Mr.Snow Miser

The Snow Miser watches Diana fight Ares, the fight drew his attention because they broke one of his totems. What was odd to Miser about this fight was that it took place on the Amazon's Island and last he checked most of the Greek Goddess protected the Amazons. Maybe he should ask.

" Hello! I have a question if you would be so kind as to indulge me."

Ares and Diana look at the Miser and while Diana is confused and concerned for the newcomer, Ares is more afraid than anything.

"Well now that I have your attention, My question is, How come the Goddess that blessed this Island and it's people aren't helping defend it?"

" They cannot get down to the mortal realm."

" Ho, is that so then how are you here Ares?"

" Humans produce enough war and hate for me to manifest myself."

" Hmmm, while that may be true it still isn't an answer on why the gods and goddess cannot manifest themselves on this Island rich in Mana and divinity."

" I can handle Ares the gods need not interfere."

" That is true ("HEY!") but this fight is still causing the death of Amazons and the destruction of holy ground surely they understand that it would be better to assist you than just sit on there thrones and watch?"

" I believe they know the outcome and are confident in our ability to defend ourselves."

" Your optimism is so cute, godling, but I doubt it. They are most likely scared and hiding behind you, Zeus and your mother inadvertently made a monster your power is far too much for a demi-god honestly with all the blessings you Amazons have you are more like 4/5 god. No the point though the point is that I want an apology for the breaking of my totem."

" *mutter* when was that ever your point?"

" I apologize."

" Thank you godling but I was talking to Ares, Ares apologize now."

" I'm sorry."

" Good."

Miser turns to leave, the apology enough to satiate him while also leaving Diana in shock.


Ares yells while trying to stab Miser from behind, Miser whips around and twirls his cane, batting Ares's sword away like it was made of feathers.

" It would seem you never learn, I believe I must reinstil this lesson into you."

A absurdly cold gust of wind throws Ares away from Miser, Miser follows up this assault by creating a powerful blizzard which engulfs both him and Ares. The snow and cold stop Diana from getting near them though she does continue to try.

" You gods seem to always forget that at then end of the day, at the end of time and existence, the only thing awaiting all things is the cold."

The falling snow forms into the Miser, suprising Ares. The Miser slams his cane into Ares. Ares flies back from the blow, lifting upward at high speeds from the attack. Then from above a Meteor of pure type Vll ice slams into Ares. Dragging him to the ground and pulverizing all of his bones into a fine frozen paste. A disgusting, deformed/crushed and frozen Ares is the only thing left as both Miser and the Blizzard disappear.