Blank Pleasure

It's been days at this Point, and my routine has been the same everyday. Wake up, get tortured then sleep if I can. Today I was expecting the same, waiting for this mundane task that I've become accustomed to, to end for the day. But my Day went different, they woke me up and removed me from my bounds and they put a dark cloth on my head once again. They took me to a Bathroom and they told me to clean myself up in one of the stalls. I was hesitant, not knowing what this was all about, I refused to go in until they pushed me inside. I waited for a while, just to see if it was one of their "creative" Interrogations again but it wasn't. I walked to the shower and slowly turned it on, waiting for something else to happen but I couldn't believe my eyes. The water was warm and nice, I couldn't believe it was real. After all the Torture I endured in my new home, I felt reborn as the water poured down my body cleansing the Dirt and Pain. Despite everything that has happened, I consider this as a Gift. It took me a while to stop since it was the first time I felt comfort again. I would stay there the whole day, If the guards didn't pound the door for me to Hurry up. After I was done they handed me fresh clothes; a white Polo shirt, an Underwear, black jeans and a pair of Fresh socks. They tossed me a pair of black rubber shoes as well.

They then Handcuffed me, put a dark cloth on my Head and Proceeded to walk me down the Hallway. It was difficult to see through the cloth that was above my head so I had no Idea where we are going. After a few Minutes of walking, they took of the cloth off my head and In front of me was a Middle Aged White man, wearing a Midnight sky Blue suit paired with a Light Brown Leather shoes. He was with two Bodyguards as well, wearing Black suits. As I Approached closer to him I could see the Smile he had on his face, it appears he's eager to see me.

"Come on, Please! Remove Mr. Taylor's shackles, I don't want to give a Bad Impression on our first meet." He exclaimed as he saw the Handcuffs on my wrist.

"Sorry sir, but we can't do that, we've been specifica-". said the Guard as he tried to reason with him.

"Nonsense! I'm Pretty sure Mr. Taylor will behave himself, right Mr. Taylor?" He argued as the Guards followed Hesitantly.

After they Removed the Handcuffs, This Person came up to me with his two Body Guards and the two guards I was with watching closely, He reached his hands towards me and offered a Handshake, which I politely Ignored. He then Introduced himself to me, His Name is Draven D. Smith a New York Representative and he says that he will be "borrowing" me for a day to offer me an Opportunity. At this Point, I thought I knew what was going on, but I was in for a Surprise. After he Introduced himself, he told me to come with him Outside and the Two Guards pushed me to follow him. As we went outside, I was hit by the Cool Breeze and the Bright Sun above. It took a while for my Eyes to adjust outside, but Eventually it did. I then saw a black Limousine in front of me and outside were Several Soldiers who are all Keeping an Eye on me. They guided me to the Door of the Limousine and shoved me inside. His Guards followed and with him coming in last.

He offered me a Champagne and a Grape, from one of his coolers, but I declined again. He then explained that we are going someplace Special, a place were I can feel belonged. He then turned on the tint of his windows and he explained that part of the Agreement to "Borrow" me is that I am not allowed to see the Outside until we reached our Destination. The car Started Moving and he also Explained that a Small Military Convoy will Accompany us for a short while.

He grabbed One of his Wine and Poured himself a drink. He started asking me if I'm into Cigars the Arturo Fuente to be Precise. I didn't answer and I just Ignored him. He shrugged it off and continued to talk.

" From the Profile that I was given, it says here that you are a Spy, having Infiltrated different H.D.U. Facilities, Impersonating H.D.U. Officers, Forging Legal Documents, and Treason. I guess our Guys has to catch up, because this is Humiliating and Amusing." As he said that, I couldn't help but notice that he is Trying to hide his Grinning, I didn't really know why, but something tells me he Knows something, so I had to ask.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Finally! He's Talking. Took you a while" he said while lifting his Arms straight and Opening his hands in Excitement.

"You know something, don't you?"

"Well that Depends on what something is"

"You're a Politician and Somehow you know something....more"

"Well I got all my info fro-"

"I'm not talking about that, it seems to me you that you know something else."

"Whatever that is, it's not gonna be a Concern Once we get there, how about eating, if you Don't like Luxury, I have some food that will suit your 'kind' more." He said as he Pointed at the Bread stacked besides his Cooler.

