Old Story, DBS

"Hello kid." Katsuo

"Holy hell who are you and why are you a giant red ball of light!?" Steven screamed

"Firstly your too loud secondly I am a god so I can be whatever I want mortal."Katsuo said

"Ok ok where am I mr.god?" Steven

"You are in a purgatory like space that I created to talk to you and before you ask you are here because of a few mistakes I made that ended in your death. I am going to reincarnate you and your gonna get what ever you want because unlike those shit novels you read I am an actual god that has no limit to his power." Katsuo


" I just said that and no it wasn't me you see my main body is out adventuring. I was made recently when the other me remembered that he was the main deterrent that stopped gods from fucking around with mortals for fun since my brothers are always busy. If you want to know what god killed you it was the ever confident asshole Zeus who did it to prove that he could still smite peasants while drunk. Anyway tell me what you want and where you want to reincarnate and I'll do it as an apology for my failure to keep my underlings in check." Katsuo

" Ok ok so I can get anywhere and reincarnate anyway? Steven questioned

" For the third time yes you dumbass." Katsuo

" Alright I want to be reincarnated as an angel in DragonBallSuper." Steven said

" Not a good Idea kid you won't have freedom and you will be basically a slave to there rules ,the grand priest, and the child zeno. I can however make you not only the demonic equivalent to an angel but the demonic equivalent to the grand priest what about that." Katsuo

" That sounds great but can I add in a few powers sir?" Steven asked

" Of course kid I said any and all your wishes." Katsuo

" Ok so can I upgrade the angel ability of time manipulation from 3 minutes to 1hour and I can do whatever I want with time during this time like they can only reverse time but I can stop it , reverse it and accelerate it and I can do it as much as I want like I can reverse time back to the dark ages or accelerate it to the death of goku or beerus." Steven said

" Rather strong but of course anything else?" Katsuo

"No sir." Steven replied. "Ok have a nice immortal life kiddo." Katsuo

I am woken up in some strange place that reminds me of purgatory from Natsu no taizia even the weather is just as brutal and unforgiving.

" Hey kid I'm in your head to explain your backstory as if I just poof someone as strong as you into existence it would raise to many questions also I added an immutability to God of Destruction's and Zeno's eraser ability." Katsuo

" Thanks mr.god for the help." Steven said

" No problem also I'm in your head so don't talk to me out loud if anyone was here you would look stupid. Anyway you have all the powers demons have and you and the grand priest can go blow for blow usually in your in counters though you win because as a demon you naturally have a stronger combat advantage. Long ago before the terror of Moro or the birth of the Angel's you and the grand priest were friends however you lounged around and he help Zeno make the universe's and keep them in order. He made the first batch of Angel's without instruction and they soon sensed your demonic presence and in time they all attacked and tried to kill you. In less than 5 minutes you mercilessly slaughtered them all almost a day later the grand priest heard of this incident but he god it from one of the original gods of destruction so the story was twisted to it being that you killed them all without reason because you were jealous of the grand priest even though you were friends. The grand priest enraged for one of the few times even to this day made more children and came to you looking for a fight. Being a demon and as strong as you are you weren't scared nor were you angry because you knew by what he was yelling he was lied to but you also knew in the state he was in it would be impossible to calm him down with words so you beat all the Angel's on the field down and fought the grand priest after the battle you lost because you were tired and because of your friendship he couldn't kill you but he instead sealed you for as long as he could. Many Many years later he learned the truth of what happened and was deeply saddened that he had to seal and almost kill one of his oldest friends over a lie so he swore that if the seal ever came undone he would find you and apologize. Years later he made the batch of Angel's that you see in super and he has permanently hidden all information about this point in history as the demons now are no match for the Angel's and he doesn't want to tip the balance by making the demons think that they can win because if they do they will start another pointless war." Katsuo explained

" That is deep and I also just got all my old memories and feelings so I know the story is true also how long did it take you to come up with that?" Steven asked

" Actually it took me like 30 minutes and also I'm glad you liked it I was scared it was to cliche." Katsuo

" It is kinda cliche but I think it has a nice sense of fun early history that could have totally happen to a young inexperienced grand priest and his friend." Steven replied

"Thank you I thought so too anyway your name ,Steven is kind of bland in the dragon world so what should you be called." Katsuo

