I do Remember

"Eric, Eric you have to wake up"

I was lying down on a Bed, half awake and curious as to what is happening. There I saw her, Liz is staring back at me with her white face and Rosy cheeks.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I responded.

"Yeah, it's just 10am already ,I just thought you might be late for work"

"No it's okay, it's still actually quite early for work"

She just stared at me, smiling and making her cheeks more red. I asked her what's up and she just said that she's really happy we finally spent more time together. I told her that very soon we'll be able to spend more time than before. She told me to get up and offered to make me some breakfast. I told her that maybe I should be the one making breakfast since I wasn't there all the time, she insisted, so I just let her. I got up and put on my clothes, and prepared myself to leave after breakfast. I got out of the room and was greeted by the smell of cooked Bacon and Eggs on the table. I sat at the table and she put on plates for me and herself. She sat down and told me if I wanted to Pray, I told her Yes and she told me I should lead, so we bow down our heads and prayed. After that we started to eat and she then talked to me.

"So what exactly is your job? You never really told me", she asked.

"Well I can't really discuss that."

"Oh, ummm okay, but.... how is it though? Fun or not?"

"Sometimes it's fun I guess, but mostly it's a pain in the ass." I jokingly said.

"Hey, no cursing at the table mister, hahahah"

"Won't happen again miss", I said while smiling ear to ear.

"Kind of a weird question but, what do you personally think of the Resistance? You know the people fighting for us?"

"Well ummm to be honest I barely hear what they do, all I know is that they mostly like to target Blood Farms." I said as I pretended that I know nothing about it.

"Too bad, they've been doing a lot lately. But to be honest I don't really like them , I personally think that they're causing more harm than good."

"How so?"

"All the blood they spill, the chaos they make, I just don't think it's gonna help."

"But at least they're freeing more people like us, giving them a chance of a better life."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. By the Way....I want to tell you something, but to be honest I don't know if I can."

"Hey Babe it's okay, you know you can tell me anything."

"Yesterday, I went out to buy some groceries after you messaged me that you'll come, and you know me I always like to buy yogurt even though I don't need it. So I was There looking for that strawberry flavoured Yogurt, something strange happened, or so I thought. While I was looking everyone that passed by me was looking directly at me. At first I thought it was what I'm wearing, but really there was nothing wrong with it. So I stopped Looking for the Yogurt, I payed the my groceries and went out of there."

"Did anyone follow you or try to come near you?"

"No, nobody did, as soon as I walked out the store that feeling just went away."

I felt sorry for her, and I couldn't just let her feeI that way so I sat by her and put my hand on her shoulder, in a comforting way to make her feel she's not alone. I knew exactly what she was feeling at the moment, spending a lot of time here in their world really makes you feel alone, especially knowing you're not one of them.

"Hey, I know it's hard living with them. It can feel lonely sometimes I know that, but you have to relax. Nobody is gonna come for you or me. I promise you that"

"Eric, there's also this other thing"

"What is it?"

"Yesterday before you arrived, I just sat by the couch, thinking. To be honest I can't help but feel alone, like I don't belong where I am, I always feel like i'm an outsider."

"Hey, okay, I know I should have spent more time with you and I'm sorry that I didn't. I'm also sorry that you're feeling this way, but I want to let you know that I'm always here for you. Don't worry, next time i'll try my best to spend more time with you.

"Eric I don't know how to say this but, yesterday when that happened. I went into my father's room and I tried to search if there's any remedium left in his belongings and I did found one and I...gave myself a dose of it."

"What?!" As soon as I heard that I immediately took my hands of her shoulder. I could feel my heart drop, I couldn't believe what i've just heard.

"I'm sorry Eric it's just I don't like this anymore. This feeling of being alone, like i'm a wrong piece a puzzle, so I took it, so I can be one of them and Eric they were right, it feels so good to be them."

"Tell me that's not true, liz. Tell me that's not true!"

"It is Eric, I'm sorry but I just couldn't help it"

"You made a promise to your father, did you just suddenly forgot that?!"

"No I didn't, but why I should I still listen to him, for God's sake he's dead Eric!"

