"La, are you coming?" Robear asked, but of course she was expecting me to.

"Yeah, okay, my brother's stuck in traffic too." I said.

"Is he at Black Forest?" Charbear asked, "Those are the worst!"

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Everyone knows." Charbear shrugged, "Where else would there be an hour long traffic jam in the middle of the afternoon?"

You'd think after uniting the entire Black Packlands, they'd widen their roads… But then again, I've been to Alpha Solomon's castle/packhouse, and if that was anything to go by, they probably just poured tarmac and stuck traffic lights into the existing roadways.

Anyway, we found alfresco seating near the pick up point and texted our "drivers" that we would wait with friends at the café nearby. Originally, we wanted to sit inside, but Charbear spied Mr Mal having coffee and decided it would be safer to sit outside.

It was actually really pleasant. It was Spring in its finest, and the breeze (the same damn wind that blew my first arrow off course), was a refreshing touch in this context. We ordered a parfait to share and all got free water, then we watched other students pass by while Robear and Charbear made commentary about the latest relationship developments and fashion trends respectively.

I remembered belatedly that I still had the lunch bag Mum made for me. Eh? But I thought Lala always ate lunch at the cafeteria with her friends? What did she do with her homemade lunch? Oh right. She would throw it into a bin on her way home.

Lala was too afraid to hurt Mum's feelings to tell Mum she didn't want it, and too afraid that her fancy school friends would look down on her humble paper bag lunch. I can't believe I used to do such a horrible thing on a daily basis! What a waste of food! I decided I might as well take it out to eat.

"What's that?" Charbear wrinkled her nose at my crumbled paper bag.

I took out the squashed sandwich to examine it. It would probably taste better than it looks.

"Are you really going to eat that?" Charbear asked and I remembered why Lala stopped eating her homemade lunches in front of her friends. But I was the new and improved Lala. I didn't care what anyone thought (or at least I'm trying not to care)! I opened up the cling wrap mum used to wrap my sandwich.

"Is that peanut butter?"

Eh? A boy's voice.

"EHHHH????" Robear's reaction was much louder.

"And grape jelly?" The boy continued calmly.

Roan. Did he sneak out of training again?

"Yes." I said. Why was he looking at my sandwich like that? MINE.

"Give it to me." Roan deadpanned.

"Dun wanna!" Haha, I could be bratty too! I took a bite. Mine! I wasn't sharing.

Roan grabbed the rest of the sandwich out of my hand. Like right there. In the plaza, in front of Robear, Charbear, and EVERYONE!

And then he scarfed it down. I saw red. (Don't ask me what was red right now!)

"That was mine!" I stood up to yell at him. In front of Robear, Charbear, and EVERYONE.

"I can't?" Roan asked.

"Of course you can't!" I yelled back, "It was MY sandwich. I ate it first. Didn't your mum ever teach you not to eat food with someone else's teeth mark?"

Or was that a lesson only little Sam needed to be taught?

"It's fine." Roan shrugged, "Didn't you already tell everyone that I was your boyfriend?"

Wait what?

"No! Who'd do that?" (And how can you say something so irresponsible like that with a straight face?) I was so mortified, I stopped seeing red and noticed very belatedly the EVERYONE around me. I also had no idea what volume my voice was at by now. I felt a little like after the bomb exploded in my face that one time in my last life… shell shocked. Yeah, I think that was the word for it.

Robear on the other hand was suddenly very quiet. Charbear had her hand over her mouth the entire time. The passerbys stopped passing by. They just stopped there and took out their phones. I would like to think they all just happened to want to check the time, and not film my downfall.

"Oh my goddess! You're dating Roan?!?" Robear exclaimed finally.

"No!" Could no one understand the words coming out of my mouth? Was I speaking in ancient lycan?

"Sir!" I saw Mr Mal trying to sneak out of the café and away from the scene in the corner of my eye, "Sir! That boy stole my sandwich! Make him give it back!"

"Ah… it's you." Mr Mal looked very reluctant to acknowledge me. He looked at Roan and sighed like a very troublesome thing just had to happen to him, "Why did you have to eat her sandwich?"

"She gave it to me." Roan said.

"I DID NOT!" I was furious! How dare he eat my sandwich (and ruin my high school rep)? I think it was safe to say Sam was fully in charge of this one, "Give it back or else."

"Or else what?" Roan was unafraid.

"Or else I'll make you spit it out." I said.

Robear gasped.

"La, it's just a sandwich." Charbear tried to calm me down, "Don't make a scene."

I think it was too late. At any rate, I was too far gone.

"It's not about the sandwich." I tried to explain, "It's the principle behind it."

"The principle behind it?" Mr Mal looked confused.

