The Almighty in Gotham

' Hi my name is James and I live in Gotham. My life is constantly dangerous I don't understand how most people around me just assume that heros will always save me and everyone else. They are idiots, it is impossible for that to be true. If I'm honest I'm terrified my life is constant emotional strain and the fear of going to sleep and never waking up with me being none the wiser. Or the fear that I will be held hostage just to get a hero to come out and fight the villian. But like a good normal member of Society I hide it behind a smile so fake it might as well be made in China.'

James thinks this while he halfheartedly listens to a speech his professor is giving to his Gotham University class. After about 30 minutes of this boring ass speech James begins to doze off. *Bang*

sounds as James's head hits the desk.

" pay attention." James's classmate whispers as she knocks his arm out from under him. Instead of responding James just thinks 'Bitch' and picks his head up to "'Pay Attention"'. Suddenly James hears a clock start to tick and everyone but him seems to stop. Before James can even begin to freak the fuck out like an average teenager a voice begins to speak literally out of nowhere. " HELLO CHILD." the voice booms out as the entire building shakes do to the power behind those words.

" Wtf!!" James sputters out right before the voice starts again.

" Ahem testing 123 testing 123." the voice says much much quieter than when it first started to speak.

" Is this better?" it says waiting for James's response

" Better than before, yes it is mysterious voice of god." James sarcastically responds after calming down

" I can smite you don't piss me off you little teenaged prick. Anyway a few things 1. I'm not the voice of god I'm God's big brother.

2. Go fuck yourself.

3. I'm here to give you powers because why not. "

" That's a dumb reason." James says while staring at the spot where the voice is coming from

".. That's what your taking away from that sentence not the fact that I'm gods big brother or the fact I'm giving you powers AT ALL."

It impatiently says

" Listen I don't mean to under cut your epic intro and such but I live in a world where we have a flying alien with superpowers that defends Metropolis because he decided to. We also have an Amazon who is connected to the actual Greek gods." James says

" You make a good point also they aren't anywhere near as strong as their true god counterparts but that's not the point, the point is I, a being stronger than the true god, am giving you powers of ridiculous strength." It states

" That's amazing and all so will I be able to fight people like superman and such?" James asks the voice

" Oh yea no problem actually, I was being serious about the ridiculous strength thing." It says

" So do you accept?" It asks

" Why not, Yes mysterious Voice." James says

" Cool also don't worry you won't feel any pain from this because it would be stupid if you did." It says right before a flash of light enwraps James

" You know I know you said there would be no pain or anything but I really expected to be able to feel something different." James says while running his eyes over his body

" That's on me you won't feel the change until I leave think of it as my aura overpowering your aura. Anyway allow me to explain your power ahem, Your power is called A: the Almighty and it allows you to see every possible future and every power you see in the future you are immune to for the entire day it was supposed to happen also it was supposed to have weaknesses but fuck those. I am also giving you the Auswahlen it allows you to kill people and take there powers and give them too yourself or however the fuck you want if you're a heartless bastard that would do that." It rattles off

" Wait wait I'm immune to all powers does that mean all powers that are above human capability or just like all attacks?" James asks

" Everything above human capacity but don't worry I am also improving the power a bit." It says pride fully

" Ok what did you improve?" James asks kinda panicked about the though of fighting someone like Batman

" Well you gain a bit of permanent immunity the more times you get hit with something like while you're immune you get hit with a super strength punch and then when you're not immune it does a little bit less damage, it won't be noticeable at first but if you get a high enough resistance it will definitely be noticeable. The same thing applies to Knowledge like say you are fighting someone like batman and you get away, after the fight you will have picked up a little bit of his fighting style then if you see it enough you will completely copy it and then you will soon perfect it to an even higher degree if you fight them more." It spews

" That's amazing and all but how am I even gonna survive those fights?" James asks still a bit scared of confrontation with the bat and his family

" Ahh well you see I have decided to give you a few more of the original user of the Almighty's abilities such as a sword that you can summon at will,a movement technique called Hirenkyaku, a defense skill called Blut Vene and instead of an attack skill I will gift you with an attractive body and peak human condition. Oh and bonus you have a slow but steady healing ability being able to heal limb separation in about 2-4 weeks." It states

