End of the Line

Have you ever felt fear in your life? A fear so great it stuns you to the point that your almost good as dead? I felt it before but not here when I'm close to death. Today is my execution, the day they no longer see me as needed. I always thought that I'd be sad or afraid but, today I never felt more alive and free. I peacefully woke up today, there was nothing but silence in the first few hours of my awakening. Enough time to reflect on what I've done in my entire life, that is when I realize that I had no regrets I have done everything right and if I have any regrets at all it would be not telling my family the truth. They didn't tell me yet that it is my time, but I know that it is. I have to give it to them, they are still kinder and more formal when they are going initiate the execution. They told me to take a bath and they gave me better and nicer clothes, one of which I never had in my entire life.

As I felt the final hot water pouring down my body I wanted to cry as I know this is the last time I will ever feel this sensation ever again. But I had nothing to cry for, as in the end I was the one who won. You might be wondering since then, if there was truly a weapon or a plan against them. The answer is, yes. There always was, but it is not in the way that you think it is. Try and recall back as to how they got their power. they did so by replacing us and by controlling every power structure in society. That is how we are going to win, that is how this nightmare is going to end. I'm not the only one who is sacrificing myself for this cause, but maybe, me and the rest of the team has the most important mission to accomplish. We were never sent to talk to another camp about a new weapon that they have, we were a distraction, a folly. A red hearing that we want them to follow so desperately. We deliberately leaked our conversations about the "weapon" because we know they will try and do everything to either see it or capture it or us. And they fell for it because of their desperation, and by that we won and we are steps ahead of them.

See along the way we realize we are never going to win by dropping bombs and exchanging fire with them, by that we are just delaying our inevitable defeat. How can we truly stand up to those who rule and control everything, we simply cannot. A realization occurred in which we have to sacrifice our humanity in order to bring it back for the rest of the world. A few brave souls took the drug so no one else would in the foreseeable future and they blended in with their society, working and manipulating from behind the shadows until fate can bring us the positions in which we need to properly end the new world order that they have established. We are everywhere by this point, in the corporations, the government both in the local, federal or national government even in places like the UN and H.D.U. It is now not an if but a when, and I am glad that I have paved the way for that. I gotta give it to the untouchables or the rich humans who helped us, for once they actually did something useful for the world.

As I now walk into the hallway of the facility that has catered me for days, I felt happy and proud at the same time. The walls, the things and the people in this facility have all tried to test me and make sure that I gave up, but they all failed despite their best effort. I smiled and teased at the dreaded walls around me and I could see them pout and frown, in disbelief that they didn't succeed in their intentions. Angry that I am leaving this earth and that they'll never know the secrets hidden inside my head. I have made my peace with God and it is up to him know on what my fate will be, whatever it might be I am more than willing to accept it.

I have finally made it to the execution chamber and in front of me is a wall with rectangular holes on it seemingly being covered by a thin screen and by the looks of the holes, it is almost as if it is staring directly at me. I thought that this would be it, but there are people who wants to watch. I don't know who they are but its obvious that they are the people in power. I heard a mic turn on and someone started to make an announcement. He opened his speech by stating that they are gathered here today to witness what will happen to the dissidents and to show everyone who really has the power in this world. I am the example that they will use to show those challenging the system what will be their inevitable fate. There are a lot of things that he said, but I wasn't trying to pay attention. I tried looking around for both the Interrogator and the Lieutenant, but I couldn't see them anywhere. The announcer went on, until he made his final remarks. He lastly told everyone to witness justice as it is rightfully served.

The walls infront of me started to slowly glow red. By then I knew what was infront of me. I could feel the heat slowly building up and coming to my body, but I didn't feel fear. I smiled looking at the crowd and the machine infront of me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we won so this is nothing short of a celebration to me, a nail in the coffin and endless circle that they will go through everyday thinking we have something in stored for them, while they are oblivious to what is happening right infront of them. As the heat finally catches on to my body, I have never felt more free and happy. I did my part and my wish is that it will not be in vain. There are a lot things to look forward to, I'll see the rest of my team soon, our fallen comrades and in no time I will be with my family and we'd all be in Paradise soon. Enjoying the comfort and presence of each other as the suffering from the past is now finally over. Once again, this is Eric Taylor of the Wolf Division signing out.