Mask off

I was told that the end of the line is near for me. In just a few days I'll be meeting my maker. A thousand thoughts are running through my head every second as I try to grasp that my time is coming to a quick end soon. I thought I was prepared to face something like this, but I was wrong. The anxiety and fear flowing through me is trying it's best to make my final days worse. Not only that but ever since I took Remedium I could feel my body begging me to get some blood to sustain my new Hunger. The only "good" thing that I've experienced this day is that I woke up peacefully, with no one forcing me like the events of yesterday. I sat there in my cell, waiting and waiting for anyone of them to show up, but it took hours before anyone made their presence felt and I thought I could just rest while I wait for execution. While I was almost falling back to sleep, I heard the door open followed by several footsteps. He stopped behind me and spoke, asking me in a deep and rusty voice How I liked the Accommodation so far, I didn't answer him, instead I asked who he is. He laughed and seemingly sighed when I asked the Question. He stayed behind me for a while telling me that after all the time we've been together, I still didn't know who he was.

He made a slow pace to get in front of me, but even when he finally stood infront of me, I still didn't know who he was, all I see is a Man wearing a Black coat, shirt and Pants trying his best to make me guess, but I was getting the idea of who it might be, until he spoke and from that I perfectly knew who he was.

"Hello, Mr. Eric it's a Pleasure to finally see you Personally.", It was him the Interrogator in flesh, standing infront of me with a perverted smile telling me that he is finally happy to see me face to face. I sat there in Silence for a while taking it in that the Person responsible for the hell I've been through is standing right infront of me. I was there cold still, not knowing how to respond or act and I guess he must've noticed it as he teased me, asking me why I am so quiet. I really wished I didn't have this bounds so I can finally strangle him to death, nice and slowly but then again it would be something that I can only wish. He is actually quite happy to see me according to him and that he is so happy that he has a surprise for me. And soon enough Lieutenant Harper appeared as well with a knife and told my Interrogator if he is sure about what he wants to do adding that if they knew about it they would both be in trouble. After everything surely I would've been used to their devious plans, but hearing those words sparked a Little fear in me. He assured the Lieutenant that even if they knew, once they get what they need all will be forgiven.

The interrogator turned his attention towards me, telling me If I knew anything at all or if they did infact capture the wrong person. Ofcourse I didn't answer and at first he chuckled seemingly amused by me, but his facial expression would say other wise. He ordered the Lieutenant to give him his knife and soon enough he is grabbing me by the neck, pointing the knife at my face.

"The Higher-ups might've given up on you, but I'm not. I can only Imagine the Praise that I'll get when I finally take what we need inside that head of yours.", He told me with a face of a madman written all over his face. "So how about this you finally tell me what you know and I wouldn't slit your throat."

At first I just looked at him, silently telling him that he will never know what I have inside my head. But then I laughed because behind all the mask that he put on, in person he is nothing but a petty and weak child thinking he still has the power he has when he has his mask on. He is confused and even more on edge when he saw me laugh. I stared at him directly telling him that what does he have to conquer me? He put me through an even worse situation so what does he think a knife will do to me? He grew angrier telling me that his credibility was almost on the line because of me, if he didn't manage to make me take Remedium he would be in an even worse Position than me. He admits that it could've been the perfect Opportunity to finally get me to speak but the Higher ups are not Interested anymore in what I know they just want to get rid of me. I teased him and laughed at his face telling him how does it feel to be a failure.

He didn't take it lightly ofcourse and he punched me hard on my face making me cough blood as he did so. I teased him even more telling him how much of a Hypocrite he is or if he is even that. He talked about how my cause and my belief in sustaining Humanity is "old" and laughable and yet there he is afraid to disobey a few people infront of him while proudly displaying his Power. In the end he is nothing but a Pet. I guess I ticked him off that much as he put the knife on my neck, ready to slit it open. I encourage him do it both to release myself from this hell that I am in and so that he can prove to me he isn't a pet. He only stared at me with an angry look contemplating in whether he can actually do what he intends. After about a minute of the knife pressing on my neck, almost making a small cut, he gave up.

I thought he would still do anything to get back at me but he just laughed. He looked at the corner of the room with eyes looking above seemingly trying to find and look at something there. He told me that I'm going to die anyways so he might as well cash me in on the whole story. He told me what did I feel when Remedium was first announced, was it Suspicion or did it come off as a Fraud? Because I am not wrong if I felt both and that I probably did, but it isn't what he thinks it is. He explained that he was actually a former Interrogator in Diego Garcia, one of the best. One day a Group of people rolled in with boxes claiming that they are a New "device" that can help them in their Interrogations. What they didn't tell them back then was that those "devices" in the Box were early Prototypes of Remedium. At first he didn't know about it until they tested it in one of the Terrorist Responsible for the 2024 Toronto Bombing. According to him it was Magnificently horrible, after they Injected the Drug the Terrorist started Hemorrhaging all over his body. The observers claimed that it was a "Tiny" mistake but they got what they wanted. Soon he started Investigating it and he knew immediately that they are being fooled, but according to him he didn't mind he saw the beauty of it.

Once they explained it to him, he didn't have any questions or doubt and he was on board with it. They could've killed him but he became the inside man taking down notes that they can use to "perfect" the Drug. Eventually they did and soon enough they announced it, but after all the data gathered it still didn't went the way they thought it would. Ofcourse it was never about preventing diseases, although it was there to deceive the masses. The real goal is Control, to make everyone docile and subservient. Had it went according to plan everybody would be an Obedient robot, no Humanity, no thoughts and no free will. Nobody would lie, only the truth will be the Language. For him the Vision that he once thought would be just didn't came about and it never will, but despite the mishaps they still achieved their Goals. Since everybody who took the Drug desperately needs blood, primarily Hemoglobin, they are subservient to the State and the Corporations relying on them daily for everything. They could've solved it years ago, but they didn't and they never will. The Hedonistic life that everyone has followed has only made them more Docile and the Higher-ups are more than willing to let it be. If I ask about them, whether they really took it or not, they did, but they took a better version, the one that sets out what it Advertised to do. They don't even need blood they just pretend they do to maintain the Illusion.

I sat there Perplexed and skeptical, I knew it was Questionable from the start, that's why I urged my Family not to take it but It was even worse than I thought. All this time it was deliberate, they knew what they were doing all this time and I thought It was just a Lucky Accident, but it never was, they got what they wanted. I just sat there dazed and perplexed, with my worldview shattered in only Minutes. He knew what was going through my head, and he was happy about it, because finally he got to me. He didn't even need to use any torture device, just the truth. He told me to think about in my Final Hours, he didn't want to spoil it but Tomorrow is the day. He then left with the Lieutenant and I was there alone once again, taking in the information that I just heard and the final hours that I have left.