" I feel overpowered also won't my body change be noticed by you know EVERYONE IN THE ROOM ESPECIALLY IF I GET A 6 PACK AND SUDDENLY BECOME EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE?!?!?" James yells before cooling down

" First don't yell at me." It says with its voice hardening and thunder clapping behind it

" Yyeeeesss siiir." James shakily replies

" Ahhh calm down kid I'm fucking with you it's pay back for the comment about my reason and no don't worry that won't happen until tomorrow because the change will happen while you sleep tonight. Pro tip you're gonna be out of energy tomorrow so I suggest you skip and go out and buy new clothes and such so your new build won't be as noticeable." It says before vanishing along with the light and time stop. Sitting down James almost bounces in his seat in excitement as he waits for today to end so he can become superhuman.

Waking up James runs to the mirror to check out his new body however instead of his body what he sees in the mirror is a note.

" Hello again James it would appear I forgot to tell you a few things yesterday the first being about your sword. To put it simply PLEASE DO NOT USE IT CARELESSLY!! I say this because not only does it cut people but every bit of damage you do to someone's body with it also transfers to their soul so please know that if you kill someone you also kill their soul and that means no heaven, hell or purgatory it will just end the same thing applies when you take someone's powers with the Auswahlen. Oh and the next thing is the sword is indestructible and only you can even pick it up, if anyone else try's to they can say goodbye to their limb and a chunk of their soul. I also gave you another soul bonded indestructible, untouchable thing and that is a badass cloak that you can summon onto your body at will just think ' Yhwach' and boom you are covered. I say indestructible for the sword this is true but for the clothes they can rip and such but they repair almost immediately even if it is atomized. Also the Blut and Hirenkyaku aren't free they cost Stamina with the Blut being small but the Hirenkyaku is large it can kill you if you use it when you're too drained. Also me and you both know you are far to selfish to be a hero so just make sure you don't die during your time as a villian.'

"...THAT'S SOME PRETTY IMPORTANT SHIT HE FORGOT!! *sigh* Well guess I have to be careful and I have to test these powers some how. UGH who knew being a super would be so much fucking work."

After taking down the note James flexes and admires his new body.

' Honestly I look fucking amazing'

( Imagine something similar to Bruce or Dick Grayson's body builds)

After flexing for a solid 20 minutes James decides to wait until night to test his powers and to nap until afternoon so he can go shopping.

James gets up from his nap feeling like crap because of the massive change his body went through (He would have felt it earlier but he was too excited to notice). After going through almost every piece of clothing he had he finds that nothing fits at all he also finally notices the fact that no matter what clothing he wears to cover his build difference the fact that he went from 5'4 to 6'1 was definitely noticable. After that hell he just decides to summon his cloak because he knows it will fit. Upon summoning the cloak he notices a mask appear in his hand with a note on the inside. ' I added an untraceable device in here that can play music either into your ears or blast it out also make sure to leave your phone at home when out patrol or villianing if I'm honest.' James reads before ripping it off and throwing it into the trash. Making sure to hide the mask James begins the walk to the mall down the street.

After hours of shopping for clothes that actually fit him and having to deal with women who kept flirting or checking him out, James finally starts on his walk home. But it's night and this is Gotham sooooooo.....

" Give me your wallet or I'll take it from you, Forcefully."

I turn slowly as to not startle him and I also sweep over the area with my eyes and notice, no one.

" Alright man, I'm gonna be honest, this is a terrible idea and I don't want to hurt you so please, just walk away."

" Ha man are you crazy I have the gun here, now give me your wallet."

"*sigh* I'm giving you an out please take it."

" Give. Me. Your. Wallet. Before I shoot you."


I shake my head slightly as the mask appears on my face and the sword illuminates the dark street with a low blue glow. The Robber starts to shake and shoots me in the head but time slows for me as four other pupils appear in my eyes and the bullets simply flatten and fall down.

" STaY AwAY MaN!!" The Robber yells in fear

Obviously I don't care anymore ( I warned him, he should have listened.) so I cut off his arm.


" That's payback for shooting me, you'll die of blood loss soon with a wound like that, it sucks that you can't call 911."

" Wa Wa Why can't I call the police?!"

" Whomever attacked you broke your phone."

" But you didn-"

Before he finishes I stab his phone and his leg.


