Free Range

As I stood inside the room, I knew then and there that there is something more to it. I knew that they're not just going give it to me, there is something in return that they want and I'm not giving it. He was obviously happy, he probably convinced himself that his Plan is going to work and that I am going to say yes to his offer. The room, I'll admit is Nice, even before all of this, I've never seen anything like this. Saying yes would surely bring comfort but, what would that make me of me? A Loyal and effective Asset, bought and Bribed by Luxury.

"So, what do you think about your Room?" he asked.

"My Room?", I replied

"Don't you be Modest now, you Perfectly know why were here" he replied.

"A fancier Cage I assume?" I replied.

"Mr. Taylor, this is anything, but a Cage. It's your Manor, your Castle your Own Personal Paradise, that some only dream of. Since you're not sold on it yet. How about I give you a Tour?" he happily suggested.

He walked around the room, showing me every single detail that it has. He first showed me the Bed which he claimed has the best Foam and sheets around the world. "Frette de Paris Foam, the best in the world", he said. He claimed that sleeping in one is enough to destress the Body. "Egyptian Dream Silk" he said, sheet so comfy, getting out is not an Option, sheets so soft, you could replace a woman with it. He then went to the Kitchen, describing that all the Marble tiles embedded on the kitchen's walls and counter are one the rarest there is which is the Italian Calacatta Marble and not even everybody in the 1% can have it. All the Knife that I'll use are all Imported in Japan, which he claimed is the Country known for making the best knives. All the Glass and Wine glass that I'll use are actually made from Crystals. Most of which are Hand carved telling the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

He must've notice that I wasn't paying that much attention nor do I care about what he's saying so he Stopped explaining the Kitchen and he told me that he knows what might Interest me. He went to the Living room Again. and showed me the different gadgets in it. He first showed me the T.V. which looked like a Cabinet with Glass doors, until he tapped it and it revealed that it's just the Screen Saver. He spoke to the T.V. and it followed his Commands, with a voice command he turned it to different channels and even ordered it to remind 'me' that a Buffet is available every Friday. He winked at me, after telling me that all the food here is Blood free. He even went a little further telling me that there are about 50 'fun' channels available when I'm Lonely. He also showed Video Game Consoles that might interest me. He ordered his Guard to grab the VR+ helmet so I can wear it and see how it feels and looks like. In the few seconds that I was wearing it, I saw myself at a beach together with different people, who had their Name Tags above their head. Everything looked and felt, it doesn't look pretend, it really feels that I am there seeing a real beach with my Own eyes. He ordered it to be removed, and he just told me to that it's the tip of the Iceberg.

He went on for a while showcasing me the advance, sophisticated and Luxurious amenities that my 'room' has. He last showcased 'my' Wardrobe complete with anything and everything that'll need to wear. The Wardrobe even looked bigger than the living room, having that much variety in the clothes that I could wear. I honestly thought Clothes couldn't be Advance but there it is. Some Clothes automatically fit, some can change its Color via Voice Command, and some can even Change its Appearance all together. Most of this really reminds me of the Movie my Grandma and Grandpa used to watch and tell me about.

After the tour is done, he sat down at the sofa he claimed to be comfier than the Bed. He tried to convince me that this place that I am in is the best place my 'kind' could be. Seeing that I was unresponsive, he went on again describing all the things that I can do if I choose to stay here. The Clubs, Spa, Casino, basically all the fun places one can be.

"Don't you think I know what this is?" I said

"Well what is it, Mr. Taylor?" he asked with a smirk on his face

"This a Prison still, bar cages painted with Vibrant colors with Banderas hang up to pretend that it looks better. These Distractions aren't a Result of your kindness, it's a way to subdue us." I said frustratingly

"Well you have to admit this is one hell of a Prison, when's the last time you encountered something like this?" He Mockingly replied. "Do you also think we're gonna give this for free? Ofcourse not! You need to tell us what we need first"

"What makes you think I'll do that?" I replied

"Well think about your situation! Do you really want to go back to that shithole you're staying? Argue all you want that this is just 'Prison', but you have to admit it is leagues better then where you are now" He replied.

"If I say yes, Am I really free here? or is just Pretend like everything else?" I replied.

"Do you know how much of my 'kind' lives like this? 5 and that's not Five Hundred or 500 thousand, it's only 5 people living like this and you're just going to throw it away" He asked.

"That's the matter with your "kind" it's always about Pleasure and Hedonism and nothing else. Tell me who has its worse those that can walk out the Sun or those that pretend that they can?" I asked.

"And here I thought, I could use to help me get a Boost. Mr. Taylor you're not going to get another chance like this, spat in my, our face and I assure things will get Much worse." He angrily replied.

"Why not make me stay here? You have no reason to bring me back" I replied

"Why do you think people are here, huh? Do you think we are holding them against their will? They're here because they want to be here. All of this defectors are rewarded for what they gave and we're not going to put someone who isn't willing to give or to be here" He replied.

"I never wanted to be here" I replied.

"I guess reason has no use to you huh?" He Angrily replied.

I guess he grew angry and frustrated that I wasn't persuaded to stay here. He Punched hard in my chest, making me fall with the pain that came with it. I could see his face frowning, him losing patience and realizing there's nothing he can say to persuade me. Since I won't give anything, he told me that I can rot in the Shithole that I am in and he hopes that 'they' do a fine Job at that. His Guards carried me outside and into the Elevator. Outside the lobby is an Armored Truck waiting for me. They tossed me Inside with two Guards accompanying me. They were a few feet away from me, but with their Eyes locked on to me, making sure they know my every Move.

As we travelled back to the facility, my find is filled with thoughts. As much as I don't want to be there, I still thought about 'accepting' the Offer. Not because I was bought by its Luxuries, but I figured it's a way to escape. Since we arrived I've been checking the Facility's every corner, looking for a Possible way to escape. The walls are too high, and the entrances are crawling with security making it difficult to escape, it's not Impossible, but doing it alone isn't going to help.

As I sat in the cold Metallic floor of the Armored van, I couldn't help but wander, are those people really there because they want to? Or are they there because they had no choice. Was that place even what it is being Presented as or was it all an Illusion, or a way to buy me into giving up? I really wished I knew, but deep down I knew I made the right decision, not only because it's right, but something tells me there's something more going on in that Place. The way back was longer and far more exhausting, but was shorter then when we left for it. Due to my 'Actions', I could only hope and guess what's in store for me next. One thing is Certain, It's going to be harder. We arrived and I was back again to that place that I so distain. Misery and Panic is within me once again and as the door of the Armored Van opened I knew then and there that I'm much more Closer to death.