out and Luckily, I found a Window leading to an Alley outside. I quickly made my way out, and as I exit through the Window. I could hear the Guards barging in the restroom looking for me. I quickly ran away from the window and continued to run through the alley.

I quickly contacted the team I was with and told them to pick me up at the extraction point. Just when I turned I noticed two men just a few meters away in front of me with guns and clothing that seems to resemble the Military. I walked slowly, turned backwards and Contacted my team to pick me up somewhere else, and then they called out to me.

"You there! Identify Yourself!" asked one of the Men.

I didn't answer and continued to walk away from them.

"Halt!," I then hear them point their guns at me and continued to say, " I SAID HALT!".

I was preparing myself to head back to the alley where I came from, which is just on my right side. I then slowly put my hands on my head and slowly turned towards them. They asked me again who I was and this time, I ran back to the alley. I heard them fired shots, luckily none of them hit me. I started running and running again, but this time I had my gun in my hand. Just as expected two of the guards following me, came outside the window, I had no choice, so I shot them. The two soldiers then followed and I ran Quickly to try and lose them. I saw a High fence that I can climb and quickly made my way up and through there. I gained a few distance away from it after I got down, but they still managed to follow me. We had another chase through an alley. Until we reached a busy road, with cars going in at full speed. It was risky but I had no choice. I went into the road and was almost hit by a incoming car, I then proceeded to make my way through the road having few close calls and trying concentrate through the horns of each passing car, but luckily I got into the other sideof the road relatively safe. I thought the cars would slow down the soldiers chasing me but they went through it like a walk in the park. I once again found myself being chased. I quickly contacted my team and told them I was near. It was just one turn and I would be at the extraction point, but they caught up with me and told me to stop.

"Put your hands where I can see them, and get down on the floor", ordered one of the soldiers.

I had no choice but to comply, they gone up to me as I slowly layed my body down on the floor. They cuffed and stood me up again.

"You got one hell of a Spirit running away from two H.D.U. Soldiers. So answer me mate, the hell did you kill those two blokes for?, said the soldier

"Who sir?" I responded.

"Those two men you shot in the fucking alley! I wanna know what you were doing and why did you kill them", said the soldier.

"Sorry sir, I seem to be having mild amnesia at the moment", I responded.

"You think you're so fucking funny, huh? Ok then prick, nevermind that, The courts will sort you out anyways", He responded.

"Wait what's that inside his Pocket", said the other soldier.

"His Pocket?", he asked.

"Yeah on the left side", The other soldier replied.

"I'm just gonna ask you this once, what's that in your pocket", said the soldier

"I told you sir Amnesia", I responded.

He then reached inside my left Pocket and grabbed the transmitter that I was supposed to use to contact Camp Mcintosh and examined it.

"The fuck is this some sort of- ....Wait a minute, this a Resistance standard transmitter. You're a fucking Human aren't you?"

I didn't say anything but just stared blankly back at his face. He then grabbed his radio and proceeded to contact their Headquarters.

"H.Q. I'm gonna need you to cancel that Police Back up request, Suspect turns out to be human, and not just any human, he's resistance. I'm gonna need Immediate transport to take him back to base."

I just stood there thinking of a Possible way out, there were many exit points that I saw, but it was too risky to try it at the moment.

"To be honest I don't know if i'm lucky or unlucky, I captured my very first human ever, in my career. But on the downside I have to torture you day and night and to be honest mate, I hate Getting my hands dirty. No actuallly you kno-" but before he can continue, a bullet went straight through his head. After he fell down, His partner went with him.

"About fucking time you got here", I said.

"Sorry mate, just wanted to see you shit your pants", Dean, A former S.A.S. soldier who just happens to have the sickest humor on this planet. He kneeled down and searched for the key of the Handcuffs. Once he found it he came up to me and and removed the cuffs.

"We have to get out of here, they called in back up Before you arrived", I said as I fondled my wrist due to the tightness of the Handcuffs.

"Well the car is just this way mate, come on!"

We then run and turned towards the corner, heading straight to the extraction point. There, was the car waiting and inside it was Charlotte and Alex. Charlotte was our Technical Guy. She can hack almost anything and make sure we stay undetected. Alex, a buff Black dude who was former CIA and probably the "mentor" in our team. Alex was driving and we still had to go to a place, an abandoned warehouse, to change cars and clothes. It was still far from where we are and Charlotte is Picking up Transmission from H.D.U. radios that they are looking for us. It was an advantage that the roads were clear we could get there faster without being detected and once again, just when we were near, an H.D.U. Humvee appeared. We remained calm, and tried to act as normal as we can.Some of the soldiers just took a look inside the car and left. We made it to our destination and acted quick. We changed our clothes, destroyed any form of technology we used and I sent what I got to Camp Mcintosh. We went on our way back to the Airport, fast and flawless. We were provided with a private jet so travelling will be faster and convinient, and also so we can have our own privacy. As always bribed Immigration Officers, courtesy of our rich allies, pretends to check us and our luggage, and gives us the Go signal to leave.

We got on the plane and Prayed to God we toke off without something Happening. Despite the sins we have done in the name of the greater good, he answered our prayers. The plane toke off safely and we can sigh in relief knowing, we accomplished another mission. We sat on the chairs, closed our eyes for a while and then began to chat:

"Man that was risky, specially for you", said Alex.