I just leave him and walk away with my bags, his screaming stops soon as the blood loss causes him to lose consciousness. Then I use my Hirenkyaku to move get to my apartment quickly.

POV: Random Cop, 6AM ( 6 hours after the incident.)

" What do you think happened to this guy, Gordon?"

" I don't know but we better track down this person quickly, I don't want another serial killer around here."

" Yea you're right, there are too many now a days." Gordon leaves as I just continue to stare at the corpse.

It's been a week since James killed that guy, during the week he has murdered alot more. He does this not because he likes murder or because he wants to kill all evil no no he does this because he wants a reputation and money. With both of those people will think twice about messing with him and he is also an orphan in an apartment, he needs rent money.

Late at night, near Gotham Harbor there is activity at a storage facility.



*Machine gun fire*

' On my way here I saw a new pizza place, I should check it out.' Our young protagonist thinks as he continually changes the future to make the bullets miss him.

' You know what gets a bad wrap, pineapple on pizza it's actually pretty good when you use white sauce and not red.' James thinks as he runs 3 men through at the same time, finishing off everyone in the building

" Welp time to go destroy their drugs and weapons, and take their money or should I say MY money."

10 minutes later James has cleared out the storage facility when suddenly, A BATARANG IS THROWN AT HIM to which he dodges without even using the Almighty. ' Oooh boy, a bat family member.' Quickly snatching the Batarang out of the air, James inspects it and determines ' This is definitely 1 of 3 people, Robin, Batgirl, Batman they are the only ones that use these batarangs the other ones use speciality ones like bird shapes or specially colored ones. Let us only hope it isn't Batman because if it is I'm probably fucked.'

4 pupils appear in his eyes as the Almighty actives and he sees a kick coming to his left, So in the present he dodges right. ' Well that narrows it down, feminine legs.' ( Yes I could get far enough in the future to know but I don't because I'm training myself so I don't have to rely on the Almighty all the time)

" Was it the gunshots?"

" What?" Batgirl responses as I twist around and dodge another kick.

" Were you attracted here by the gunshots, you weren't staking out the place nor me because if you were, you would have stopped me before I killed all those people."

She doesn't respond instead she just growls. I leap back gaining massive distance to which she reacts by throwing a batarang ( An explosive one.) I throw it back and it explodes halfway leaving a cloud of smoke, unluckily I'm not trained in hand to hand, she is so. She is outplaying me severely even with my future sight all I can do is dodge unless I want to kill her, which I don't (Yet)

" You should banter more, I heard you all are bad at that."

" You all being?"

" Your family, the one related to the Batman or is it Bat-man, Bat;Man, DnananananaBatman, Mentally unstable grown man in a bat suit?"

" Ooooh Ooh that's an eye twitch, we are getting somewhere, good good. Why are all you "" Upstanding heroes "" so comfortable with child sidekicks, putting innocent children in the line of fire of malicious villains like the joker, speaking of him isn't that situation exactly how you lost the 2nd Robin. You all are on the fourth one now, right? I wouldn't trust you lot with goldfish after that nor actual Robins for that matter."

This obviously pisses her off something fierce and her attacks become less controlled and more farrel, less coordinated this allows me to get a strong punch to her solar plexus, making her flinch back, giving me time to continue my assault with an uppercut, a kick and a punch directly to the face.

Before she recovers I escape by cutting the wall open and sprinting out. Using Hirenkyaku I run home and slam down on my bed putting the money on the floor.

" Well that was fun, and fucking terrible. I gotta be much more careful or just leave country, both are reasonable I say."

Currently our protagonist is sitting in a bar with his full outfit mask and all.

' Never been to a known Villain bar before, its oddly qui-'


' Why, why do I say things?' *sigh*

" Excuse me."

James turns and sees Bane moving past him to grab the guy he threw.

" Oh, yea no problem." James says as he moves 1 seat down, taking his drink with him.

Bane then grabs the guy again and starts speaking rapidly in spanish before he throws him again. James turns to the Bartender and asks," Does this happen often?"

" Yea, Bane and most of the other major ""people"" like him frequent here, excluding Penguin as he owns his own nice bar."

" Does a mercenary named Deathstroke frequent here?"

" Why you trying to hire him?"

I notice the Bartender reaches under the counter

" No, I'm not but I am looking for him, calm down I wanna fight him."

