Clouds darkened and thunder rages as lightning streaks through the clouds. Animals in the area feel immense fear as their bodies aggressively try and move them away from the storm. Lightning continues to bubble in the clouds until eventually a massive lightning bolt slams into the ground, creating an almost nuclear crater upon impact. In the center of this massive crater was a 7ft tall man with beautiful flowing red hair, compact and defined muscules, dark-skin tight gloves with vein like clamps going into his skin. The man lay unconscious for but a second as his eyes snap open and he flips out of the crater dodging a massive hammer that slammed into the exact spot where he once layed. Stretching to his full height the man scans the area slowly, with a blank expression staying on his face, absent-mindedly he out stretches his hand and the hammer flies forward landing comfortably in his gloved hand. Holding the hammer on his shoulder with one hand on the grip, he then begins to walk toward what he assumes is a camp.
A storm continues to rain down a river of water, with thunder booming across the sky and lightning arcing through the deep black clouds. The ginger god of thunder walks through the wet desert, the rain itself seems to bend around his body keeping him completely dry. Once he gets within a few hundred feet of the ""camp"" he noticed a blonde man rampaging through the tents. Thor ignores this, something is calling to him and he feels no need to ignore it. Doing exactly as you would expect of a warrior God with no fear, instead of silencing his presence and stealthing around he blares his presence, crushing the spirit of all the guards he runs across, alerting everyone that can sense divinity which includes Odin, Thor, Loki, the Ancient One, Thanos, the Eternals, Ect.
Walking through the walls of the tent unimpeded he eventually stops at a small hammer, both he and his own hammer recognize it instantly, it is a weaker Mjolnir. Thor, who is throughly intrigued at this point, bends down and picks up the hammer it hums thankfully, loving the attention and power of the entity it recognizes as a incredibly strong Thor.
At this point a bruised, scared and angry Blonde Thor shows up. Seeing the Ginger giant holding his hammer eliminates the current emotions in his body filling it with pure shock. The two lock eyes and then, for the first time in his adult life, blonde Thor feels intense fear as the golden eyes of the giant seemingly pierce through him and the power of the Ginger washes over him. Ginger Thor also feels many emotions though the main two are disappointment and disgust as he stares at this weak, unworthy, child-like blonde, the feelings are enhanced even more when he realizes this thing is a version of him. At that final realization one last emotion hits him, one he knows like an old friend, a deep rage drowns the other emotions out and his muscles flex so hard the wind generated sends blonde Thor flying away. Ginger Thor gets ready to kill this stain on his name and race.