A Multiverse of Possibilities

A severely wounded man stands alone on a battlefield filled with corpses. The man's elegant, short-cut white hair stained with blood and his comrades/children laid dead around him. He stands barely alive pondering what it was all for, but that question dies when he sees it, his father, God finally dead. His main and oldest goal finally achieved and all it took was an army made from him and Lilith. Everyone that fought with his father was now dead, but him of course, but that was to be expected he was the strongest thing in existence excluding his now dead father and the dragon gods. Although exhausted Lucifer relishes in his victory, this moment of distraction makes him fail to notice something, devils are coming towards him and their intent is malicious. This fact, however, eludes Lucifer for the moment as he takes this time to enact the final part of his plan. He walks up to his father and grabs him corpse, he then grabs the other 3 ""Devil Kings"" corpses and stacks them in a small pile. He then makes a powerful magic seal, quickly, as to stop his father from eroding the other corpses, then he starts the seal up and it begins it's job, giving him all the power from both his father and the 3 devils inside the seal.

Devils were naturally subservient to Lucifer, at least at first, but as time went on and they gained their own sentientence and egos their love of Lucifer turned to hate, anger, and resentment as their king used them like tools to fight a war none of them wanted to and they were forced to breed and make their kids fight as well. Lucifer was also incredibly apathetic towards the plights of his people leading to the strong to trampling over the rest with no real laws or rules in society preventing them or helping the weaker devils. This view was also shared by the other 3 kings so most devils below high class were treated like utter garbage by their betters. All these reasons lead to a growing faction that wanted to overthrow the old ways, and while that faction was small and weak now soon it would grow quickly. At it's forefront were 4 devils of immense physical, magical, and political might, although only 2 really care while the other two were either a sociopath with a deep want and need to follow the one with potential to become the strongest and the other was a lazy, naturally magical gifted devil that could see which way the chips were gonna fall. These devil in order are Sirzechs Gremory, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Astaroth, and Falbium Glasya-Labolas these devils are also the four devils on their way to kill the weakend and bloodied Lucifer for the sake of their cause. They had won and snuck away from their own battles as the devils and angels backed off the field to let their leaders fight, this allowed the four to sneak off without being seen as both God and the four devil kings ordered everyone away, Azazel did the same but that's not important.

The ritual completes and Lucifer feels himself grow immensely stronger, however the boost really only acts to restore some stamina and make him only slightly stronger now, the full effects will take at least 10 years to complete however that's not much to Lucifer and it gives him time to recover and recoup at his manor. Then Lucifer notices the group and senses their hate and murderous intent, for the first time in a long time anger clouds his vision and a grimace takes shape on his face.

'His true goal was so close, victory was in his hand, he had already done all the hardest parts, he would not be felled by 4 upstarts!'

and with that thought Lucifer, with his rage blocking his pain receptors, shoots towards the band of four, catching them off guard.

The four of them had been naive Lucifer wasn't as weak as they thought, this battle would be grueling, one or more of them may die. Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium lock eyes and they all with them communicate the same message, ""Get ready, steel yourself for death or worse. We have to kill him no matter what!"" but before they can prepare Lucifer shows up and grabs Sirzechs by the face and they both plummet towards the ground.