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA oh oh god you are funny...OH your serious, Well that's also pretty sad, he'll kill you quickly."

" He can try but your confidence in his skill is noted, Also another please."

Hearing another Whooshing sound behind him James ducks causing the body to go flying onto the other side of the countertop.

" I apologize again, I will pay for the damages Mike."

" No problem Bane but I need that money by the end of the week so I can get the fixes done by next week."

" No problem."

" Before you head back to your booth I must ask why throw the body?"

" He was not completely dead before I threw him."

" Hehe well have fun with that Bane."

" I do not,-"

" Yhwach."

" I do not, Yhwach."

30 minutes later Two face and his goons along with the Riddler,Joker and Scarecrow have arrived, all of them have noticed me, the new guy. Two face doesn't care but the others did. Riddler watched me from his seat, Joker did the same but he did it more subtly, sneaking glances while he talks to Harley. The scarecrow is, the least subtly also the most stupid, He sits down beside me.

" So I heard you're new."

" I am, what does that have to do with you."

Instead of responding scarecrow tries to spray me, try is the best word to describe it as I already saw this coming and the millisecond he tried I sliced him in half from the torso up. Everyone looked my way, the bartender was the first to say something to me.

" You gonna clean that up?"

" How much can I pay you to get someone to do it?"

" 3 thousand."

" Then no, here is the money."

" Thanks."

Before anyone else did anything I left. Onwards towards Lexcorp. Honestly Lexcorp security or more accurately, all security is a joke to me I just use my powers to find the optimal route in and out dodging patrols, cameras and the occasional pressure sensor, also A FUCKING LASER GRID ( that's some supervillain shit). Anyway I've been standing in front of lex's door pondering if I should knock or walk in. ' Meh fuck it.'

I walk in and Lex is eating lunch, curry, mid bite Lex stops and stares at me.

" Do you have an appointment?"

" We both know I don't, I came with a business proposition or more accurately a promise. Oh and don't stop eating it might get cold I hate that shit."

" Ok, what?"

" So I am a mercenary, I kill people, I am going to be fighting some powerful people soon and I wanted to know. If you would pay me if I say killed superman."

" HahahahahhahHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAH If you kill superman I'll pay you alot of money."

" Alright, I know you hate non humans and while I don't share the sentiment if you pay me I'll kill anyone. Just sayin, anyway I'm out, have a nice day Lex and if you need me, Don't worry I'll know."

Then I turn and walk out, following a separate exit route and dodging the extra people Lex sent after me. I know he sent them and put the building in lock down to test me and because he hates people out smarting his things like security.

1 hour later, Metropolis Bank

' The best way to get a kryptonian's attention is to kill people in their city, let's just hope it's superman and not supergirl, because if I don't kill superman now, I will be treated a huge enough threat to call in the whole league if I show up again.'

"Well nothing personal everyone it's just business."

" Huh what did you say sir?"

Although he was already wearing his cloak, after the question James's mask appears and his sword stab through the young lady who heard him. Not giving anyone time to respond James swings his sword killing everyone in a circle around him, including a baby one of the women was holding.


"There it is."

Throwing the sword in an arc with all his strength James kills 10 more people, summoning the sword to his other hand James makes a V pattern in the crowd cutting them off and killing several more.

After seeing all this destruction the guards open fire on James with out question or concern. James's power activates and four more pupils appear in his eyes, the bullets flatten against him and he ignores them instead opting to throw his sword like a spear and kill the people trying to trip the alarm. The crowd has herded together after their exit was cut off, the now dead guards can no longer help them and they all have realised it.


they of course comply with kids being silenced by their parents and the adults and teens opting to cry silently.

" Alright, now I have no intentions of robbing the bank, my only objective to day is to get Superman's attention and your previous screaming didn't seem to do much so, I would like if all of you all together cried for help in case you need encouragement, know I will kill every single one of you if you don't, also woman in the back I can see you and if you get any closer to that alarm you and everyone in 10 feet of you dies."

They all pay attention to me as I put up three fingers and count down. When no fingers are standing up the crowd roars


"Their we go."

In less than a minute big blue crashed through the door and tried to grab me, I move to the left right before, causing him to miss.

" Well you did indeed show up like I hoped but uh you're kinda late honestly."