"We all had our close calls, it's a damn miracle we made it out alive." i said.

"So how was she Mate? The target?", Dean asked.

"Well to be honest, she was quite the charm. She was surprisingly easy to talk to, probably someone you can talk anything with and above all, a nice body", I jokingly said.

"Whoa-ho-ho that's the first time I heard something like that come out of your mouth, Eric", Alex said.

"Well we got victory, so I thought I might break some rules", I said.

"You know sometimes, I tell myself what if I am in your position. The risk, the close calls and every other scenario i'd probably screw it up. Seeing you out there being brave and smart, it's inspiring knowing that whatever faces you'll always try your best to never back down, so I, Propose this toast to you, for being one of the best agents we could ever work with." Charlotte said as she raised her Glass together with Alex and Dean.

"Come on guys, there's no need for that we all had fair share of close calls", I responded.

"Oh c'mon mate, stop being so fuckin' humble for a while. Humility is great and all, but sometimes you have to take a little pride for the work you do. Trust me mate, I'm S.A.S.", Dean joked.

"Well yeah, I guess you're right", I responded.

"No mate, I'm damn right", Dean responded.

"We should all get some rest, our flight from here to America is probably the only rest that we'll get", Alex reminded.

"Yeah, yeah you're probably right", Dean said.

We all toke the time to rest. Alex is right, once we landed, it's back to work. We arrived at 5 in the morning and as always Bribed H.D.U. and Immigration officers pretends to check us and our Luggage and gives us the Go signal to leave. A limo was provided as our cover. Once we reach the country side we'll go somewhere safe enough and switch to our other cars to get safely back to our camp.

After 4 hours of driving we made it back. I could see my Mother and my Sister, waiting for me at the gate of the camp. Once we got out of our car, I greeted them with open arms. We went to our quarters and I put down my stuff sat by the bed. Hoping we I'll atleast get a full day's rest, but knowing the Camp a good 2-4 hours is the best you'll get, atleast for us. We got called in and as usual got briefed and went on our way again. And once again we found ourselves on the road on another mission. The General ordered us to go to our sister camp, Camp David. It was something about a project they are working on to make raids on Blood farms faster and more efficient. Since they can't move it, The General asked us to go check it and see how it works.

And once again we were back on the road, worried about what might happen to us. We don't even need to speak our face says it all. We travelled mostly to the woods, to avoid detection. Inside the armored truck it can get quite boring all your hear is it's engine pumping out gas every mile we pass by. We started to chat with each other to lighten up the mood. Dean being the funny guy that he is, started joking, but only if we knew that our laughter and joy would come to an abrupt end. In the midst of our conversation, the truck we were on suddenly lost control. The truck swayed left and right for a while until it crashed infront of a tree. We got thrown near the front seat of the truck, we struggled to get up and then Dean saw a couple of men heading towards the truck he opened fire and shot them dead. Alex went into the men he just shot and saw that they were H.D.U. soldiers. We can't waste time,we have to get out of there. Before we got out Dean noticed that they were using Dart Guns, and that they were more likely trying to capture us, than kill us.

Atleast we had an advantage, we had real guns with real bullets, but that was something I wish we didn't underestimate. As soon as we stepped out of the wrecked truck we came under heavy fire. Dean provided us cover and told us to make our way through the forest. Charlotte wanted to stay with him, Dean insisted that he can do it alone and that it's better if she comes with us. Knowing Charlotte, there was no stopping her. She stayed and told Alex and I that they'll meet us back at the Camp. But given the circumstances, I knew that it's not going to happen. Alex and I made it through the woods, about 20 minutes in and the shootings stopped and everything went quiet. We stopped for a while and Continued to go through the forest again. After walking for a while we got suspicious if they followed us. We stopped, turned backwards and Pointed our Guns. And in just 10 seconds our suspicion became true, Alex got shot in the knee and fell down. I dragged him behind a tree near by and tried to provide cover for him. He begged me to leave him, but I just can't, we've been doing this for years and he's not someone I could just leave behind. I tried to find out where the shots are coming from but they were difficult to detect, it's almost as if they were Invisible. Alex plead again for me leave him and he told me that it was going to be alright.

I didn't like what I did, but I left Him on his own. I gave him some of the Magazines that I have, so he can atleast defend himself. I went straight to the woods, trying to clear my mind of what just happened and just told myself that I have to go home. It was Nightfall and I was still miles away from our Camp, by this time I was more exposed to them and at anytime they would catch up to me. I knelt for a while and put my bag infront of me and got myself a drink. Midway through I heard a noise like something hit the trees, I immediately grabbed my gun and prepared to use it. Then I heard it again, and again and again. Until one of them hit close to me. As I looked closely, despite it being pitched black I was able to recognize what it was, Darts. They're here but they're not tying to kill me, they're just gonna turn me into their Property. So I ran again while they were attempting to hit me. I thought I got far enough and I was safe, until one of them hit me. I didn't know what was in there, but it was strong. As soon as I was hit I found myself already on the ground. I tried see where I was Hit, it was on my leg. The whole place started to became dizzy, i could feel everything starting to move slowly around me and everything was slowly going dark, just when darkness was about to consume me, there, I saw a man with a face of a skull, staring back at me.