"Gentlemen, might I suggest we proceed inside to continue our discussion? It would not do to leave this misunderstanding unchecked."

This was a classic Lorent method of dealing with scandal. Ki employed it in my last life too. Take it out of the public eye to "clear the misunderstanding." The key was to make sure everyone watching was left with the impression that whatever they saw was probably just a misunderstanding.

Well played, Lady Amber. Ki himself wouldn't have been able to have carried it off better.

It didn't look like any of the gentlemen involved were keen to sit down and talk about it. They reluctantly stopped to consider their options.

"I just want to know her name." Coach Emerson said, "She is a very talented archer and I want her on the team."

I guess he had decided to get what he came here for and make his escape.

Lady Amber looked surprised. She had known Lala since she was a pup and I was quite sure I had never once shown any such talent in this life, "Are you certain, Coach?"

"Yes! This girl is pure talent!" Coach Emerson insisted… he nodded profusely to get his point across, but it only made him look like a madman.

I gave Lady Amber my best puppy dog eyes, "I would like to join, please."

Please say yes.

"Well." Lady Amber said, "I suppose since Coach Emerson thinks so highly of you, perhaps you might try."


"It's a competitive team, so the training is bound to be demanding. You must be prepared for that." Lady Amber kindly warned me, "It'll also mean you'll have to forfeit your placement in the Princess Club. I know you've been working hard for it, but you can only choose one."

I nodded solemnly, "I understand."

YES! Everything was working out!

"What a big day!" Fluffy smiled, "You've found a new talent and a new boyfriend."

Don't start trouble now! Stoopid Fluffy!

I glared, "He's not my boyfriend."

It was the truth. Fluffy was satisfied. He turned to Roan, "Did you hear that? You've been dumped."

Roan sulked, but said nothing.

"I was an innocent passerby." Mr Mal quickly asserted. When he realized Professor Idol was frowning at him, he quickly added, "But I saw my students in trouble and naturally I had to step in and help."

"Wow, Sir." Robear said drolly, "Nice save."

I don't think she meant for the adults to hear her. I pressed my lips together so I wouldn't laugh. Charbear was covering her mouth so except for her wide eyes, I couldn't see her expression.

But okay, it looked like the situation had been defused, and most of us were ready to leave and NOT sit down and talk, because there were very few things that grown stubborn male wolves would hate to do more than sit around sipping tea and clearing up misunderstandings through reasonable conversation.

I had expected Lady Amber to wrap everything up nicely and send us on our way, but Lady Amber turned her attention to Sir Wolfgang, "Professor, it's been a while since we met. I'm sorry for the poor hospitality."

First Mr Mal, and now Lady Amber. It was like Sir Wolfgang was a royalty celebrity of the Lycan academic world.

"You do not have to mind me, Lady Amber" Sir Wolfgang gave a short bow, "Pardon the unannounced visit, but I'm only here for the princess."

Lady Amber took a double take at me as if to confirm I was the princess, "I see."

"Please do not overthink it." Wolfgang said. If you say it like that, she definitely would!

"He's taking us out for ice cream." Fluffy leaned his head against Wolfgang's shoulder.

Now she was going to overthink it in quite a different direction.

"Impudent!" Wolfgang scolded and pushed Fluffy's head away from his person.

"Creeps." Roan said.

But no one could tell Fluffy to behave himself. Fluffy was the Alpha Wolf in this timeline. He smiled, "Well then, since all the misunderstandings have been cleared up, there is no need for bloodshed."

Wth. Why should there be any need for something like that in the first place? Might I remind you that Lady Amber distinctly invited us into the café TO TALK, not shed blood.

Lady Amber looked definitely relieved to hear that though, "Yes, of course, Young Alpha."

My sandwich had definitely been forgotten, but I suppose there had to be some sacrifices for peace.

"She's still my girlfriend though." Roan said. Wait, what? What was wrong with this guy?

"Not if you're dead though." Fluffy's smile had a dangerous edge.

"Forget it, Fluff. I want ice cream." I decided enough was enough. Fluffy might actually get serious.

I made a pretty bow to my elders, "Sorry for the trouble, I'll take my brother away now."

"Didn't you want your sandwich back?" Fluffy asked as we were leaving, "I'm sure its still in him."

"I don't want to eat that. Where did you park the car?" I refused to let Fluffy bait me. I mean, I was upset about my sandwich rights, but it was also my fault for being too weak to beat Roan up myself.

Next time. If there was a next time…

"I'm glad we were able to resolve everything so quickly" Lady Amber walked us to the pick up point. I think it was admirable the way she calmly took in the fact that Fluffy had parked Dad's car ON THE PAVEMENT.

"I didn't want to block the traffic." Fluffy said.

"How considerate of you." Lady Amber said.

Wolfgang politely pretended he didn't notice.

"Kayla, please drop by my office tomorrow morning." Lady Amber told me when we reached the car.

Eh? The way Fluffy parked had nothing to do with me!

I quickly dropped a polite bow, "Yes, thank you for your guidance, Lady Amber."

"Good girl." Lady Amber's smile was gentle and filled with warmth, to the two blond guys with me, she coolly made an elegant bow because she was professional this way, "Sir Wolfgang, do feel free to let me know when you're in the area again. I'm sure the Lorent College would be honored to host a distinguished speaker as yourself."

Sir Wolfgang nodded, "I will keep your invitation in view when there is a opening in my speaking schedule."

"Thank you, I am honored." Lady Amber smiled.

"The honor is mine, Lady Amber." Wolfgang gave a perfunctory bow and kissed the back of her hand.

Hahaha… Wolfgang was a really old fashioned wolf. The only other guy who still practiced such graces was Alpha Gunter the Great Teacher himself.

Then she waved us off with a, "Please drive safely."

She made it sound like a polite parting wish, but I felt it would be best if Fluffy took the hint.

Anyway, we got into the car and were off with a bump-bump (back onto the road), and revving vrooom as Fluffy shot into the line of cars and immediately halted to a crawl because that was the speed of the vehicle in front of us.

"How have you been, Princess?" Wolfgang sounded genuinely concerned, to Fluffy he added, "Why are you cutting the line?"

"I'm doing good." I said, and as I did, I realized it was true, "School was really fun today, I have a lot of friends, and my teacher's cool."

Which was true too. I mean, it wasn't trouble free, but it was pretty interesting.

"I fear to ask, but La sweetheart, did you by any chance break out of character?" Fluffy asked and then he changed his mind, "Never mind, I already guessed as much."

"So what if I did?" I crossed my arms. I was a rebel now, "You can't expect me to live the rest of this life trapped in this weak girl persona."

"Don't cut lanes like that!" Wolfgang said.

"What a pity." Fluffy smiled as our car broke through the Main Gate and out into the open roads again, "You were so fun to bully."

"What are you saying? You are here to be her protector, Fluff." Wolfgang admonished, "Have you already forgotten your purpose? Slow down, you're still in a school zone."

"You don't have to worry about me, Wolfie." Fluffy beamed, totally ignoring the driving tip, "If anyone were to betray us, it would be Harvey."

What? Why Harvey? No, if it were my good beta, then there must be a very good reason!

"Not again." Wolfgang sighed, "Tell me the situation."