" Why did you do this, you monster."

" Firstly I'm 100% human, secondly I did this to get your attention, let's just say a mutual friend of ours, a bald one, has promised to pay me lots of money if I kill you and I for one am game, so why don't we take this outside and get out of the way of the still living people here."

Superman doesn't respond instead he launches at me again and this time I let him grab me, he brings us outside and throws me into the middle of the street which is, for some reason empty, how and why, WTF.

" Superman, I understand you're mad, rightfully so but I just wanted to say before we start that this, this whole thing, isn't personal but also I'm not sorry."


Superman then launches at me, in response I throw my sword which he dodges then to stop his advance again, I call my sword back to which he dodges again. Finally up close Superman tries to land a punch, with no success, I use the almighty to constantly dodge his attacks. Superman speeds up and I am forced to retaliate blocking and parrying with my sword landing useless punches at every chance I get. Realizing that we weren't getting anywhere Superman flies back and starts to throw cars at me. I don't even try to defend just using the Almighty to just tank the damage with no repercussions, Superman tries to use this as a distraction to attack me and it would have worked if I didn't have the powers I have. The sneak attack completely fails with me dodging and kneeing Superman in the gut, to no effect. Then Superman hits me, and the shock on his face is apparent when the attack not only fails but also stops his momentum completely, using the shock advantage I swing my sword once more, Superman seems confident he can tank it so imagine his shock when it slices him in half completely. The most devastating part of today is that I will never get to ask Superman how stupid he felt about letting me land that attack. To make sure he is dead I use my sword to slice him into cubes and then those cubes into even smaller cubes, this continues for a bit. After Superman's dead I walk towards the blockade much to the fear of the crowd and News crews.

" Halt, do not come closer or we will shoot.!"

" Bullets would help you none, Superman is dead and I am taking my leave."

Then I drop down into the sewers and use my powers to get back home while avoiding all cameras and patrols.

I'm currently League enemy number 1, have been for weeks but they haven't got me yet and as an insult to them I am still taking contracts all around the world. Luther did make good on his promise after some """convincing""" and the murder of Mercy. Currently I'm on route to another job in Gotham, something about killing a drug lord that works for Penguin.

James shows up at the warehouse, jumping in through the window, silently and then he notices that no one is there.

Then James dodges 6 bullets, three batarangs, a birdarang and a baton.

" Wow! The entire Batfamily, I'm honored!"

" You're about to be on the ground with broken bones."

" The rest of your group isn't really the threatening type, nice to meet you too Red Hood."

The only response James gets is 6 more bullets, James dodges only to accidentally through himself into a fist from Batman, causing Batman to grunt in pain.

" Blut Vene, my other defense technique. You know what I've decided."


" Only one of you are leaving this warehouse alive, Batman you get to pick who. I'm too indecisive."

"Like hell!"

Red Hood and Nightwing say at the same time, trying to put James in a place where he can't dodge. James however just twists in the same spot, whipping around and grabbing Nightwing's wrist and throwing him in the way of Red hood's bullets.

" AHHH."

"Well Batman come on, Who?"


Batman just starts a one on one with James instead, James is actually on the back foot as he can't keep up with Batman's technique. The rest of the group seemed to realize this and they all also realized ranged attacks didn't work. Then James started to take hits, several in a row of course because of Blut most of the hits didn't hurt him, every once in a while several hits would land at the same time and he couldn't use Blut on them all but the pain was manageable.

" Hahahaha, still waiting on that Answer Batman."

Due to how his learning ability works, James slowly but surely starts beating all of them at CQC at once, the others don't notice but Batman does. He throws down a smoke to give them an advantage and they all back off, he obviously thinks my skills are based on me analyzing them, which is only technically true. Using the Almighty in short bursts James defends and starts to pummel the individual members of the Batfamily, knocking the newest Robin out.

" Bruce, give me an answer. Batman's appearance and the Robin's appearances coincide with your disappearance and reappearance, as well as the adoptions of Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake. The kid is Damien Wayne. I'm telling you all this so you know someone figured it out before you all died horribly."

Almost silently Bruce whispers for the other members to leave, using the Almighty James sees the outcome of his command and the second Nightwing gets near the window to leave. James's Sword flies through the same window going through Dick's chest. Then, using Hirenkyaku James appears next to Jason with his sword, cutting off Jason's head. James kills both Tim and Damien with the Auswahlen absorbing their very souls.

