Lose my Guard...(Charlotte)

Standing and texting in a wide barn was one thing, but standing, texting Dustin - of all people - and talking to Joey at the same time felt like I was multi-talented.

With Joey continuously asking me questions, accusing Jason and groaning about work, Dustin was even worse to handle. He kept texting me again and again, repeatedly sending me my name in caps, to show that he meant business.

A part of me is relieved that the grim expression he had on his face the last time we met, when he saw Sara crying and yelling and me staying frozen, was gone. I'm glad he can change his emotions so quick, unlike Sara who hasn't even bothered coming online on the group chat. She didn't even try to text me.

Then again, neither have I. So I'll call it fair.

I ignore Dustin for some time, replying to Joey as curtly as I could to show that i wasn't interested in talking to him. Or being here watching him sweep as if it was amusing to be in charge.

Bored, and not in a mood to text, I go to the on the school website, staring at my name written in bold, indicating my position in the competition. Like a harsh reminder that I still haven't thought of what to write regarding the topic. And it frustrated me so much that I wanted to go straight to Mr. Tremblay and ask him how in the world am I supposed to do this?

But of course I can't. Not when I'm standing here in front of Joey, who has been unusually silent ever since he answered me with an 'I don't know' when I ask how long is he to stay here.

It made me uneasy, the way he had suddenly stopped speaking as soon as I rose that question. His mood felt less baleful and more perplexed.

"What's wrong?" I finally breathe out, not able to bear his quietness.

"Hm?" He looks up from his broom, as if suddenly remembering that I'm still here. Shaking his head with a small genuine smile, almost invisible, "No, nothing's wrong. Look, I'm sweeping pretty good."

He points the broom in my direction, "And the broom looks fine too. Nothing wrong with it."

I try to suppress it but burst into laughter, to see him act so weirdly, trying to cover up how dull he was feeling.

He frowns, but his confused smile doesn't disappear, "What?"

I clear my throat, trying to control myself from laughing again, being as serious as I could. I didn't want him to think we had a chance to become friends. I mean, I barely know him. "I meant what's wrong with you?"

His hazel eyes widen in realization, "Ohhh. Right. I'm ok. Just sweeping."

Keeping it short, he continues to stroke the floor a few more times and then beams, "I'm done!"

I look around, trying to find any dust which i could use against him, but surprisingly everything is as clean as it used to be when it was first built.

"Wow. You're good at cleaning, huh?" I remark.

He looks shaken but my comment, as if I had told him that he was going to die. Which is highly exaggerated. His smile now thin, he says, "Yeah...I am."

Maybe it reminded him something of his home?

And all the trust, the back of my mind had started feeling for Joey suddenly disappeared, my insides burning with acids. What the hell was I doing talking to this stranger? How dare I lose my guard?

My stance changes stiffly, more alert and threatening.

Who is this guy anyway?

And I'm just about to ask him that when my phone starts to ring, Dustin calling me.

I glare at Joey, who blinks back, having no idea what was going through my mind.

"I'll get Emma to take you back inside." I say, sharply.

"No, it's fine." Joey assures me, which makes my blood even more hot with menace. "I'll go myself."

"No, I'm pretty sure you won't." I hiss back so loudly that it startles him.

He scowls, clearly not knowing how to feel.

I call Emma who's just a few meters away, with Roofus, who then takes Joey back inside. But not before he glances at me, questioningly. And somewhat offendedly. A part of me felt guilty when he did.

But ignoring it, I redial Dustin's number, shocked to see that during all this process he had called me four times.

He picks up immediately, "Hello? Charlie?" He sounded hesitant. Shook.

"What is it?" I ask, "And why have you been calling me so much? Do you have any idea what-"

"It's Mr. Tremblay." He interrupts. "He- he - the police found the bodies."

My heart clenches, as I struggle to breathe, "What? Mr. Tremblay is-?"

No, no, no. This can't be true! Not him!

Not the one person I looked up to.

He can't be..be..

"No Charlie." Dustin explains rapidly, knowing what I'm thinking. "Not him! The bodies he was looking for? His relatives I think? They found them today?"

Even though it's not what had imagined, it still makes me gasp.


We meet in front of the main park, Dustin twitching impatiently in his baggy trousers and a large grey shirt, checking his watch. He looks edgy, his hair standing up in all directions and his eyes scrunched in exhaustion. I've known him long enough to understand that he had spent his whole night playing video games and was planning to sleep in today.

He sighs, trying to give an encouraging smile but failing to as I walk closer to him.

"Hey..." He says weakly.

"Hi-" I reply, "I came here as quick as I can."

He rubs his eyes and nods, "Thanks."

"Are you ok?" I ask, concerned. "Didn't get much sleep?"

He shakes his head, "Yeah. I don't think I deserve to right now."

I swallow a lump in my throat, daring to say, "How...how's Mr. Tremblay?"

Dustin shrugs, "I went to his house. Thought I should stop by, ask how they are. But there was a police car beside their house. And I heard a lot of...well 'noises'. I couldn't bring myself to go."

He looks remorseful. His usual beaming stance, slumped.

"Dustin.." I reached for his arm, squeezing it, "Where's Sara? Why didn't she come."

He finally stares at me, and with gathering guts he brings himself to say, "Sara and I were hanging out, you know because of what had happened with you two. I was trying to convince her to talk to you. And...we crossed the police station. And it was really crowded." He pauses, eyeing the kids playing in the playground, so that I don't see the scared tears that he was trying his best to hold in.

"We wanted to see what the commotion was about and...we saw Mr. Tremblay. And the police....with the bodies. We managed to catch a glimpse of them. And, Charlie, It-"

"Yeah?" My heart beating hard.

"The state they were in? It was horrible."