" I am gonna steal a name from a character I like so Katakuri is my new name." Steven replied

" Man I love that character nice name kiddo. Well that's all from me for now kid oh actually one last thing I suggest you go through a portal to earth as the fight between beerus and goku is just starting to heat up and that is gonna look great up close then you should probably talk to your old friend the grand priest." Katsuo

Katakuri now left alone to his own devices decides to try and suppress his god ki which is surprisingly easy because of his memories he also remembers how to make portals but even with muscle memory and skill the process of making a dimension hopping portal is still hard. After about 20 minutes he finally gets the position right and walks through. ' oh my god beerus looks so much like a cat in real life I want to pet him sooooo bad.' Katakuri noticed that Whis noticed him not while he was watching the fight through his staff. ' Oh lord whis noticed me and his is definitely curious as the only other people who's powerlevels he can't sense are his father and zeno. Whatever that is a problem for a later me as for now I have to go and meet the main cast it has been something I have wanted to do for so long.' Katakuri thinks while flying to earth at lightspeed.

" Well hello mortals and Whis." Katakuri stated upon landing on the cruise ship.

" AHHHHH" the z-crew screams in surprise.

" How and what are you stranger?" Whis said with a surprised, worried, and tense face

" Well angel I am an old friend of your father's I came to see this fight between gods after being sealed for so many years." Katakuri stated while watching the battle in the sky

" Sealed what did you do to be sealed and Angels don't like liars, my father has no friends we angels don't know." Whis said getting tense while being ready to fight at any moment

" Calm down boy If I meant harm you would be dead and do you honestly believe your father, one of the oldest beings alive doesn't have secrets I mean even short lived species like humans keep secrets why wouldn't he and the only person old enough to even know if he has secrets are me but I've been sealed and Zeno who has the mentality of a child." Katakuri responded while chuckling lightly

" Even if I were to believe you that doesn't explain why you were sealed because the only reason my father or the angels have done that is when that being is a big threat." Whis said trying to keep calm around Katakuri

" We will talk more later I would love to try some of that food if you will let me young lady." Katakuri said to Bulma

" My name is Bulma and yes you can have some food just don't eat all of it." Bulma said while never taking her eyes off of Whis's staff and the fight that was going on

" Why of course Bulma can I know the occasion that has caused this feast?" Katakuri questioned even though he already knew

" Oh it's my birthday and it was supposed to be normal but then this happened. " Bulma replied wearly

" Oh , well happy birthday Bulma." Katakuri said

" At least someone cares" Bulma mutters

After my chat with those two I start eating some and I got to say this is so much better than any food I had on my Earth. The fight is finally ending and Goku is falling back to earth. I quickly teleport up and catch him catching a certain God of destruction's eye.

"Who are you and why can't I sense your ki." Beerus asks

" My name is Katakuri and you cannot sense me because I am too far above you in power." Katakuri says and in response to that comment Beerus gets and charges me and he would have been hurt if whis didn't jump in and knock him out.

" So Whis can you please take me to your father? I mean I could do it myself but if I'm greeted by anyone else but him it would end in a fight.

After many minutes of internal discussions Whis decides to take me to the supreme kai and then to his father as he believes his father can beat me if I am lying and if I not yay his father and the angels get a new strong comrade.

" Why hello you must me the elder and supreme kai correct?" Katakuri greets

" Yes we are and OH Hello Lord Beerus how are you and who's the new guy with you and whis." Elder kai says

" I'm fine and as for the new guy I don't know but he is strong and claims to know the grand priest." Beerus responses sleepily

" WHAT HOW CAN HE KNOW THE GRAND PRIEST, we gods don't even know the grand priest." Elder kai screams

" STOP SCREAMING OLD MAN and I have no idea but Whis refuses to let me fight or talk to him too much." Beerus replies gruffly

" Well that was a lovely chat boys but I need the Supreme Kai over there to teleport me to Zeno's now." Katakuri says annoyed with his eye twitching angrily

" Yes that is what we came here to do so do you mind helping us Supreme Kai?" Whis asks in his normal calm voice

" For you of course Whis just make sure this guy's claims if they happen to be false don't harm our universe." Supreme Kai responses

" I will try." says Whis

"Thank you , Kai kai" says the Supreme Kai

" Oh they seem to have upgraded the place since I was last here." Katakuri states calmly

The grand priest suddenly appears in front of Whis to ask about the unscheduled visit when his eyes meet Katakuri's. He does something you would never expect out of the grand priest he runs up and hugs the taller man will repeating I'm sorry. Katakuri sadden by his old friends state hugs him back and let's him calm down. When the grand priest does indeed calm down and breaks the guy he is meet with a shocked Whis,Beerus and Supreme Kai and a now laughing Katakuri.

