
Time has been removed from my Mind now, It is a Concept that I no longer know. I used to try and know where I am and what day it is, but now I'm only waiting for the Conclusion of all this. I woke up once again alone, in a white clean room surrounded by nothingness. This time I didn't bother figuring out where I am, I just waited and let them explain it to me. I sat down waiting for what felt like an eternity, waiting and waiting for someone to speak. After a while of silence being my only Companion, I heard a door open followed by voices of struggle. Three armed men walked in, two of which are holding two captives with a dark cloth above their heads, the other has his Gun pointed at me. As they went to the center of the room they removed the Dark Cloth hampering their Vision revealing a blond white guy with a Black eye on his left eye and a brown haired man. They pushed them hard to the ground with guns being pointed at them as soon as their bodies landed down on the floor. As they left the room. I walked towards the two men brought to the room slowly, just to make sure they aren't hostile. When they saw me approaching them they were asking me to back off while asking me who I am. I didn't tell them my name nor that I am part of the resistance, all I told them is that I'm not going to hurt them. They were both afraid to come closer nor to let me approach them and just by looking at their faces they are more than willing to defend themselves.

I went to them slowly and carefully, assuring them that I'm not going to hurt them. They were threatening me not come closer and I Obliged to make them feel safer. They asked me why I'm here and I told them that I'm just like them, a Captive, a human with no choice and a human who was unlucky enough to get caught by them. They asked me what if I'm lying and I simply answered that: I have no reason to. As I said that the Blonde guy with a black eye looked at me for a while, and he must've noticed my scars. He became calm and assured the brown haired man that I'm not going hurt them. They both became calm but you can sense that they still have a bit of Suspicion in their minds. They asked me If I knew what is going on, but I told them no. I told them that I woke up here and I can't remember that I was moved. They told me that they were Captured Yesterday morning, and they were brought here for Interrogation. They asked me if It was the same for me, and I answered yes. He introduced himself as Philip and he told me that the Brown haired man is Kyle. I was reluctant to say my name but I told them just so they know that I trust them.

We then heard a Voice echo across the room, It was him once again, The Interrogator. He started off teasing me like a child with no better to do. Asking me if I like my new Cellmates. They asked who it is and I told them that it's my Interrogator for the Past few days. He laid out what he wants to Happen, he wanted to test me if I am really committed to my "Cause". He told me that he will give me two Challenges and both of which I'll have to choose. Knowing these people, I thought I could clearly see where this is going already.

I heard a Machine working from a distance, followed by the sound of a Latch Opening. By following the sound I've noticed that one of the Tiles in the walls lifted up revealing a Compartment with two objects inside. I didn't notice it at first but when The Interrogator spoke again and he told me to Pick those two Weapons. One is a Rifle and one is a Bat, he warned my two "cellmates" not to come closer and that it's only I who is required to choose. I came close to the revealed compartment and upon getting closer, two things were in my Mind. Does he want me to kill them? and by Picking up a Gun I can do it faster or does he want me to choose? To defend them or myself? From my experiences up to know I know that they are Mischievous and any cruel thought is a reality later on. After I picked one of these, what comes next will require a Strong will. But a thought came across my Mind, what if I refused? What will they do? I turned my back at the Compartment with my two Cellmates confused I looked around the room for a while gaining the Strength and Courage to ask, "What if I refuse?".

When I was ready I spoke the words that I wanted to with two of my Cellmates looking around waiting for an answer. After a while I got my response, I felt a surge of electricity running through my body once again. I laid down on the floor screaming in Agony as the voltage increases by the Minute. Philip saw me screaming in Pain and begged the Interrogator to stop but his plea is Ignored, almost as if he never spoke at all. He begged once more but he still Continued. Eventually it stopped, and the only word I heard from him is, "CHOOSE". I got up and I still thought about what is the Possible Next Scenario, I looked at the Bat and the Rifle for a while, based on a whim I picked up the Rifle.

As soon as I picked it up and held it with my own two hands, the compartment closed. And I heard another one Opening again on the other side. He asked me again to come to it alone and I obliged. As I carry my body the next Compartment, there was only one object Inside it, a Syringe. As soon as I saw that syringe laying down on that compartment I knew already what he wanted me to do. I clenched my fist hard, holding the gun in my hand tightly. He spoke once again, telling me that I'm allowed to Pick two Options: Give myself Remedium and save my cellmates or shoot the two of them and not take it. After they heard the ominous instructions they both looked at me in fear, almost the same face they made when we first saw each other. I looked at them as well in fear and in sadness with what I have to choose. But then again I could just shoot myself and end this, but deep down, I still had hope that I would see my Family again. I spoke up and asked, "what if I just shoot myself?". He laughed in response telling me detail by detail what they would do if I did that. They would torture and cut off the limbs of my two Cellmates and keep them alive for Years. They have the room recorded and they would Play the video of my brains scattering across the room endlessly in front of them, reminding them everyday why they're there.