"Well then what about me? Did you take second to think on what I would feel about this?!"

"That's why I'm offering you to take it too Eric, so finally we can be together in Peace."

"This isn't you Liz, that thing did something to you!"

"This has always been me Eric, I've always been this way"

I paused for a while, I had to think. I loved her, i loved her so much, but seeing how the tides have turned I knew i had to make a choice.

"Well then I'm sorry, but I can't love you anymore, I'm leaving"

"Just like that and you're gonna leave me, sure walk out that door I'm pretty sure your team misses you already"

I stood frozen and shocked by what I just heard, I was just near the Door and I stopped I didn't want look behind me, I just don't believe what I heard.

"That's right I've always known Eric, do you really think I'm that Naive? Do you really think I wouldn't realize what you really are? Since day one Eric, since day one i've known but i didn't tell you because I love you and I didn't want to freak you out, but now I guess it's time to let it out. Eric I'm giving you two choices here, walk out that door and let me tell the H.D.U what you really are or stay with me and be like us."

"You have no idea what's at stake here, the moment you tell them what I am, a lot of people are gonna die"

"Your people, I'm not one of you anymore"

"Just like that you're gonna abandon us?! After everything you're just going to side with them?"

"So what If I did? Has your cause, your resistance helped us? No you just spend your days doing what you do best, demonizing us and showing those freaks that we are the monsters."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, I really am but doing this is not gonna make it all better, it's just gonna get worse"

"For them but not for us, Please Eric, just take it so we can finally be together, besides you've already tasted blood."

I stood frozen, realizing the horror of what I've done. I took a quick look on my meal and saw that it was dripping blood on it's every corner. Then Everything started slowly turning dark, as if a huge cloud was hovering above the house trying completely cover the light of the sun. I looked at her again, only this time she looked different. She had fangs and bloodshot eyes, I wanted to speak but I couldn't I could feel something slowly strangling me on the neck.

"Doesn't your silly little group already realize we are the future, we are inevitable, we are what's supposed to come, we are the new face of Humanity and there's nothing you can do about it."

As soon as she uttered those words, blood broke through every window and door at the house. I was swept by the flood, I tried to swim and fight it, but it was just impossible. I then found myself sinking in this thick pool of blood, drowning and feeling every ounce of it coming inside my lungs and then I woke up.

"There he is, I thought you weren't going to wake up, I almost got worried", said the interrogator as if he was really concerned on what just happened.

" Bad dream? I could tell, you were shaking furiously on that chair, I was about to call in someone, but you woke up."

"Thanks for the concern", I said while putting on a fake smile as a response to her fake concern.

"No problem, Eric. Oh by the way, are you hungry? We have a fine selection of meals today. Blood soaked stake, blood roasted chicken, honey glazed pork and oh, Caviar would you like some?"

"No, thank you"

"Fine then let's proceed, today i'm not gonna touch you or do anything to you, i'm just Gonna talk. So first I wanna ask you, what were you before you all this happened?"

"You knew who I was"

"Well yes, but not everything"

I just looked towards at the pitch black space in front of me, thinking to myself that this is just another one of their tricks. Psychological interrogation, they just want know something, something crucial.

"I was just an everyday joe, going my own way and minding my own problems"

"Based on what I read, you wanted to join the NYPD?"

"I Did, then I realize and saw that there's nothing to it. They were just displays, not being allowed to do what they should"

"I wasn't really a Fan of the Department as well, I think they're too soft. When it comes to dealing with criminals, no mercy should be the Policy"

"HAHAHAHA really, isn't it because you're a bunch of Animals? Don't be mistaken, I don't like a calm hand of Justice too, I've seen people not get it, because Justice itself went in the way. But you, you people do it because you think you're better than us, not because of Justice, but because of Pride."

"The real problem is, you people don't get it, did you ever really think all this wasn't inevitable? Didn't you think that eventually we'd be something more? You need to understand that sooner or later, it was going to happen. We wanted to convert all of you, but you ran away, resisted and made things harder, all because of your precious humanity.

