The title

Thea's P. O. V.

It's him, the guy in front of me is the guy, who handed my the bouquet of tulips yesterday, the guy with the brown eyes.

My heart skipped a beat. 

Why is this happening? This feeling, is not normal.


"Thank God I found you,"

The guy said in a whisper. 

"Ahmm? What did you say?" I asked, curious of what he said. For I can see in his eyes, he seems happy, from what he said. 

"Don't mind me, hermosa," Hermosa means beautiful in English

"But may I ask if Ms. Casiana Ventimiglia, live in this house? "

Who now?

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked. 

"Pardon me, hermosa, may I speak to an adult living in this house?"

I nod but before I left to fetch Gradgie this, handsome guy in front of me, took my arm. 

"May I ask your name?" He asked

"It's Czeisler," I answered and smile

I went upstairs to call Gradgie. 

"Hey Gradgie, there's a guy downstairs,"

Gradgie looked at me. 

"Really?" She asked in disbelief. 


Gradgie went downstairs quickly. 

Gradgie's POV. 

Is today the day my worst fear will begin?

Hopefully not, I convinced myself until I proved myself wrong, because the person I'm looking at right now, is the beginning of the future I feared the most

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked the young count Alexander Elliot I knew before

"I'm looking for her, do you happen to know this woman ma'am?" He showed me a photo

"No, I don't" I answered

"Well then, I'll take my leave now" He stated

"I might wanna let you, young man, you'll be looking for a long, long time" I stated in a low voice

"What did you say madamme?" He asked

"Oh nothing, just talking to myself, my dear, I wish you find what you're looking for though"

I smiled

He smiled as well, I fake smile I'll say

After he'd left I went upstairs to speak with Thea.

"Do you know that guy, Thea?" I asked

"No Gradgie, but I do saw him yesterday, and he was the one who handed me those" Thea stated and pinpointed on the bouquet of tulips

I see, they are starting their mission, its time to do mine

team ABCDE mission starts tonight

"Thea, is it okay if I go out tonight?" I asked

"Yeah sure, where you goin'?" She asked

"I'm meeting a friend, colleagues"

Thea looked at me in the eye, I can see that she is trying to know whether I'm lying or not, because that's why I taught her, but she can't win against her teacher

"Okay, can I invite, a friend here as well?"

I nod and said "Sure, but no boys Thea."

Thea smiled and nod "As is I'm letting a guy go inside this house, I'm inviting Catherine of course"

She said

"Okay then, I'll head off" I stated and left our home

Thea's P. O. V.

There's something weird about Gradgie today, I don't know why, and what, but I do know, there is something

I invited Catherine to watch Harry Potter tonight and she said she'll go.

I waited for Catherine about 30 minutes until she messaged me that she can't come, and the same time I received the message, I heared three knocks downstairs

ha ha, you can't fool me Cath

I went downstairs to open the door and Catherine wasn't in front of me, Its him again, why?

"Buenas noches, hermosa" He said


"Ahm, what did you say?" I asked

"I said, good evening, beautiful"

Oooh, guys and their pretty lies

"Good evening then, why are you here?" I said in a mean voice.

"I'm here to ask you out" He said

"I'm sorry, but I don't do dates, plus you're a stranger"

"Then perhaps, let me introduce myself, hermosa" He said

"Do tell me, stranger"

mean face on folks

"My name, hermosa, is, Alexander Elliot Ivan Orion Uranus Romanov"

wait what?

"You mean to say, your name starts with vowels?" weird

"Yeah, their weird people" He said

so are you

I said in my mind

"So, can we go out tomorrow?"

I shake my head from left to right and closed the door but before I do so, he put his hand in between the door making his arm hurt

"Shit! what's you're problem!?"

He chuckled and said "Don't worry, I'm not hurt"

"You're lying" I said in a worried voice

What am I worried about really, he's a stranger after all

"Can I atleast have your number, hermosa"

Why the hell is he calling me hermosa!?

"Fine it's-" I gave him my number

He smiled and said "I shall take my leave now"

Before he can walk out my lawn I shouted "And don't call me Hermosa!!!!"

He looked back at me and gave me a sweet smile then suddenly, I felt my heart beating so fast, I can hear it, I can feel it, this is not good, damn that guy.

Eli's P. O. V.

I may have not found the duchess, but I think I found the person, the one, I don't know, what would I tell to father?