" Well, Bruce it seems the list has shortened significantly. One last chance who gets to leave?"

" Batgirl."

" Nu uh, her name not just her Hero name, First and Last if you lie I'll kill her first."

" Barbara Gordon."

" Alright, Girl you may leave. I'm going to enjoy this, oh and if you can, call some back up for Batman, I've always wanted to kill League members."

" Bruce I won't leave you."

" Yes you will, get the League. I'll be fine."

Even knowing that is a lie Barbara leaves, crying.

" Even at the Flash's top speed, he couldn't get you out of here alive. You know that right?"

" Of course."

" You know what, since you've been such a good sport. Let's do this like men, fist to fist I won't use any of my abilities and you won't use your tech. Before you and your genius mind thinks up a scheme do know that if you even try anything I'll smite Barbara and beat you to death without a fair fight."

" I know."

" Good, no masks either."

He takes off his helmet, I take off my mask and lower my cloak.

" Hehe, Start!"

10 minutes later...

James stares at Bruce's dead body through his swollen eyes and broken bones, smiling. James puts on his mask and pulls up his cloak then he uses Auswahlen on all of the dead Batfamily members, limping away towards his home.

The beaten James continues to limp home passing the incoming heroes unnoticed, during this time James doesn't use the Almighty, confident in his stealth. A foolish decision as Barbara notices and after seeing the body she puts it together. James's gut instinct goes off, he smoothly dodges the incoming batarang.


Without hesitation James turns the Almighty on, stopping Wonder Woman's sneak attack while keeping his eyes on the murderous Batgirl.

" I've been found out, too bad I did intend to keep that promise to Bruce. For someone so stealthy yelling like that was a terrible idea."

James augments his strength by changing reality/time to a timeline where he has superstrength, and holds Wonder Women in place by wrapping his hand around her face.

" I could just make myself a kryptonian or something like that but that just makes my life too easy, the superstrength problem. You get it right Wonder Women?"


" I'll take that as a yes."

James's hand flicks back as he throws Diana into the oncoming Batgirl, knocking them both into a brick wall.

" Honestly Barbara I'm surprised that blow didn't rebreak your spine."

Diana hops up and throws her lasso around James. James plants himself in the ground, takes the lasso off from around him, grips it tightly and then rotates his body flinging Diana into the street, indenting the cement and crashing several cars.

As Diana lands James bolts forward appearing infront of, the still in the wall, Batgirl. James grabs Barbara by her low jaw and locks eyes with her pushing her back into the wall.

" You shouldn't have let your emotions get the best of you Barb, I really wanted to honor that promise."

The James stabs his sword through her and the wall behind her. Her pupils dilate in pain and shock then she looks at her injury then James's face. James grabs her jaw and stabilizes her face again and slowly follows her to the ground, never breaking eye contact.


" Don't worry Diana I haven't forgotten you."

James turns towards the Amazonian princess as the Auswahlen covers Barbara's corpse and he absorbs her.

" Diana, Warrior Princess of the Amazon's I personally suggest that you let me go, so more of your friends and teammates don't die."

" *Grrrrr* I will never let you leave, you will just hunt my teammates down one by one for mercenary missions."

" How did you guy's figure out I was a mercenary, Superman was the only mark I've had in the league."

" Bat-...Bruce figured it out and I will avenge his memory."

" Hmm is that right?"

Time shifts once again and Diana's gauntlets and blade shatter. James closes the distance instantly knocking Diana away, rupturing one of her lungs.

Diana stumbles up, unable to breathe properly her breath shortens even further after she begins to cough blood.

" I've broken several of your Divine items and your lung. Are you still going to continue?"

" I'll continue until I die!!"

" No you won't, all you're doing is stalling and all I'm doing is toying with you. It's time to end this before the Flash gets here."

" I-ACH"

Diana goes to speak again but James stops her by launching forward and stabbing his blade through her heart and yanking up, splitting her in half from her chest up. James's hands glow one last time as the Auswahlen engulfs the fallen amazon.

" You die as you lived, a warrior."

James quickly murders all the witnesses, destroys the cameras and their footage then runs away.