At this point my mind is blank I didn't know what to do, I could spare myself all of this, but my conscience and the little piece of Hope that I have left in seeing my Family once again isn't letting me. I kept the gun held in one of my hands pointed downwards so they wouldn't think I would do it. I glanced at the Syringe and thought of every Possible way it can help me, but deep down I knew, I knew that they are not letting me go that easy. I spoke up once again asking what will really happen If I take it. But there was no response, only the eerie silence in the room. I looked at them once again and I tried to open my mouth to say something but Philip spoke first:

"Just do it man, you don't have to take that Poison for us", he said with a sorrowful and scared voice.

"I can't, I just...can't", I replied with the same look on my face

"I'm willing to die for this, this is why I joined in the first Place. Just go ahead and let's just finish this", Philip assured me.

I still thought about what I should do, either them or me. My mind is puzzled all the pieces that I needed aren't there. I tried to find anyway to avoid this but all of it isn't possible and isn't my liking. As I stood there thinking, Kyle spoke and it is apparent that he doesn't like the second choice.

"Fuck you, I'm not dying for this!", Kyle responded with anger and desperation in his voice "Take that damn drug, I'm not fucking dying here!"

"What about the cause? The NUSA?", Philip softly asked.

"What about me?! Don't I fucking matter after everything I did? So after all I've done I'm just gonna die here?", Kyle Angrily Replied.

"We have a Mission whether official or not and we cannot let him take that Poison.", Philip rebutted.

"So what if he did? It's him not us. You heard him once he takes it, we're walking out of here alive."

As I listen to their quarrel, I was still there standing near the syringe thinking of different ways I can save them and Myself from this drug. But there isn't any other choice. I hanged on the idea that he will Honor the Choice he gave me, but the doubt is greater than the hope I'm trying to cling on. Kyle is adamant that I take the drug, I can tell that he's both scared and angry that after everything that has happen, this will be end of the line. The Interrogator spoke once again, telling us that he's not going to wait all day. He gave me 20 seconds to decide, it's either I become them and save them or cling on to my beliefs and let them suffer for it. As as he stopped talking the timer started.

I glanced at the syringe behind me still thinking about what I'll do. 20 seconds left, and I still don't know I kept looking at the Gun and the Syringe thinking if it was them or me. 10 seconds left, Time become slow as I tried to decide but as I looked at them once again I knew what I had to do even though I can't. I raised my arm and in a Decision that is the hardest for me, a Decision that I might come to regret, I took the syringe and Injected myself the drug.

There was only 5 seconds left in the clock and I still made it. I glanced at them and they were both shocked to see what I've just done. Out of Anger I threw the syringe across the room, shouting and shouting, not believing what I just did. After I let out all the rage consumed within me I calmed down and sat at the floor. I couldn't believe that I'm, them. After everything that has happen I became the very thing that I so despise.

There was a few Minutes of silence from the three of us, I think they both didn't know how to react, but I got up, defeated and tired. He spoke again, and that's when I realized I never really felt what true anger really is. He congratulated me, telling me that I'm part of the group now and I should be Happy, no more suffering, no more hiding, only Living. I got up and tried my best to control my Anger just so he wouldn't do anything worse. I spoke and I told him that he got what he wanted, so he can let them go. He said yes and he's happy to do so. What I didn't realize is that he had something else in mind. I glanced at them with the two of them, specially Philip showing a remorseful face. Despite the anger that is running through my body, I looked at them and smiled, just to assure them that it's okay.

But as my lips inclined on my cheeks to show a happy and contended face, they were shot dead. The clean white room that I entered is now Painted in red. Their head scattered into a million pieces across the room. As their headless body laid dead on the floor. I stood in silence not believing what I just saw. The two men in front of me just seconds before, who had hope to come out alive is laying dead on the floor with their faces never to be seen again. I couldn't take it anymore, I tried not to shed a tear but after everything it is simply Impossible. I glanced at the floor and I remembered the Gun they gave me. I though about it first but what is there really to think about? I am them and It was all for nothing and I know they are not going to let me go, so what's the point of not doing it. I raced to the gun, desperate to end all of this once and for all but they must've knew what I'm going to do because even before I grabbed it, I fell to the floor, weak and immobile. I didn't know what they did to me, but it was putting me to sleep. With the last strength that I have I still desperately tried reach the gun, but It was no use. As my hands got closer to it, my eyes started to close as well. Just when I thought I had the chance, to end it, my eyes and mind turned black until I saw nothing but an endless dark void. As my eyes closed putting me to sleep it sealed my fate to stay in this hell forever.