Before I think of something, father called

speak of the devil

I answered the call

"Yes papá?" I said

"Our team said that the duchess is no longer in the Philippines, but in Russia, I'm having an idea that someone is messsing up our plan, but who, so I want you to stay in that village, she is there I know it, for now, you can stay there, consider this as your vacation"


"Okay father" I said short and clear


end call

"Hey France"  I called my butler

"Yes?" He asked

"I think we'll be staying here about 3 years, there is a problem hunting the duchess, like mom said, she really is good"

France nod slowly

Gradgie's P. O. V.

"Good job team!" I said

"A, keep an eye on the village"

"B, our security is our first goal"

"D, keep an eye on the count"

"And E, good job confusing Lord Alfredo, you did a good job"

I won't let this fight lose, this time, I'm gonna win

Then a lone tear flowed upon my face, followed by another, and another

I'm sorry mí amor, don't worry, I won't let them ruin our freedom now, you may be gone, but,I will fight, for Thea, you, and me.


We were running fast in the forest, its already night, hopefully, we can escape this prison, the prison, who locked and disrespected our love

"You have to go Casiana, they are following us" Antonio said

"No, I can't leave you here Antonio, they will kill you" I said, scared, I can't lose the person I love

"If I die knowing you're free, it's okay, just leave, for me, for our son, now go"

I kissed him one last time before running fast, for the freedom that cost the life of the person I love

I hide to the bushes when I saw, one of my father's guards stabbed my beloved Antonio from the back, while I was hiding, crying, I didn't do anything for him to live, I'm so sorry mi amor, I promise you, your sacrifice, will be worth it


I found myself crying, my face wet, my eyes are tired

No I have to be strong, for Thea.

I wore my glasses and stood up, ready to go home, but before I do, I'll be, Thea's favorite.

Thea's P. O. V.

Its been three days since Eli, started texting me, yeah, that's what he said, Eli, nice nickname tho. I haven't told Gradgie yet 'coz I know she will over react.

My phone beeped

' Good morning, hermosa '

I chuckled, I don't know why, but I like the idea that he is calling me beautiful in Spanish Language.

' I told you, don't call me 'Hermosa'... Good morning! '

I replied

' Can't help it, you're certainly beautiful in every angle,hermosa '

That made a smile in my face, this guy is something

' Talk to you later, Eli ' I replied

' As you please, hermosa ' He replied

I went downstairs and found Gradgie preparing breakfast. She looks a bit odd, I don't know, maybe old people stuff.

"Good morning, Gradgie!" I greeted

She smiled and me and said "Good morning sunshine!"

We had breakfast, since its Saturday I think we're going out, but no. Gradgie said she will go out with her colleagues, who are they really, then I ask Cath if she can watch with me but declined, so I texted, Eli, yes him, hopefully, I mean I wanna watch Harry Potter with someone.

' Hey, wanna watch Harry Potter?'

I text him

' Yeah, sure, when?'

He asked

' 1 o' clock in the afternoon sharp '

' Bring foods please, like pizza, and you know, usual food'

I said

' Okay '


Eli's P. O. V.

What food should I bring?

I asked France to cook food for Thea and I will watch, and he said yes, all I need to do, is to bring them to Thea's

It's almost time

"Hey France, we ready?" I asked

"Yes sire"

Okay then, let's watch.

I knocked at Thea's house, and when it opened, it spit the gorgeous woman whom I'm falling to.

"Hi" I said

"Ahm, you literally came here, in the freaking exact time, I'm impressed" she stated


"Well I aim to, impress" I said making Thea chuckle and making my heart beat so darn fast

"So where's the food?" She asked

"Ahm there" I pinpointed Frances holding two huge trays.

"Huh? you mean to say, you brought, food? real food?" She said

I'm confused, are there fake foods in the Philippines?

"When you said food that's what I thought, did I did wrong?" I asked

"No, I'm just, ahm, are you rich?"

hell yes? I would say

"Ahm, I'll say we're comfortable"

Thea just nodded and we went inside, and went to the living room to watch Harry Potter, it was a complete silence until Thea broke the Ice

"Ahm, I'm confused Eli, you are weird, I'm starting to think you're an alien" She chucked "I mean, is there something you're hiding? I wanna know you, but hiding isn't a good thing, right?" She added

no worries of telling her the truth so, I told her

"You wanna know the truth?"

Thea nodded

"Well then, don't be shocked" I said

"Okay" she replied

"I'm count Alexander Elliot Ivan Orion Uranus Romanov"

I said making Thea form an 'o' shape with her mouth