"It was MINE, but he took it and ate it!" Why didn't anyone understand? This was a clear violation of my territorial boundaries!

I guess none of them were black wolves because all I got was weird looks.

"Sir! Make him give it back to me!" I demanded justice!

"Hn." Roan smirked. Was he laughing at me? WTH! How dare a brat like him laugh at me?

"What's going on?"

The crowd murmured at the appearance of the two blond strikingly gorgeous men. Not only did they enter the scene like shining knights in a romance drama, they also looked like they knew exactly what they looked like. For some reason that annoyed me. As if to add salt to my wounds, more phones popped out.

Fine, if you two want to play hero, let's see how you deal with this!

"Sir Wolfgang! Fluffy! That boy ate my sandwich!"

"He did?" Fluffy's smile stretched out ominously, "Then he must die."

Eh? Well, yes. That was how I felt too. Finally, someone who understood me.

"Ah, wait… Alpha…" Sir immediately realized the stakes had been raised, but then, almost immediately, he realized who Fluffy was standing with, "Professor Chimay?"

"Oh, Mr Malglocunos." Wolfgang recognized a fellow researcher, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm a teacher here." Sir said, "And you, Professor? What brings you here?"

Mr Mal was very courteous and respectful to Sir Wolfgang. He bowed like he was meeting royalty.

"I was in the area and decided to take Kaius and the princess out for ice cream." Wolfgang answered coolly.

Mr Mal looked from Wolfgang to me and then to Wolfgang and then back to me again, "The…the… the princess?"

He was missing the key point which was clearly the ice cream.

"How are you related… I mean, are you related to…" Sir was still looking from Wolfgang to me, and then he decided to stick to what he knew "Ah, I am Kayla's form teacher."

Oh, so now you wanted to acknowledge me!

"Oh." Wolfgang nodded, "Thank you for taking care of her."

Who was taking care of me? This guy wasn't even fighting to get my sandwich back!

"Ah, she, I mean the princess, is extremely bright and astute." Sir said, "Today, she answered rather remarkably with regards to the centralization and decentralization of the Color Mountains."

I doubt anybody cared.

Wolfgang nodded regally, "Did she?"

He looked at me. I pointed at Roan to remind him, "My sandwich."

Can everyone just stick to the main issue here?

"Leave it to me, Lala Sweetheart. Big brother will take care of it for you." Fluffy stepped forward to confront Roan, "Who are you to take my cute and beautiful sister's sandwich?"

"You're creepy." Roan told him, "Don't talk like that to your own sister."

I nodded, its true. But give me back my sandwich.

"Stop it Fluffy. It's just a sandwich." Wolfgang said more reasonably.

"You're creepy too." Roan told him, "She's still in highschool, and you're already an uncle."

Eh? What?

Wolfgang's expression darkened, he said to Fluffy, "You don't have to kill him, just make him spit it out."

"Ah, wait, wait…" Poor Mr Mal! I don't think this was in his teaching contract.

Luckily, although I was quite sure it was more from being summoned via the mindlink than serendipity, Lady Amber sailed to the scene.

Half of me was expecting her to embrace the situation the way Principal Laura would rush in before the situation escalated, but Lady Amber had her own style of doing things.

"Roan, your father was looking for you." She told him sternly. I suppose her first priority was to remove the student most likely to die from the external threat.

Unfortunately her plan was foiled when Coach Em burst into the scene, "Roan! How dare you skip out of your training session!"

He stopped when he noticed the crowd of onlookers and the small group of VIPs. And then he noticed me and forgot himself completely, "You! Girl! What's your name!"

"And don't you dare give me another fake name!" Coach was definitely angry, "I searched the entire first year registrar and there isn't a Lala."

"Idiot." Roan smirked, "Obviously, Lala is her nickname."

Wolves had those, so yeah, it would be common sense that a name like Lala would be probably short for something.

"You!" Coach pointed accusingly at Roan, and then he frowned at me when he realized we were standing next to each other, "Wait… why are you with a girl?"

"He came over first." I pointed out, least anyone labeled me as desperate.

Robear and Charbear nodded in support.

Coach considered it, "I've never seen you with a girl before."

"She's my girlfriend." Roan answered.

"WHAT?" More than one man shouted.

"I thought you were allergic to girls. I never even seen you go near one, maybe you don't know how to talk to a girl…" Coach continued rambling before he realized what Roan just said, "WHAT?"

Roan sighed and grumbled to me "Why do you attract so many creeps?"

"That one is your father!" I argued, "And Sir Wolfgang isn't a creep."

Fluffy and Mr Mal were fair game though.

"It's not convenient to talk out here." Lady Amber tried again, "Gentlemen, might I suggest we proceed inside to continue our discussion? It would not do to leave this misunderstanding unchecked."