I was trying so hard not to show my Hunger, since it was days since I had a Nice Decent Meal. I'm not really sure what it is, but it has a white powder on top and a Peanut butter filling . I tried to stop myself from looking at the food he has, but my eyes keep latching on to it, pushing me to get some. He must've Noticed that I kept looking, so he ordered one of his Bodyguards to give me some as a Sign of Good Will. They must've knew I was going to refuse it, regardless if I was Hungry or not. So when they grabbed the food they Aggressively Handed it to me, hitting my Chest in the Process. I was Hungry. really Hungry despite my Intentions of having a Backbone, and not bowing down to these People one way or Another, I gave in, I ate and I ate like I never ate before. I couldn't see him Properly but I could still see the wide Smile he has on his Face, probably thinking that His Offer might suit me well.

They gave me another One, and said not to fill myself too much, since there's more in where we're going. After a Few Minutes of Traveling, the Convoy wasn't with us anymore. He exclaimed, "Finally!", and removed the Tint on his windows to his Guard's Surprise. One of them tried to remind him of the Deal, but he said that the H.D.U is in his Pocket, so they wouldn't really care. Despite them being in his Pocket, that wasn't the reason as to why he removed the tint, It was because he wanted to show off. We Passed a City which he called New Lancaster, a city with only a Few Tall Building each of it were either white or Partially grey, almost every Building has a Garden and a Tree, either on top or Besides the Building, but that is what I can only see from afar, It looked like what every People at the Start of the 21st Century, thought what the Future would look like. He told me that It was a Newly Built City that he Helped Fund. Together with other Politicians and Billionaires , they Own parts of the City as a kind Gesture to the Money they gave. He also explained that it wasn't any Ordinary City and that it was the City of the Future. It might not look much now, but soon It will be a Model throughout the whole World. A blueprint and a guide to catch up with the Changing Times. He pointed out what Appeared to be a Flying Car that I thought was a Drone, a Tall Building he said to be the "All Seeing Eye", monitoring the City for its Safety, but its not Activated yet. Today It is mostly reserved for the Rich, but soon It will be Available to the Masses and after that He will have Moved out.

I didn't show it, but I was Honestly shocked that we didn't know any info about this City. I don't know why he's really telling me this but it's an Info worth sharing if I make it out Alive. Whatever filters they have to not let this get out worked, but I honestly think they are not just keeping this a Secret from us. After he Bragged about the city it was followed by Silence, so I just sat there waiting for us to reach our Destination. After what I assume to be 2 Hours or maybe 3 has passed we stopped. We stopped at a Walled off Facility and at the Gate they checked the Car, inside and outside. As well as the Needed Papers to get in. He sighed in Annoyance exclaiming that no Matter how Powerful you get, you can't Bypass everything. After all the Security Measures were done, they let us Inside. Inside was something I didn't expect.

The Place was a Residential with three wide and tall Buildings Circling the Compound. In the Middle is a Garden Complete with different Flowers and some Trees. Families, I assume were there Gathering and relaxing. A swimming pool was also there, with people smiling and Laughing as they take a swim. We stopped by one of the Buildings, and a staff was there to greet us, with a Huge smile on his face. He went outside first greeting the staff, his guards then Pulled me from my Seat and Pushed me Outside. The staff then told him that the Room is ready and that he'll be happy to guide us to the Room. We walked inside and the Lobby was fancy, really fancy. It had those brown light Walls, with a darker, but complementing shade of brown on the Pillars Imbedded on the Walls. As we walked, the staff started Explaining that his Requests are fulfilled and that they are Positive that he will be Successful. He responded that if it is successful, he'll personally ask to get him Promoted. We then got inside, with what I assume to be an Elevator, if it wasn't for the fact that we got on the 21st floor in a Second. The Hallways were wide, with brown doors carved with fancy designs and white walls with fancy lights attached to the side. We then reached the room, but this room has a Double door and the Wood Carving was different and Fancier than the Doors we've passed through. The staff Pulled out the Keycard excitingly and Opened the door.

He was smiling and almost looked like he was about to giggle. He went in First, obviously proud of the Room he was in. The staff waited outside, but his Guards Followed. This is when he told me why he brought me here. The room that I'm standing on, is Mine. He added that there are only 5 rooms likes this in the Compound and 3 of them are already Occupied. I know what he is trying to do, but it is hard to admit that the room is Nice and is a huge level up from the Torture chamber I'm currently checked in at.