Sirzechs can't respond as the Progenitor Devil grips his face and slams him into the floor of hell, sending day old corpses and their parts splattering through the air. All three of the other devils on the field lauch a simultaneous counter attack at Lucifer causing the slayer of God to dodge and move between beams of Demonic energy, Water Dragons, and super-powered fists he also has to crush and shatter powerful magic constructs ment to impede him. Once again his rage bubbles up and his magic responds as a large scale gravity field slams the four into the ground, Sirzechs gets up, his Power of Destruction working quickly to destroy the enhanced gravity around him as he launches a counter attack. Lucifer responds in kind by compressing gravity into a dense ball and completely engulfing Sirzechs ball of P.O.D. but that was Sirzech's plan anyway as the switch gives the other three devils the time to get up and counter attack themselves. Much to their dismay and concern however Lucifer still is able to dodge and move away from their attack, expecting this however Ajuka put a spin on his spell causing the already dodged demonic energy blade to slice into Lucifer's back, doing considerable damage. This injury, compounds upon and brings back the pain of Lucifer's previous wounds causing him to noticeable slow, something Falbium and Sirzechs capitalize on immediately as a bolt of destruction is launched towards Lucifer to which the devil king dodges, however it leads him into a haymaker from Falbium. This haymaker is then followed up by twin water dragon biting into and wrapping around Lucifer midair and then the combo is finished by Sirzechs making a massive ball of P.O.D. and crushing the fallen Lucifer with it and Ajuka creating his best barrier around him. A massive cloud of dust, blood, and smoke covers the area as the four devils move back. For several seconds they wait and nothing happens, Serafall goes to speak and then Falbium is impaled and almost bisected by water.

The four, now three, devils stare in horror as the cloud settles and they see a figure standing.

Lucifer's rage has gone full circle, all he feels is numb as he stands and sneak attacks one of the traitors. If he was being honest with himself, he was impressed by both the cunning and power of his descendents as well as their willingness to sin so aggressively. Those feelings however are completely overshadowed by his need to kill them, their families and their followers.

Lucifer- "I'll admit you all are strong for youngins, but your still hundreds of years to early to fight even a weakend me!"

With a cold glare a black hole appears above him and everything and everyone is pulled towards it. Sirzechs, Ajuka and Serafall try desperately to destroy the ball or hit Lucifer with magic but it's all sucked into the void he created and Serafall begins to be crushed by its power. Ajuka is next, his power and magic not, yet, suited for fighting spells like this and as such are unable to protect him as his body is compressed, for the first time in his rather long life Ajuka feels fear and yells out in anguish, tears fall from his eyes. For Sirzechs time seems to have stopped, his power pushed to its limits is only slowing his demise down, and his best friends screams drown out the sounds of the black hole, they drown out everything, as something, something deep in his brain snaps and his power explodes out.

Lucifer stares at the dying traitors contemplating what to do to get home safely, when suddenly his magic is destroyed and his thrown away. He looks up from his spot on the ground and sees something he hasn't ever seen before, the red haired boy, Sirzechs Gremory, has seemingly lost a physical body. Becoming complete energy, his P.O.D. energy specifically. Although eyeless Lucifer feels the entity glare at him, and then they both launch towards eachother.

Lucifer can be seen laying in a crater, both his arms missing and part of his chest disintegrated, his own blood pooling around him. He looks over and sees the traitors unconscious and similarly bleeding out, even Sirzechs is missing an eye and leg, however unlike him their co-conspirators are picking them up and taking them to be healed. His consciousness fading he watches as a woman walks up to him, Lucifer remembers her as Venelana Gremory she was a descendent of Zekram one of his first creations.

Lucifer- *Cough* "Hehe, I wonder, did Zekram conspire with you lot, Hmm?"

Venelana- "I'll answer your last question, No."

Then Venelana stabs him through the chest, he stares her in the eyes as she does then chuckles to himself.

Venelana- "What's so funny Lucifer?"

Lucifer- "T-Two things, Hehehe, One:I'll be back and when I comeback I'll take you infront of your garbage husband and son then I'll kill then and your family infront of you along with the families of every traitor. Two: You've killed me yes, but I wonder how your war with my loyal subjects will go with your strongest pieces so injured?! HAHAHahahaaaa good luck!"

and with that final note Lucifer dies with a crooked smirk on his face.

Lucifer opens his eyes, rapidly feeling his body, noting the lack of wounds. He then notes to other important things, his magical and physical strength is mostly gone, infact he is only at low class or weaker physical strength and power. The other notable thing is that their is a bunch of humans crowding around him, one of which has golden and red hair, a sword with a flame cross guard at his waist.