" Hahahahahhahaha oh god there faces are so dumb Hahahahahhahaha." Katakuri laughs

The grand priest ignoring the shocked faces looks at his old friend laughing and starts to laugh to for the first time in a very long time.

A little while after that Whis composes himself and asks for and explanation about who I am and how I know his father.

To which the grand priest having recovered from his crying and laughing fit calming says " Yes Whis I believe all of the Angels are in need of an explanation about him and a few things I have kept hidden from you all for so long."

Whis is happy to see his father actual show his emotions and excited to learn of me and hidden history.

A week later the grand priest and I are sitting at the head of a long table while watching the Angels and there gods of destruction file into the room and sit down. I look like I'm napping but my ki is being spread across the room it is kind of like sonar but it is very intricate and detailed but I only do this out of paranoia as only the grand priest's U.I. can match mine which means only he can even try to touch me.

"Hello children I hope you all have been well since I last checked on you." the grand priest greeted in his normal calm voice.

"Hello father and yes we are well." responded the angels at the same time

"I'm happy to hear anyway I'm sure Whis informed all of you the reason behind this meeting?" asked the grand priest

"It is the being of extreme power beside you right?" Vados asked

" Well yes it is and his name is Katakuri and he is my oldest friend." the grand priest replied happily

" WHAT!?!?" the angels yelled with the exception of Whis of giggled as he didn't inform them of that on purpose

"Yes yes please calm down anyway I invited you and your god's of destruction here to not only meet him but also talk about the history I have kept hidden about him." the grand priest said

" Yes and while I'm sure they are excited to hear it I have a question, Beerus" Katakuri interjected

"Yes" Beerus said questioningly

" I want to visit your universe to meet those two saiyans that were at the party on Bulma's and also when I get there I'm beating you for interrupting a women's birthday like a jackass, got it." Katakuri said lazily

"understood sir" Beerus responded in a cold sweat

" I'm happy you understand kitty cat." Katakuri said

Beerus instead of responding kept his mouth shut as not to piss me off.

"Oh also Vados, I will be visiting you and "talking" to Champa about his job as a G.O.D. is that a problem at all?" Katakuri asked

" Not at all sir. " Vados responded

Now that the greetings and my conversations were done the grand priest then explained the story that Katsuo told me when I awoke. During the duration of the story the angel's composers broke several times showing saddness,shock,hate,and understanding.

Soon after both Whis and Vados came to talk to me about my visit to there universes and right when they were about to speak time froze and I heard Katsuo's voice.

"Hey I see live down there is good anyway I wanted to call because I am reincarnating this guy and he likes bleach and I wanted to know which do you think is more badass Visoreds, Vasto lorde or Arrancar? " Katsuo

" Visoreds are dumb and Vasto lorde are to instinct based because they are still too hollow so I would go with Arrancar." Katakuri responded

" I thought so to but I wanted your input also he is going to a mash up of the marvel movie verses so where should I put him timeline wise?" Katsuo

" Honestly while having him know the members of that world is cool and all how about doing something new and throwing him in when the portal opens in the Avengers movie." Katakuri replied

" I love that Idea thanks man i knew I could count on you anyway have "fun" with Vados." Katsuo

"...." Katakuri blanked

Time soon after resumed and he was left wondering about why that happened

" Katakuri what are your plans with those saiyans from my universe?" Whis asked while bringing Katakuri out of his thoughts

" Oh I simply wish to meet and if they interest me train those saiyans as they seemed to have a large amount of potential for growth. Katakuri explained

having gotten an answer Whis leaves with Beerus

" Katakuri I only wish to ask that you don't punish or harm Champa to bad for his neglect of his duties." Vados stated while bowing

" For the daughter of an old friend, of course." Katakuri said while smiling sweetly

having also gotten a satisfactory answer Vados and the fat cat Champa leave.