"I'd rather have it intact, then become one of you"

"Then you don't know what you're missing, do you know how much Resistance your fellow human gave when we try to convert them, none. And all of them, despite of who they are, never regret becoming one of us. "

"But not me, I rather run and Hide Everyday, than become one of you"

He didn't respond, and it went that way for a while. I've heard of many stories from those who defected to the Vampire kind. Those who didn't like the way they were living their lives. Almost everyday we'd hear stories about them having it good and better with the Vampires, than with us. The truth is we don't if that's true, we tried our best to gain information, but so far we never got one whatever it is they're doing them, they don't want anyone to find out.

An hour passed, well I guess it did. Nothing but silence was coming out of them. I just sat there and remembered that Liz was beside me all the time. I wanted to look at it, but I can't, it just reminded me what kind of a failure I am. An hour or two has passed, and there was still nothing from them. I tried to think of any way that I could escape, but the darkness that surrounds me was keeping me of finding one. So I just sat there and tried not to Remember home, the base and my friends, but my mind was my enemy at this time, it just wouldn't let me. I remembered the first day I went there, I was scared and I was angry. I was sitting on a corner of a wall, looking around, while playing with a rock I found while walking to get there. Just a few inches beside me was an armored truck, with a mounted gun on top of it, left by a Soldier to fetch supplies on a building nearby. While looking at it, my mind started playing with me. It was telling me to steal the truck, to ride it and head on to a H.D.U Base. It was telling me to avenge everyone they captured and killed. It was telling me to kill them all one by one. So stood up, threw away the Rock I was Playing with. I walked slowly towards the truck and I was getting nearer I decided to stop. I knew it would be Dumb if I do that. One truck isn't enough to face them and I have a Mother and a Sister to look up to. Even though I wanted to do it,the soldier came outside the building and rode off with his truck. I turned my back and walked away, pretending that thought never came into my mind.

I wish I could tell my mind to sleep for a while, because it just wanted me so badly to remember everything. From bad to good, to those that I want to forget. My mind was loud and it kept shouting me my Memories. I tried to sleep just so It wouldn't bother me, but it just grew louder. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't it's almost as if my voice was taken. So I just sat there and let my mind consume me.

I guess half a day has passed, and there was still nothing from him. I just stare at the direction which his voice would always come from, which is just infront of me. I just stared blankly and waited, after a few of what I would guess a Minute has passed and he finally spoke:

"Sorry to keep you waiting I just had to attend something", he said.

"What, the interrogator's conference?"

"Sorry but I can't Tell you, but I can tell you is that where switching to a more "Medieval Way" of Interrogation and I know someone who just happens to be an expert on it. So I would like you to meet Lt. William Harper.

I then heard a door open behind me, followed by Heavy footsteps coming towards me. It got nearer and nearer until he was right infront of me. It was a buff,black soldier about 6'2 and mid 30's. He looked at me closely and tilted his head to the right and then tilted his head to the left.

"So you're the asshole I'm gonna be stuck with huh? Thanks to you I'm gonna spend a lot of days here in this shithole. and I'm gonna be honest I don't like it here."

I just stared blankly at him and didn't say a word, I guess it pissed him off and he salpped the blood and sweat out of my face.

"YOU REPLY WHEN THE LIEUTENANT IS SPEAKING TO YOU, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?", he told me while shouting at me face to face.

"Yes sir", I simply replied.

I guess me answering him in a soft and quiet voice angered him, because he slapped me again and asked me again if I understood him.

"I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME MAGGOT!", he shouted once again.

"Yes, sir", I answered again with a soft and quiet voice, and as expected he slapped me again.




"SIR, YES SIR!" I replied with all the energy I got left.

"Good, don't worry we'll squeeze what we want from you anytime soon and unlike your friend over there at the Mic. I'm gonna get it sooner and faster, nice and easy. And when I break you, believe me I will break I will teat you like the cattle your kind is and make sure every ounce of your blood goes to me and my people.I'm gonna make sure that you wished you died in that ambush just like your friends and I'm gonna make sure that you wish you were one of us because let's face it, we're ten times better than your people and trust me I'm gonna have fun doing it."

And there it is the start of another hell inside hell already, just when things couldn't get any worse.